

物理 高中


70 2 C 14. 工業上常有排氣汙染的困擾,而靜電除塵是一般工廠常見的簡易處理方式。靜電除塵即 利 用靜電吸引輕小物體的性質,來吸附工業粉塵。而冬天的靜電雖然偶爾電的人們膽戰 心驚,但日常生活中有許多類似靜電除塵的原理,請問下列哪一項與靜電最無關?(A) 穿毛衣時發出的劈啪聲(B)火力發電廠煙囪的除塵器(C)冰箱的門會自動關上緊閉(D)電 視機螢幕上總是很快蒙上一層灰塵(E)烘衣機烘乾的衣服,取出時常會黏在一起。C 15 如右圖所示,有三顆大小相同的金屬球甲、乙、丙,甲球與丙球以 細桿固定在木棒上,而乙球是以細尼龍線懸吊在木棒上(可自由地 84 0 左右擺動),並與甲、丙球等距,現今甲球帶有8庫侖的電量,乙 球帶有-4庫侖的電量,丙球不帶電。則下列有關乙球擺動的情況敘述何者正確?(A)甲 球與乙球因互相吸引,所以乙球一直貼著甲球 (B)乙球起先被甲球吸引而接觸,然後互相 蛇 排斥,再與球一直相吸 (C)乙球起先被甲球吸引而接觸,然後互相排斥,接著又被丙球 吸引,接觸後又互相排斥,最後靜止在原位置上,擺線呈現鉛直狀 (D)乙球起先被甲球 吸引而接觸,然後互相排斥,接著又被丙球吸引,接觸後又互相排斥,最後達平衡時, 擺線偏右 (E)乙球起先被甲球吸引而接觸,然後互相排斥,接著又被丙球吸引,接觸後 又互相排斥,最後乙球來回地在甲球與丙球間碰撞。Delaye 16. 帶正電的物體接近中性導體後,中性導體另一端再接 地,如右圖所示,則下列敘述何者正確?(A)最終導體 帶正電 (B)帶電物體沒有接觸到導體,所以導體不帶電 TI 所以道體帶負電 抓 stout 体 A +++ Sill 絕緣架

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英文 高中

請問cursory 在第一段的意思是「粗略的、隨性的」嗎? 要怎麼判斷ㅠㅠ

崗1 ns ' Cityscape Painting Evena 本Msory Survey of modern or contemporary art wi lnds0ape makes up a substantial part of the artistie 語 S 計 讓 關 importance may be obvious, its origins are much less so 了 consensus about the exact date of birth of the first city 1 全 說 才 agreememt as to aprecise date for the start of Gi開 painting 全約 FFresco, anaerjal view of a coastal city that'datesifrom Trojan Rome in (8 first 品生 gf the frst millenniumuis the earliest known cityscape painting. Of course, that is no reason to assume thatitis the first of its genmre- During the Middle Ages, representatioris Of clties can be found as backgrounds inmanyilluminated manuscripts, but 個ey were never aoeerded more than secondary roles in those compositions. The late thirteenth and early fourteenth century brought a revival offreedom of expression in Westerm art as 站began throwing off the Wi constralints of the Byzantine tradition. ltwas during this period that Ambrogio Lorenzetti painted the fresco known as “City by牛e Sea , often cited fs as the first true cityscape inthe history of Westerm art. arked by Lorenzetti did not'eome intofull The interest in cityscape painting sp However, small cityscapes doappear as flowerin ltaly until the late 15th century. - backgrounds in some works by the most famous painters 0f the intel ng MG centuries. At that time, some Venetian painters, most notably Vittore arpaccio and 3 Gentile Bellini, created what can be considered the first “golden age”of cityscape painting in Western Art, a short but remarkable tothe scenic ita painting that was soon to come- : curred in ltaly, many ofthe most importamt In northern Eurobpe, much as OC ) : cities only ina supporting capacity for their 4 epictin painters of that era began depicttng 同 二 信實 語人sa stunning resentation, primary subject. In one 6 representation ofariver city. Despite the city is not accorded “leading role” status in 全 閃 讀 測 驗

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