

英文 國中


D3 A³ (31-33) ATT News June 23, 2022 A 300 kg stingray that was caught in the Mekong River in Cambodia on June 13, 2022 is the world's largest known freshwater fish. The fisherman who caught it was given $600 for his catch. The stingray was then freed the following day. Look at the chart below. A 293 kg Mekong giant catfish was caught in the Mekong River in Thailand in 2005. It was then the largest freshwater 4 m long and 300 kg. fish that was ever found. JHS D B³1 31. Which idea is talked about in the second paragraph of the news? (A) What has happened to the Mekong River. (B) Why the giant stingray is something special. What kinds of fish are common in freshwater. (D) What the team of scientists would do with the giant stingray. The stingray which was caught on June 13, 2022 broke the world record: When a team of scientists heard about the news of the giant stingray, they hurried to Cambodia to study it. All of them were very surprised to see the stingray because it is hard to find a large fish like it in freshwater. Large fish need large areas of water to live in, and it takes them a long time to grow to be this big. This giant fish is also a good sign for the Mekong River because it means the river is still healthy enough for fish. Scientists today have little understanding about stingrays, so the team put a device on the giant stingray before setting it free. They hoped that by studying it, they could learn more about this special fish in years to come. chart record scientist ## device 32. Who might find the news helpful? (A) Andy, who enjoys fishing. (B) Lisa, who is interested in how to study fish. (C) Amanda, who wants to study the history of Cambodia. (D) Ted, who wants to know more about large freshwater fish. 文特题店 根準化的測驗 paragraph # 33. According to the news, which is true? (A) The 300 kg stingray swam back to the river with a device on it. (B) Large fish about 300kg are common in the Mekong River. (C) Scientists already have a good knowledge of stingrays. (D) In 2005, another giant freshwater fish was also found in Cambodia. Thailand 10 請翻頁繼續作答 (111903-E) according to

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英文 高中

想問24.26.27 看起來很簡單但我不知道為什麼選那個 還有哪裡可以找得到歷屆的解析91~100年的謝謝

Now that you are planning to go to college, how can you select an ideal college for yourself? _(21)_____ its reputation or the test scores it requires for admission? In fact, it is not _____(22)_ simple as that. College education is far more complicated than (23) the reputation of a college or the test scores it requires. In addition to these two factors, you should also have (24) important information. Finding out which college suits you involves time and energy, but (25) more than those you might spend on buying a motorcycle or a computer. Here are some tips___(26)____ choosing an ideal one from a number of colleges. 1. Visit the websites of these colleges and find out which college has departments courses that interest you or will help you prepare for your future career. 2. Are the professors in the departments you plan to 3. Do the colleges allow you to participate in activities intellectually and emotionally? I hope the (30) 21. (A) In 22. (A) as 23. (A) thus 24. (A) many 第3頁 共7頁 25. (A) no 26. (A) of 27. (A) offer advice is helpful to you in selecting the right college. (B) By (B) too (B) just (B) even _(27) (28) into experts in their own fields? (29)_____ will help you develop yourself (B) all (B) on (B) offers (C) With (C) still (C) so (C) other (C) some (C) to (C) offered (D) At (D) quite (D) yet (D) few (D) any (D) from (D) offering - 2 - 91學年度 英文考科

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