

生物 高中


04/02 20:40(E page 114 RE 1萬1 因型為 TRR 的受體,當有開花激素和受體結合時,會促使植株產生花芽,相對而言,f則無法合成開花激素。 下半部本的基因型為FFERR,兩者間的木質部和韌皮部可以連通。然充的香插穗的花與勢遺 無法合成開花激素的受體,今將同種的長日照植物進行嫁接如下圖,上半部接穗的基因型 個體(FFRr)授粉雜交,將F1 子代 100個種子種植後的個體養在適於開花的長日照條件下,計算 F產,只受 Pla (B)IOLOGY LECTURE Chpater for 【閱讀題 RE ,計算其朗 開花個體數。F1 子代自花授粉後,其 F2 子代也一樣養在適於開花的長日照環境條件下, 花與不開花的比例。 什什 KERE 次只 R RR RR Y Rr Rv even is. ffRR FERRA 接穗 砧木 嫁接 接穗基因型 砧木基因型 適於開花的長日照條 件下花芽是否形成 請問①②③分別為何? RFF RRFF Ry FF FFFFF f ff F f 1. 下面表格為各種不同的嫁接情形,根據前三組的結果,推測後三組是否會形成花芽: ffRR FfRR Ffrr FFT) FfRR FFrr FFRR ffRR ffrr ffrr Y X 一本 嫁接部分 FfRr FfRr WOOO(B)O、O、X(C)O、XO(D)XXX(E)X、X、X 2. F1 中的 100 個個體,共有幾個在適當條件下可以形成花芽? (A)100 (B)50 (C)75 (D)25。 3. F1 的個體自花授粉後產生 F2,F2 的開花與不開花的比例為何? FF RR X FFR R FA F FF Ft / f Ff ff 2 fRR X F FRY V FERR FfRx RR FfRox FfRr F F FF FF XXX XX f FF ff Y BY YY (3) 3:1 (何花 (般) 341 3:1 9:3:3:1 同事,不可用 素養題 密碼子與胺基酸的 會對應到 Phe 這個胺基 下列各小題。 0.3 第一鹼基 PILOT JAPAN U C 107 A 1. 請寫出 2. 假設有 為第一 3.若第

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英文 高中


(D) UIUWS OSS (C) come about Mange bolle IV. 文意選填(忽略大小寫) (C) took (D) come around (D) paid (D) with KẾT | | |-- 大 (C) X on a (A) session (C) that (D them (C) opportunity (H) appropriate (F) issue (D) denied (I) financially : (C) inclusion (D) including (C) projected (D resisted might think of the Khan Academy. It is an American an Khan. Its goal is 2. a set of online tools that produces short lessons in the form of videos 3. free. In other words, it offers people the (B) it (E) install (G) based (J) accommodate COVID-19 cases have been on the rise since the outbreak of the disease in 2019. To contain the spread of the pandemic on campus, many schools ound the world have been temporarily closed. Thus, numerous students are being 1. access to regular schooling. However, no school doesn't have to mean no learning. For students to continue learning, online education is probably an 2. solution. IsoCurrently, various reputable learning management systems are available to help teachers organize online lessons. These systems make 3. easy for teachers to create lessons, distribute assignments, monitor students' learning, and give feedback. Each learning 4. can last one hour, two hours, or more. Because the capacity of each system varies, teachers have to choose the system that can 5. all of their students. 6. As for conducting the courses, teachers can pre-record or live stream their lectures teaching materials assigned by their schools. They can also make use of free ready-made learning hard time learning math. 6. when she turned e Internet. Thanks to his teaching, Nadia's math cives and friends also sought his tutoring. Then, on the

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