

英文 高中


Ľ 23 control by using cruel discipline. They may think that 24 in fact they aren't. Other people will try to keep their pet punishment and intimidation are the best ways to solve a problem d people abuse animals because they are careless. For example, someoné might forget to give their cat water for a few days or leave their dog in a car on a hot day with the windows rolled up. Some people 25 they can handle. By doing so, the hurt animals instead of helping them by taking in more pets animals end up living in a place that's cramped, dirty and unhealthy. Nearly all of these people can learn to understand (F) Keep 26% they are being cruel to animals through basic and proper education and become a better keeper. OK The next biggest group of animal abusers does it on purpose, but only for a short period of time. For example, a group of kids may throw rocks at a nest of baby birds they happen to see, or hurt a 22 Beat 28 everyone else is doing. in their neighborhood. These people are usually young, and they aren't thinking. Mostly, they do so out of the peer pressure or the need to impress each other. They just go along with This last group of abusers is the worst. These are people who intentionally hurt animals because it makes them feel powerful. By doing so, they think they control the animals. Others enjoy pain and violence. All of the people in the last group suffer from serious, psychological problems y not go away on their own. They often need the help of licensed professionals-like a psychologist. Without help, their psychological problems can that will probably HC 30 them for their whole lives. to that stray (G) what simply 第4頁 共10頁 (H) haunt when (I) with 29 (E) under (J) than 實際与前述不同

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英文 高中

英文問題 may not be什麼意思 感覺題目詳解給錯了

第 48 至 51 題為題組 Many of us have probably experienced déjà vu at least a few times in our life. Its meaning comes from the phrase "already seen" in French, and occurs when we feel that a person, place, or thing is familiar to us without actually having experienced them before. This strange phenomenon happens to as much as 70 percent of the population, but a higher number of 15 to 25 year olds experience it than any other age group. Maybe you just travelled to a new foreign country, and it just felt very familiar to you. Yes, you are feeling déjà vu; however, you know you haven't been there before. While different people experience déjà vu in different ways, it is still a pretty mysterious phenomenon, and researchers are putting the pieces together. Based on some studies, déjà vu is just a part of having a healthy memory checking system, and people who experience déjà vu more often are less likely to forget the details of important events. In fact, the results of the study don't look too promising in terms of mental health for people who never experience déjà vu. Scientists believe déjà vu is created by a neurological anomaly related to an improper electrical discharge in the brain. In short, it's not a mystical prophecy or out-of-body experience, but just your brain playing a trick on you; that is, these scientists dismiss it as just a glitch in the matrix. A few people are just terrified when it happens, but others feel euphoric about it. On average, most people just find it to be a perplexing sensation, neither pleasant nor threatening. Since déjà vu occurs in individuals with and without a medical condition, there is much speculation as to how and why it happens. Several psychoanalysts attribute deja vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes it to mistake the present for the past. Many parapsychologists believe it is related to a past-life experience. Obviously, there is more investigation and researches to be done. So, does this article seem very familiar to you? 48. Which of the following CAN'T be described as a déjà vu experience based on this passage? (A) You keep buying similar style of clothing and you don't know why. (B) You feel you've been to a place when actually it's your first time there. (C) Someone looks familiar to you though you have never seen him before. (D) You just met a new friend whom you think you must have met somewhere. 49. Based on the article, which description about déjà vu is WRONG? (A) It actually is not as harmful to our mental health as we think. (B) Some people who have experienced it may feel a sense of happiness. (C) The word"déjà vu" originates from France, meaning"already seen." (D) Those who never experience it may not be mentally healthier than those who do.

