

英文 大學

哪一個段落沒有主題句? 我覺得是第一個,對嗎? 要怎麼替這個段落寫出主題句呢?

2 Despite different home cultures and countries, international students' main overall motivation is the desire get out on their own, to carve out a new direction in their lives. "Foreign students" do not casually abandon the comforts of family and cultural ties; they have done their homework on Canadian schools. All their preparation, though, cannot prepare them for the loneliness and ongoing difficul- ties they face, from cold winters to financial issues related to the higher tuition fees they must pay. Some students, though, emigrate to escape those same tight- knit families and bonds that others find so painful to leave behind. A Macleans "On Campus" report notes that family expectations may be opposed to students' visions for themselves and lead them to reject accepted values and career paths in their hometowns and countries. Csilla, a web-design student at Waterloo admits, "I was always supposed to enter my family's restaurant business in Budapest, but I felt suf- focated even working part-time as a server. Web design is my passion, and I wanted 12: CAUSE OR EFFECT [- a completely fresh start, something that is completely my own ("International Stu- dents"). Finding independent paths to their own dreams is the key here, whether students choose those paths as a result of personal ideals or as a reaction to pre-set future plans.

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英文 高中


43 46ool vislil teom indixon 21 brodwogezang out of quibroso A M Situated off the coast of Tanzania and washed by the warm, clean waters of the Indian Ocean Zanzibar is a tropical archipelago comprised of several scattered islands. This popular beach people know that in the past, control of Zanzibar meant access to unimaginable wealth destination is now famous for its white sand beaches, slender palms, and turquoise seas. But few From ancient times, Zanzibar has been a trading hotspot, thanks to its location on the trade route between Arabia and Africa. Traders from Asia had already visited the islands 900 years before the arrival of its first permanent settlers from the African mainland (around 1000 AD). In the 8 century, Persian merchants built settlements here, which grew over the next four centuries into their trading posts. Between the 12th and 15th centuries, trade increased between Arabia, Persia, and Zanzibar, bringing the archipelago both wealth and power. During the Age of Exploration, commerce in Zanzibar quickly boomed, largely due to the rise of the spice trade. At the close of the 15th century, Europeans' craze for spices gave rise to the Spice Route, a network of sea lanes joining Europe with the Far East, where most spices came from. In 1498, Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama made the first sea voyage to India, via the southernmost tip of Africa. In 1499, he arrived at Zanzibar, an archipelago sitting at the crossroads of the Spice Route The islands soon attracted traders from different lands. Hundreds of ships sailing the Spice Route docked here, bringing spices and goods for transaction, and Zanzibar became one of the biggest trading centers in the world. im wolldr MoldW 24 Since the 16th century, Zanzibar has come under the rule of the Portuguese, the Arabians, and then the British, each leaving a mark on the place. The paths of various religions also crossed here: Muslims have lived peacefully with Christians and Buddhists on the islands for centuries. The unique cultural intersections, scented with the aroma of cloves, vanilla, and cinnamon floating in the air, give these jewels on the li Indian Ocean an amazing charm that goes far beyond tropical beach fun. 2b60122019 alaog anomalie abnolaî (A) Mineiton bu 43. Which of the following is true about the earliest traders in Zanzibar?bsler (8) Lembiar ogslegirlons (0) (A) The earliest traders arrived around 900 AD. (B) Most of the earliest merchants came from Africa. emise ogulsquitone (CI) (C) Asian merchants arrived centuries before the African settlers. (D) Traders from Persia settled down permanently around 1000 AD. 12 年 學測

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英文 高中

想要請問第19題!我的理解是SBS造成這些病症…繼而有多少多少比例的人死掉或永久性傷害。為什麼選in fact 比較適當呢?謝謝!🙏🏼

第16至20題為題組) 2qizzog (0) 2191291 (8) 16. When frustrated parents lose control, they sometimes make the mistake JUIC Dievas fo Being the parent of a young baby is hard. You often need to deal with the stressful job of making your baby of shaking their babies. NEVER shake a baby! This can lead to Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). A baby's head and neck are 17 and shaking can easily tear blood vessels that go to the brain. While the baby may have no obvious signs of injury after being shaken, they could have 18 damage. Babies under one year old are at the greatest risk of injury from shaking. SBS can cause brain injury, blindness, hearing loss, learning and behavior problems, and death. 19 quarter of SBS victims die, and 80% of survivors have p THETISH DEED-MISTO Soin usinsigenti (19 -) one- Sargeral 201 shibe dig menol If your baby is crying and you're getting upset, put the baby in a safe place like a crib. Walk away for a while you can relax and have some time alone. You can also ask a family member or trusted friend for help. SBS can be completely avoided with patience and support from 20 others. Shifto villsup b siuloads (0) 16. (A) to stop crying 17. (A) mature 18. (A) internal ST (1) 19. (A) At once 20. (A) so thatool ora as A snutnovba (C) insillind (O) (B) to stop to (B) delicate permanent damage. lastendo (8) cry (C) stop to cry Taid oeusd. (C) magical (C) plentiful matism (8) (C) At times (B) digital dos (3) (B) In turn (B) whenever 200 bed 2 (C) as though sle(D) unless 12 Tognuoy Tad at theroftib SM.QL sonsbivs (8) Vegra (A) sonbizixe (3) 2022 妙妙 第4回-2 daug is of 29200 un ej200 (20 slimog (A) (D) stop crying (D) humble (D) worthy (D) In fact IAC (A)

