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美國的反體罰組織於1998年發起「不打小孩日」 的活動,目的是藉著這一天宣傳反體罰的兒童人權觀 念。這個最先在美國推動的活動,迅速得到國際社會 的響應,2001年起,其他反體罰及兒童人權團體也開 始於4月30日這一天舉辦各種活動,倡議終止體罰兒 童,並推廣正面的管教方式。2006年,在國內許多民 間團體共同響應下,臺灣也參與「國際不打小孩日」 的活動,右圖是相關活動的宣傳標語。 國際不打小孩日 邀請你 試試看不要打小孩 至少在這一天不要打 也許你會發現 將來的每一天 你都不需要打 TAIWAN 我國政府也致力建立更完善的法律制度來保障兒童權益,並以符合聯合國的標準為目 標。例如,修訂《兒童及少年福利與權益保障法》,促使政府、社會大眾與家長正視兒童福 利與虐待兒童的問題;修訂《教育基本法》,明文禁止校園體罰,藉由公權力保障學生不受 體罰。政府的各種作法,目的是預防及保護兒童免於一切形式的暴力侵害,希望提供兒童更 完善的成長環境。 152.關於文中活動理念對臺灣帶來影響的過程,最適合以下列何者說明? GELDD (A)法律修改程序的變化→無關 C(B)科技發展帶來的衝擊 (C)風俗習慣的文化傳承 (D)全球化下的文化交流 關於這則宣傳標語所呈現的意義,下列敘述何者具 112

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英文 國中

請問23 那個上面的答案不一定是正確答案🙂

#ex. h. 1. 1417) 一令 ex. 規程綱要 北 等腰三角形外心a+(0-1) 最高,效力最强 D20 ●困難.原則性: 20. Tyler is a famous magician. Tonight, Tyler needs complete this magic show. but a cup, a ball, and a pencil to 内容简潔 (A) 21 D) 22. (A) that (B) how (C) when (D) what 22. My math is so bad that I don't think I have (A) something (B) nothing (C) everything (D) a few things O 21. Barbara is extremely proud of MORELO her son did to save people's lives as a firefighter. hope of passing the test. 5231 a lot of fun. (3) 24. O 24. Helena said she would give you a hand if you need it. ote y (A) 25. (A) much (B) little (C) any few (D) many more Keeping a dog or cat takes a strong sense of responsibility but (A) bringing (B) is (C) has (D) to get (A) what (B) that (C) if (D) there of my sisters are older than I am. I'm the youngest of the three children in my family. (A) Both (B) Few (C) Most (D) Some (D) 26. The (A) C 26. The weather is always changing, so I don't know out. (A) how (B) what (C) where ) 27. It took the police lots of time (A) and found out (B) find out (D) whether I should bring an umbrella when I go who entered Liu's house and killed her one year ago. (D) to find out (C) finding out 28. Many famous people visit this restaurant. Popular singers like A-mei and Jay Chou here with their friends. (A) to be often seen (B) often seen (C) are often seen 29. You can come to see me in the office on Wednesday or Friday. (B) Another (A) Either 30. Betty takes care of the poor rabbit (A) that (B) whose (C) which (D) and are often seen day is fine. (D) One (C) Other right ear is hurt because she is an animal doctor. (D) whom 31. Everyone in the town feels strange that all the cows at Mr. White's farm died in one night. has never been anything like this before. (A) He (B) It (C) That (D) There 32. When my boss found his ID card he felt worried and reported it to the police right away. (A) stealing (B) stole (C) is stolen (D) stolen than in Taiwan.

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