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英文 高中


8. Angela Duckworth, an American scholar, gave a TED Talk in New York entitled "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance." The ideas in her talk were later made into a book with the same title 3. was published in 2016. 4. school in New York. Her talk details how 5. cars earlier, Duckworth accepted a job as a mathematics teacher at a public the years, her students gradually taught her that to be successful, natural intelligence alone is not enough. One must also possess what is known 6. grit. Grit refers to consistent effort 7. a strong determination to achieve a goal. Through detailed research, Duckworth discovered that people with high levels of grit remain highly motivated to achieve their goals 8. giving up on them. In other words, someone with true grit will see himself or herself getting closer to his or her goal day by day. Therefore, that person will always be able to keep himself or herself 9. to 就放 achieving that goal. rouble reading 进行 10. Her book (46) Duckworth's TED Talk and book have since inspired millions remained on The New York Times bestseller list for almost half a year following its publication. (C) 1.(A) what (B) 2. (A) SO (A) 3. (A) which (B) which (B) such (B) it IA) 4.(A) Few 幾乎沒 (B) Little 5.(A) with YAND (B) around 6.(A) by (B) 7. (A) drives A&8.(A) instead of 9. (A) dedicate Bu 10. (A) in turn 達來 成取 六、文意選填:10% Jedi (C) on their way (A) worthy (F) audience 这些年 (B) forwa (B) driven (B) regardless of (B) dedicating (C) how (C) very (C) that (B) discuss (G) speaks of (H) as well as (C) A little (C) until (C) as NA (C) driving (C) technological D) why (D) same (D) and (D) A few- (D) over (D) to be (D) to drive (D) in addition to (D) to dedicate (C) except for (C) dedicated (B) around the world (D) around the corner (D) with (I) celebrity -) 这些年来 (E) increase (J) by 五、綜合測驗 2. A 6. B 1. B From the beginning, before a word is spoken, it's clear that Molly Wright's TED Talk will be unusual. On the stage, a baby sits in a high chair. A little girl walks out, smiling at the 1. This is Molly Wright, the youngest speaker yet to 2. TED viewers. The seven-year-old is here to 3. children's mental growth. With her 7. D 2. Part 2: 1. C Part 3 1. B 7 Par 1. 3. 5 7

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英文 高中


女大考三題型 Unit 8 The Risks of Bio-terrorism In 2001 a number of US government employees and citizens died, after opening 1 letters deliberately contaminated with a deadly disease. 2 The government has responded to the threat by introducing a "Bio-Watch" system, which uses special equipment to detect unusual organisms in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, it can provide an early warning system for major towns and cities, allowing medicine to be rushed to an area under attack. 3 However, the US government is much more worried about the psychological impact, rather than the actual death toll, of a bio-terrorist attack. Any disease effectively released as a bio-weapon in a highly populated zone could cause general panic. 4 As a result of the continuing bio-terror threat, the US government is trying to make its citizens more confident that it can combat this menace. By doing so, it hopes that there will be less widespread panic. Therefore, if a major bio-attack occurs, people can take immediate action to minimize the damage. (A) This was probably the work of a mad scientist, but it signaled to all Americans that bio-terrorism was a clear and present danger. (B) This might freeze normal economic activities in the world's biggest economy center, and thus cause chaos in the global financial system. (C/Infected people can then be treated, and most will survive. DUnfortunately, this technology cannot filter the mail or prevent terrorists releasing diseases in enclosed places. 1. 2. y 3. C 4.

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英文 高中

想請問紅色括弧那句的意思是什麼 以及第一題怎麼判別

A Unit 1 8 Environment The Melting Ice Caps The world's ice is melting, and it is happening at an alarming speed, rate, 3 Global warming has been increasing at a very unsustainable² and the polar ice caps have been vanishing³ before our eyes. In the 55 years between 1961 and 2016, the Earth's total ice loss amounted to an estimated nine trillion³ tons. The start of the 21st century bore witness to several profound decreases in terms of the area covered annually by Arctic ice. The year 2012 was the lowest on record, while 2007, 2016, and 2019 were tied for second-lowest. 10 As the ice melts, an excessive amount of melted water emerges from it. This large amount of melted water manifests itself as a rise in sea levels. (This rise leads to the increased erosion -or wearing away- of the coast. When combined with the higher frequency of ecological" disasters¹2, it results in a bigger storm surge¹3. Climate change threatens¹4 15 to forever change the way we live. We're all destined ¹5 to be affected by it. Ver all destined 閱讀理解,請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 1 What does the word "erosion" refer to in the second paragraph? (A) The reason behind the frequent typhoons (B) The rapid increase in storm surges (e) The slow destruction of something 破壞 (D) The depressing future that we all face 2 Which of the charts below might indicate the situation described in the first paragraph? (A) (B) A (C) Arctic Ice Levels 1.||| 2007 2012 2016 2019 2020 Arctic Ice Levels 1₁ 1961 2007 2012 2016 2019 Arctic Ice Levels 1955 2006 2012 2016 2019 Arctic Ice Levels DWA dılı 2007 2012 2016 2019 2020

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