

物理 高中

問個 為什麼氣泡會往上浮啊?氣泡的蒸氣壓造成的力不是四面皆同嗎 那它為什麼會往上浮?

三、沸騰 定義:1.當液體在容器中被加熱,通常在容器底部加熱處形成氣泡(bubbles),當溫度 到達某一程度,蒸氣氣泡形成,經由底部上升至液面破裂,此時,我們說此液 體正在沸騰(boiling) 。 2. 液體沸騰的溫度決定於作用其上的壓力,如下圖所示。對於一個氣泡而言,為了 溫度處於能形成和長大,其內之壓力P,至少須等於P,而後才能上升接近液面,不過, 弗腾. 簡直是液體的蒸氣壓,所以我們得結論:當液體的溫度處於其蒸氣壓等於作用於 其液面的外壓時,此液體就可沸騰。壓力1atm(即101.3kPa)時,液體沸騰的 溫度,稱為正常沸點(normal boiling point),例如,水的正常沸點是100℃,而 苯的正常沸點則稍低,80℃。水的正常沸點100℃ 表示水在100℃時之蒸氣壓 為760 torr;酒精的正常沸點 78.4℃表示乙醇在78.4°C時之蒸氣壓為 760 torr; 二乙醚的正常沸點34.6℃表示二乙醚在34.6℃時之蒸氣壓為760 torr。 S P2 每單位面積上的大氣壓力 液面 液面 ·液體的氣泡 蒸氣分子撞 頸蒸 三 擊氣泡界面 意識器容空氣泡- 而向外推壓 a 蔬果 Pi 高炎 (a) ④當P大於P時,液體沸騰,氣泡由底部上升至液面,氣泡的壓力至少要等於 外壓,才能存在。 大氣壓力經液體向氣泡推壓 (b)

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英文 國中


30 201 (37-39) Below is some useful information about oil. Oil is called "black gold" for two reasons. * It is black when it comes out of the ground. * It can be sold for a lot of money. How much did a barrel of crude oil cost from 2000 to 2020? prices of a barrel of crude oil in US dollars 110 60 100 90 80 70 Hundreds of millions of years ago, plants and animals died. 15 10 0 10,43 201 28.2 They were kept in mud. 20.29 27.6 36.05 1.63 1.45 27 11.6 14:24 18.44 12.28 1960 1964 1973 1975 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 1998 2000 2004 2008 2011 2012 2016 2020 Where does crude oil come from? The mud was pushed down and down by other mud and rocks. 94.1 Canada 107.46 What are the disadvantages of using crude oil? Crude oil can't be used again. We may probably run out of it in the near future. Burning crude oil produces CO2, which plays a big part in global warming. Burning crude oil makes the air dirty. 109.45 40.76 That are the top five countries that produced crude oil in 2019? The world produced out 90 million barrels of crude oil a day in 2019. The following picture shows the top oil producing countries in that year and how many barrels of crude oil each duced every day. USA Saudi Arabia Russia China 41.47 The Earth's heat changed the dead plants and animals into oil. 10.81 million 10.5 million 5.23 million 4.86 million 18.61 million barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day gold barrel crude global produce B Which is a disadvantage of driving to work? (A) It is often faster. (B) It is another way of going to work. (C) It can be hard to find a parking space. (D) It can help you make good use of your time. 38. Which is NOT true about the prices of a barrel of crude oil from 2000 to 2020? (A) It cost the most in 2012. (B.Its price is the lowest in 2000. 6) Its price kept rising from 2003 to 2008. (D) The price in 2020 is lower than that in 2004. 39. What can we learn from the infographic? Oil is as expensive as gold. infographic (B) Most crude oil comes from land, not the sea. (C) In 2019, the USA produced about 20% of the world's crude oil. (D) Crude oil may sometimes make the sea water dirty. 14 請翻頁

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英文 高中

想問這幾題 想問為什麼錯的不能用+對的為什麼能這樣用?🙏

英文考科 二、綜合測驗(占10分) +3 on 說明:第11.題至第20.題,每題1分。 bodzowbred no 第11.至15.題為題組 In 1956, African honeybees were introduced into Brazil to improve honey production in the tropical climate of South America. However, they started to mix with European honeybees already living there and produced a new kind of "Africanized" honeybees that are better at setting up hiyes and at reproducing than European bees. Keeping Africanized bees poses a challenge to beekeepers. Generally, beekeepers keep their bees in 11. wooden boxes, or hives. s. Afte After the worker bees fill a hive with honey, the beekeepers open the lid of the hive and blow a few puffs of thick, cool smoke into the hive to help calm 12. easier to collect the honey. the bees, 第 2 頁 共 10 頁 The problem with keeping Africanized bees is that they are more defensive than European bees. Even the slightest bump against the hive may 13. an alarm. A large quantity of smoke is needed to calm the bees. Two or three beekeepers may need to work together to safely harvest the honey. And they may need to wear heavier beekeeping suits even in hot, 14. weather. Beekeepers may also collect less honey from Africanized bee hives. European bees form search parties and work together to collect flower nectar from which honey is made, while Africanized bees usually work alone in search of flowers. Therefore, less nectar is brought back to Africanized bee hives. Africanized bees also spend less time storing honey but more time caring for young bees. That may be because they 15. in a tropical climate where not much honey is needed for food during the winter. (C) starved AB 11. (A) stacked door Lyc (B) stuffed obl (A) which make them (B) so that they are (C) thus it would be D (B) go off (C) call off (A) get off (D) staffed (D) making it DLL CC

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