

英文 大學

哪一個段落沒有主題句? 我覺得是第一個,對嗎? 要怎麼替這個段落寫出主題句呢?

2 Despite different home cultures and countries, international students' main overall motivation is the desire get out on their own, to carve out a new direction in their lives. "Foreign students" do not casually abandon the comforts of family and cultural ties; they have done their homework on Canadian schools. All their preparation, though, cannot prepare them for the loneliness and ongoing difficul- ties they face, from cold winters to financial issues related to the higher tuition fees they must pay. Some students, though, emigrate to escape those same tight- knit families and bonds that others find so painful to leave behind. A Macleans "On Campus" report notes that family expectations may be opposed to students' visions for themselves and lead them to reject accepted values and career paths in their hometowns and countries. Csilla, a web-design student at Waterloo admits, "I was always supposed to enter my family's restaurant business in Budapest, but I felt suf- focated even working part-time as a server. Web design is my passion, and I wanted 12: CAUSE OR EFFECT [- a completely fresh start, something that is completely my own ("International Stu- dents"). Finding independent paths to their own dreams is the key here, whether students choose those paths as a result of personal ideals or as a reaction to pre-set future plans.

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英文 高中

求救16跟24題 想問我原本的答案為什麼錯 謝謝😀

asin din n't ic fe (A) came around II. 綜合測驗:30% (A) Christmas is celebrated worldwide. Some countries, ) 19. (A) which () 20. 21.ror started. The answer wouldn't find anywhere else. For example, in Portugal, you might see that people have empty chairs around the Christmas breakfast table. These chairs show that the family's loved ones who are living have not been forgotten. In other words, while Portuguese families are gathering at Christmas to enjoy a mouth-watering dinner, they also remember their family members 19.00 have passed away. Another example comes to us from Japan. euo 20, must eating in, many, Japanese families prefer to have Christmas dinner at KFC. You may wonder how this Christmas fast-food 1 15 12 lies in a true story dating back to the 1970s. One day, the manager of Japan's first KFC store heard ar 22. foreign customers talking about how much they missed the Christmas turkey dinner back home. This gave him the idea of 23.mba special family meal on the menu around Christmas as a way to celebrate the holiday. He named this meal the "Party Barrel," which 24. to as a large bucket full of fried chicken, salad, and cake. Later, wine was even included. 25., KFC stores across Japan added the Party Barrel to their Christmas menus. The rest is history. stil vra LIE (16. (A) similarly ) 17. (A) place (18. (A) nothing but ( BOE) 21. in the end when they won the ball (B) paid off (C) lined up (B) however (B) places (B) close to (B) what (A) Such as (A) Such as mo sno bu(B) (A) tradition ( ( mos no nos 22. (A) little no 10 m profit Intalni () 23. (A) expressing 24. (A) paid off (A) 25. (A) Eventually 27EQ M67⁹9 Rather than ther than it (B) purchase (B) much (B) offering (B) came around (B) Barely lov svil siques to 279 ID0,28 1970 16. have Christmas customs that you IMAJ 17. (C) afterward (C) placing (C) no longer (C) when (D) started out (C) Thanks to 2) Thanks tovo (C) opinion (C) a few 01 10 15dmun (C) protecting (D) instead (D) placed (D) then and there (D) who E 00 (D) Who (C) started off. I 190 201012 開始 (D) record 100450241 7510 (C) Personally sgral anal on luos? 18. When it comes to (D) a little alqooq 000,0 17000 510m and (D) matching .DE (D) came in VI (D) Fortunately CAUT EXIL 25 03

