

英文 高中


第 21 至 25 題為題組ysqlinet has abrisit SaodT Staldo Him deas Do you still remember Imhotep, a character referred to as an evil priest in the once blockbuster The Mummy? The movie was released in 1999, written and directed by Stephen Sommers,___21___ Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Actually, the real Imhotep and what he contributed to Egypt are__22__your imagination. ( For over two hundred years, _23___ have been searching for the tomb of Imhotep, who lived during the reigns of Pharaoh Khasekhem and Pharaoh Djoser. ___24_ as a vizier to Pharaoh, as well as a head architect, priest of Ptah (god of craftsmen), astrologist and skilled sculptor, Imhotep designed the first step pyramid in Saqqara. In the society of ancient Egypt, Imhotep was highly respected for his achievements 25 from arts, science, politics, and also religion. He perfected the way of mummification on the basis of his resourceful knowledge to anthropotomy, then developing ni amlit ni yliveed læsvni of amazing medical skills. What's more, he conducted the first brain operation in history. 21. (A) starred 饰演 ho stars bvsiv e'consibus 22. beneath (B) stared (B) behind (B) archeologists (D) who (D) between-ovil" Tofto of tigil baiw Dist (D) physicists (B) To serve FOR 18 Vel lo (D) Served (D) filling B23. (A) biologists D 24. (A) Serve B 23/65 boinlucane ard alloure oeln squado erros sma2 25. (A) judging (B) covering e'nonna su bus wint mi visas auten (C) starring (C) beyond (C) anatomists___SA illet (C) Serving pivom vured ad (C) depending 0105 oqall how ili dguodt nova Ja noilivsq mwisT

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英文 高中

小高一的我單字量不足😜題號圖顏色的句子看不太懂,求翻譯有點多,拍謝 歡迎追蹤:💖💖阿信的讀書日記

【板榆高中】 (D)coming 【安康高中】 (D) wear year-old casil y ie tunks orpalm trees. castle outofmud, straw, and 和 【北一女中】 (A) purft 還 (B) to build (C) building (D)having built 生 了9597 277ce gg Feis aseries ofepic fantasy novels by Amerie ? Tcan novefrst and Screenwriter Geor e geR.R Manin, 【# C 首大附中】 唔蛤 (A)to write (B) written (C) writing (D)having written 7Perhaps the most popujar be ach destination for Taiwanese locals is Kenting, m southerm Taiwan. 【提山高中】 (A) Jocates (B)to Jocate (C) located (D) locating 翁 wih he compJetion of several Public transportation projects, cos mmuting to works has pecome easier for people mthe suburbs, 【明倫高中】 (Cliving (D)life (A) Jrve (B)to lve Onions are depjcted 呈 many paintings nside pyramids and tombs that span he history ofancient Egypt. 【106 學測】 (A) which discovered (B) discovered (C) djscovermg (D) have been discovered @me Products have been an importantpart ofFdiets forthousands Of years, from early humans fruits and nuts to the first cultivation ofimportant trees, Such as 【104 學測】 (D) gathering manego and appje. (A) to gather (B) gather (C) gathered nzymes consjst ofvarious types ofproteins that work to drive the chemieal reactjons for certain types ofnutrients to take effect 【106指者】 (A) requlres (B) required (C) requliring (D)torequire

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