

英文 高中


2 for under ~ 全 0 refresh 全 應 ! regardless 0f Such V VVe all have our fears. 號 剛 但 | Fears of pain or failures can Saye us ffom danger or drive us to try our best”Fear is a good thing for our survival. Nevertheless, bein g Crushed and controlled by fears is another story._These unmanageable fears are called phobias, and” 禿 呈 Q po have phobias usually have dramatic, serious panic attacks. Interestingly phobias, lke their victims, are not bom equal.”Some phobias are more Common than 2.。,|like claustrophobia, the fear Of enclosed_Sspaces, while some are more strange and bothering._For example, ithe persSOn next to yoOu on the bus or subway has terrible body 0dor 上is highly possible that he or she has ablutophobia一a fear of cleaning the body. 為。, forthose who are deadly afraid of contact with dirt, they might have mysophobia. Fthere is a marriage involving a husband With ablutophobia and his Wife, mysophobia, this marriage is 2 doomed.”Clearly, riqiculous and eccentric as phobias sound, they really have the power to ruin people's lives.。For those tortured by phobias, luckily, these fears are treatable 3 breathing techniques ~and medicine. 說 Q 條who 芥 whom hoever 品 those 交2 衝 tiese 加 ones ] te others 回 others 必用 和~Needless to say 回 Onthecontrary Inother words f-Inthe end CC為 內 rarely 回 regularly 0 definitely <荔 under ,磊和時 0 with 三、文意選填 (丘 1分) 第和至4,題為題組 一WE了 li人| CHIIHRGEHE近讓

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