已解決 回答數: 1
英文 高中


5 Week 6 Day 1 Animals 0 1 2 ▾ Turritopsis dohrnii, the immortal jellyfish 31 G Forever Young Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live forever? Most people consider this an impossible dream, but for one species of jellyfish, immortality is just another part of life. It's been called "the immortal jellyfish," and it is only about five millimeters long, smaller than your fingernail. What's special about this kind of jellyfish is that it can reverse its life cycle by changing its cells in a process called transdifferentiation. After it becomes sexually mature, it can force its cells to become those of a progressively younger version of itself. Its umbrella and tentacles are absorbed back into its body, and it sinks to the ocean floor to become an immature pod, or polyp. This polyp can then produce new jellyfish identical to the adult. One of the benefits of reversing its life cycle is that the jellyfish can survive periods when food is scarce or conditions are dangerous. By returning to its immature stage, it can wait out these harsh conditions as a polyp and emerge again when conditions are more stable. 0 Though it can still be killed by other sea creatures, this remarkable ability to survive against all odds has allowed the tiny jellyfish to spread around the world. Scientists suspect that these immortal animals are being accidentally ferried around the world by long-distance cargo ships. The jellyfish get sucked into the ships and are then transported thousands of miles away from their original habitats. There are now so many in the world's oceans that some are calling it an invasion. The species was discovered over a century ago, but its amazing ability was not noticed until fairly recently. This power to dramatically alter its cells has been of great interest to scientists who are trying to find ways to cure illnesses like cancer and heart disease. These currently incurable conditions could be eliminated by the discovery of how to change one kind of cell into another. BROO G Although it might take a while for scientists to figure out how we humans can permanently avoid dying of old age, there is no doubt that the immortal ab jellyfish ho holds the key to immortality. T life cycle of a jellyfish: polypoid stage (bottom), budding stage (left), and medusa stage (right) Questions mi Insions n 1. Which of the following is the main idea of this article? Main Idea avia The immortal jellyfish is found all over the world. Gol b The immortal jellyfish was discovered in the 1800s.qemi 2A 291igms The immortal jellyfish holds the secret to immortality. 163 092 20506A odr MARY 000 S Den The immortal jellyfish fights for survival.in mont 2. What does this article focus on? a An interesting creature. Scientific discoveries. b An impossible dream. Ship and boat building 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true? de a The immortal jellyfish can theoretically live forever. The immortal jellyfish has spread all over the world. & of folto The immortal jellyfish can alter its cells. ad61A sm60 The immortal jellyfish's ability was known a century age. bhoW 191A awel art of bsd Subject Matter commen bn alevins bermA 13 bris-lasyal *Supporting Details sds ni fripuol lesal 9612 276d eri sonot 36HW Inference. naws 4. Which of the following statements is probably true? a Studying the immortal jellyfish will result in a medical breakthrough. hinuos b The immortal jellyfish population will begin to shrink rapidly ni insy pais Scientists will not find anything useful by studying the immortal jellyfish. 196123 herw Human beings will become immortal within the next decade. 03 art 5. What does the word ferried in paragraph four man? Words in context Lost. Bord Transported.qu adr b Destroyed. of amilzuM 19rito ds1A ynsm bazus za zid yllelonenit a Hunted. B 6. Which of the following could this article also be used as? a A pamphlet advertising skin cream. bA script for a short nature documentary. GAn article in a diving magazine. The preface to a book about sea creatures. Week Day 6 Forever Young a Text Form 97192 bhow adt honpi328W sd!

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英文 高中

想要請問標螢光黃的部分 這一句詳解的翻譯是 「年輕遊客將會“獲得更多”,如果將注意力集中在不超過九件物品。」 想問的是這裡的get out of是翻成什麼意思 我想說get out of不是比較負面的意思像擺脫…嗎? 非常感謝!🙏🏼

mode • (beli brail cha pr 2 jo T' To 9 museum feet, try not to have children look at too many things visit. It is reported that young visitors get more out of a visit if they focus on nine objects. One and a half hours is the ideal time to keep their eyes and minds deal SVBI1019 gid di bell and their feet happy! alsog 010 sharp, pausol108131961 19 no monges 6 (A) an ill omen MORYS B 7 (A) clone Wcione Ballast (C) the tired feeling bed 916 2Todosd lle ton 二、文意選填 (A) effort (F) limited 8 (A) efficiently OF OTTERDOTIU 1909 19H A (Bqmos 9 (A) affect D (B) approach (B) an urgent attack sla avioemon vir menas instoflib yer you (D) the refreshing change 10 (A) no better than (B) no less than 400 bluoo (C) span Ayonomy to ) (B) trait (D) index Nacsadonar lave vina tiodi svanquil zomqmos glo (B) eventually (C) fortunately DID YOU (D) permanently dT bisite ed of n (C) assure (B) integrates comparing oilam ONA ING1 0101 (C) no more than ☆ (D) relate 簡直就是不少時 in one (C) since (H) available op of on and 11 botol beau 90 120 21x2 tedi eu 213 meid molo 14 od ₁ bris 15 rise 03 16 F 17H 18 noin 19 Juno no grib 20 plive 121 46 Hut In T. The problem of how to make learning fun and effective is a question teachers are always asking. Now we have a gr 11E to it. Ben an educational a great to it: BrainPOP. It is an drix botibel ( 0 Jogo em ba (D) avoid consisting molave mors tostong (D) no sooner than solution expressions AUTOT the char beeps. their o Studen truly ex 三、篇 It 10 tur chen can' failu brai bat wa

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