

英文 國中

大概有七題的英文文法問題 (有打勾勾的地方✔️(我把他整理成一張圖片了 感謝善心人士解答💗💗

B (用於否定句 (B)where (A)what MEGK MSX FILTE yourself. (C)whether (D)how you see is not necessarily true. You should find the answer opol (A)That (B)What (C)Which (D)How (A)who (B)whom (C)which (D)when The five-star hotel (A)for (B)in F (C)with ☆! can't understand this article. It is written (D) English. Can you help me? you (A)by (B) of (C)on (D)in [OAG Mr. Wang grows a lot of fruit (A)which eats (B)it smells we stayed last night is really beautiful and (D)from sweet and juicy. (C)it is (D)that tastes 3. Mr. Chen is a busy businessman. He likes to spend his free time hungry to death! 260206 (A)with (B)without (C)from EXE MSG (D) off 2pG T8 Brian is a famous musician. He became successful² dnie Bood again and again. USE (B)with practicing Je Tue 50 su WARUSM 16 129 Cute cou (A)by (C)along (D)for 8. The boy is really a genius. He entered a great college and became a A (A)beside (B)around The airplane was flying (A)through A 14. (B)across GLEN (C)under Taipei and Hong Kong. (C)between (D)among (D)between 為所環繞 (Alfor (D)ofue 14. This movie is pats only. It is full of volence and blood. Bito (C)from Macy is my new friend I knew on the Internet. She is a Canadian, and we often send e-mails to each other. Macy's birthday is 16 June 20, and she is fifteen this year. She plays basketball very well. Actually, she is quite good _17_ sports. She is going to play a ball game for her class next week, and she 18 it. 16. (A)in Mour to 2(B)at 1 (A)on (B)at pong (C)on (C)inabi (C)worried with MOER EAGLA (D)satisfied with (D)x (D) of )18. (A)is excited about ex2999 (B)is interesting in C Dear Vivian:LICE back so late. Paul's 19 his place. - How have you been recently? Sorry for writing you birthday is coming soon. He is going to have a birthday party He'll prepare for some cookies, cakes, and drinks. I'll give him a card and a present. that day? Please let me know. about pe ce quis Will you come 20 (B)0 (clop (D)W Love, Ann 19. (A)at g 218 (B)below (C)over (D)into RPC Aom (A)by (B)with (C)on (D)in

已解決 回答數: 3
物理 高中


故 範例 2 系統總角動量 雙質系統,質系到货心让和質量成反比 (F), 小將正 於0 故力 點,其 82 L=2 mA MIW 質量為m的甲球與質量為5m的乙球分別固定在一長為L的細桿兩端,並繞其質心以 角速率(W逆時針旋轉,轉軸與細桿垂直,旋轉時細桿長度不變;設細桿極輕,其質量可 以忽略不計,且兩球的直徑與桿長相比極小,也可以忽略不計。則相對於質心, (1)系統的總動量大小為 0 (2)此轉動系統的角動量的量值為 / MLW 答 M₁ 連心力, CM 為L,行 L = 4r (1) 1a F +2= L Fcos a MI 盲向圓 (E)w => => ₁ = Ma m₁ +m₂ 5 13 = $ 1 Ilw V= Ilw 、方向 逆时针。 (2)有動量方向同 4,+L₂ = rip,+₂ p₂ L = m,r,³w, + m₂r, w₂ (m, ri²+ m²) w miw P₁ + P₂ = (-5m x = lw) + (mx lw) 【96.指考改】 學習概念 2 角動量變化與力矩的 1. 力矩與角動量的關係:質點所受的合力矩=質 由牛頓第二運動定律: 切線力=p: At At 再由力矩定義:c=rxF=rxp. 在極短時間內,若,固定或r的變化可結 則角動量變化△Z=A(rxp)=Arxp_ 即力矩7=7×F=rx Ap AL At At 角動量和力矩 範例 3 如右圖所示,單擺懸掛在固定的O點上, m,擺錘的半徑遠小於ㄥ,設重力加速度” 自由釋放,當擺線和鉛直方向的夾角為二 (1)擺錘所受的重力對點的力矩量值為 (2)擺錘所受的擺線張力對點的力矩量 (3)擺錘相對於點的角動量對時間的三 合

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