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數學 國中


Motor r Bus tickets? ay the full pric rnet. ets in July. r the same li lines? 理選項 TEX Califo TRA as Part 3: Cloze (55) Rosefield Tour Bus www.rosefieldbuses.org - vien In 16 DEC alq di 16 Market Square, Ticket Prices East Line - West Line 19. 18&l Times: - March to August: - September to April: * Buses 18. Rosefield Sports Ground Saint Michael's Church Grand Station WEST LINE Red Bridge, Queen Roberts' Castle Central Gardens Driftind Spring THEBridge EAST LINE Prince William's Theater City Hall CIRCLE LINE Rosefield Tunnel monh 07:00-19:00 (daily) 08:00 - 18:00 (every day except Wednesday) on national holidays. Saint Paul's Park A) analizsvỌ mladno/ ST to mi se org sal i siqooq sut mig och mn dood (c 1 by son of sure of 2 25lotis dinom ixsa bgsigna of loven I now $15.00 per person (children under ten = half price) → $12.00 per person (children under ten = half price) Tickets ordered on the Internet are 10-15% cheaper. naupa (CI) goddesa (8) 2 ( art opt anivela juode auovion esw bred loorba deid Te Tenoften (8) uod yon tuoda gaidh 1asd enT 01 22970x9 (A) wola (A) Extra Information sdt ni tus - - Buses leave every 30 minutes from Grand Station 20.0 h The West Line total travel time is 30 minutes. - Seats for seniors and people with children are marked in blue.sb (8) - Tours may change in times of heavy traffic. 191/19.01 noien (3) (TUDY) 20. (A) The East Line total travel time is 1 hour.good #20-2 blo omos 100 ods of (8) 192 lonnul(A) Buoy(8) TOVI) HOUGH banon (51) (A) 18. (A) haven't run anscup bas agricol) (B) have run w bollä ai 220 (C) do not run () (D) doesn't run niest telugs dito smit st Hed ni tio edt omni tog nao o nich olans (C) aslaso (A) gaimtom vsbau2 viv 8 noizane (A) (B) The East Line has less stations to stop at. bong (8) (C) The East Line was opened in 1974.dguard) (D) The East Line trains leave every 30 minutes. Itano (8) IT ( odt doum wod wood woy of soning (A) and'T BAL(A) ont set woy 11 air (A) ( ) 19. (A) Rosefield Sports Ground → City Hall (children pay extra) 201 370m 1800 (B) Line East → $10 per group (express service offered) uudeeel sch to sing ad (C) Saint Michael's Church → Central Gardens $50.00 per person (D) Circle Line → $10.00 per person (express service offered)badas 19dons) on SOLVIOR (C) aforio (8) ss1 ( ei noassa stimovet easoning sillud ommovog fler

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英文 高中


41-44題為題組 Dognition will help you learn more about your dog's cognitive traits. It offers an online test Is your dog an Einstein or a Charmer? For US $60, a recently-founded company called telling you about the brain behind the bark. Dognition's test measures a dog's intellect in several aspects-from empathy to memory to reasoning skills/ But don't expect it to measure your pet's IQ.) Dr. Hare, one of the venture's co- founders, says a dog's intelligence can't be described with a single number. Just as humans have a wide range of intelligences, so do dogs. The question is what type your dog relies on more. After you plunk your money down, Dognition's website will take you through a questionnaire about your dog: For example, how excited does your dog get around other dogs, or children? Do fireworks scare your pup? Then, Dognition guides you through tests that are as fun as playing fetch or hide-and-seek. At the end, you get a report of your dog's cognitive profile. Your dog could fall into one of nine categories: Ace, Stargazer, Maverick, Charmer, Socialite, Protodog, Einstein, Expert, or Renaissance Dog. That can give you something to brag about on Dognition's Facebook page. It also can shed new light on why dogs do the things they do. For example, a Charmer is a dog that trusts you so much that it would prefer to solve problems using information you give it rather than information it can get with its own eyes. Dognition helps people understand their dogs in ways that they have never been able to do. This new understanding can enrich the relationship between dogs and their owners. B 41 What is the third paragraph mainly about? (A) The theory behind the questionnaire used in the Dognition test. (B) The procedure for evaluating a dog's intellect on Dognition. D The products one can get by paying a fee to Dognition. (D) The characteristics of the activities Dognition offers. 又 42. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? (A) Different dogs display strengths in different intelligences. BA dog's cognitive profile is composed of nine cognitive skills. The purpose of Dognition's testing is to control a dog's behavior. (D) A dog's intelligence can be ranked based on the score of a Dognition's test. K 43. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "venture" in the second paragraph (B) Risky attempt. (D) New business. (A) Creative measurement. 53% (C) Non-profit organization. 569 29 xyzcd.

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