

英文 高中

想問這幾題 想問為什麼錯的不能用+對的為什麼能這樣用?🙏

英文考科 二、綜合測驗(占10分) +3 on 說明:第11.題至第20.題,每題1分。 bodzowbred no 第11.至15.題為題組 In 1956, African honeybees were introduced into Brazil to improve honey production in the tropical climate of South America. However, they started to mix with European honeybees already living there and produced a new kind of "Africanized" honeybees that are better at setting up hiyes and at reproducing than European bees. Keeping Africanized bees poses a challenge to beekeepers. Generally, beekeepers keep their bees in 11. wooden boxes, or hives. s. Afte After the worker bees fill a hive with honey, the beekeepers open the lid of the hive and blow a few puffs of thick, cool smoke into the hive to help calm 12. easier to collect the honey. the bees, 第 2 頁 共 10 頁 The problem with keeping Africanized bees is that they are more defensive than European bees. Even the slightest bump against the hive may 13. an alarm. A large quantity of smoke is needed to calm the bees. Two or three beekeepers may need to work together to safely harvest the honey. And they may need to wear heavier beekeeping suits even in hot, 14. weather. Beekeepers may also collect less honey from Africanized bee hives. European bees form search parties and work together to collect flower nectar from which honey is made, while Africanized bees usually work alone in search of flowers. Therefore, less nectar is brought back to Africanized bee hives. Africanized bees also spend less time storing honey but more time caring for young bees. That may be because they 15. in a tropical climate where not much honey is needed for food during the winter. (C) starved AB 11. (A) stacked door Lyc (B) stuffed obl (A) which make them (B) so that they are (C) thus it would be D (B) go off (C) call off (A) get off (D) staffed (D) making it DLL CC

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生物 高中

請問這題105指考生物 為何答案是A不是B呢? 在小鼠隔間的時間應該是S>P+BF>P吧? 而且A的P+BF跟P看起來一樣啊 不合理吧,大考中心答案給錯嗎? 還有圖上的那個一小格是什麼意思? 謝謝

閱讀三 自閉症類疾患(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD,簡稱自閉症)屬於神經系統發育異常疾病, 除常伴隨著如社交、溝通及刻板重複動作等能力與行為異常外,亦有胃腸相關的症狀。近年研究者 發現腸道菌相似乎與ASD患病歷程呈現明顯相關性。腸道菌相即為腸道細菌總組成,在維持腸道健 康、消化營養及刺激免疫發展等扮演重要功能。 2013年科學家證實數個與ASD相關的行為異常,可因改變腸道菌相而有所改善,以下是此研 究的重點摘述。本研究為觀測腸道菌相對ASD異常行為調控的影響力,而研究的ASD動物模式乃利 用母體免疫系統過度活化(MIA; maternal immune activation)方式,將病毒類似物注射到懷孕母鼠 中,過度刺激其免疫系統,發現其子代會有類似ASD的異常行為。相同於人類ASD患者,這群MA 子代同樣也有胃腸症狀,如小腸通透性的異常增加及大腸中發炎指標物IL-6的過度活化。相較於正 常小鼠,MIA子代腸道菌相中,歸屬於梭菌綱(Clostridia)及類桿菌綱(Bacteroidia)的細菌相對 數量沒有明顯差異,但菌種種類已明顯改變。當研究團隊利用人類腸道共生菌的鬆脆類桿菌 (Bacteroides fraglis)處理MIA子代,除可緩和胃腸症狀及改變腸道菌相外,亦可減低刻板重複行 為,並提高對溝通聲音的敏感度,但仍無法改善社交行為和社交偏好行為的缺失。此外MIA子代的 血清中,由腸道菌所產生之代謝物4EPS (4-ethylphenylsulphate)可增加約46倍。當正常小鼠給予 4EPS時,即會引起類似MIA子代的異常行為。以上實驗結果顯示了腸道菌相可能在ASD異常行為 的產生扮演重要角色。依本文所述及相關知識,回答42-44題:

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英文 高中

可以幫我排一下難易度嗎? 我覺得好像差不多 但是只要寫一本 共3本 謝謝🙏

gniwoflol od 10 doinW OA sto ortul ONT (A) baroni od nso isdW JA ord bed vondt.95M lus (A) ylioblo adt (A) impact. Vesostition To Me (B) Oceans and the creatures in them. the covernatoqoqrad mazs verdwenly (C) A biological study and its findings. (0) (D) All drifting animals and algae in the oceans. 2 od tuoda a bomoloq as sy woH (0) 50. What is the purpose of the project mentioned in the third paragraph? (A) To remove junk in the ocean. oe bus cae! (B) To promote tourism in 210 regions. (a) (C) To survey marine organisms. yob (D) To provide more oxygen for the planet. 51 What does the word “mitigate” in the last paragraph probably mean? Luizasowuje s 2i 11 (C) (A) Emphasize. (B) Lessen. (C) Ignore. or cos w Torle (D) Generate. 52. According to the passage, what may happen if the amount of plankton drastically deceases? (A) The ocean may shrink. moms (B) Most marine creatures may die. otsa (5) (C) Diatoms may become prosperous. (D) It may worsen global warming.lus (CI raianpo lobbon To assolst od wolsa 8A 53.256.0 Ri de deprived on Nuclear energy is an appealing alternative to fossil fuels, because it is carbon free and hence doesn't contribute to global warming. However, the radioactive wastes generated after nuclear fission takes place are the principal environmental concern. They must be well disposed of in specially designed pools and then maintained in costly dry storage containers. They are highly radioactive, hazardous to humans even with short-term exposure. The disposal and storage of these radioactive isotopes as well as the decommissioned reactors cost taxpayers more than tens of millions of dollars annually. le; the White sed Scientists are dedicated to the reuse of nuclear wastes. The researchers at the University of Bristol in the U.K. are trying to encapsulate nuclear waste within diamonds. “The radiation is locked safely away inside the gemstone, meanwhile providing a clean energy supply like a long-lasting battery,” said the head of the team. They aim at carbon-14, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of around 5,730 years and available in graphite blocks used to cool the uranium rods. By heating the blocks, scientists convert carbon-14 into a gas and then gather it to form a kind of “diamond”- since diamonds are just another form of carbon. To safely block the short-range radiation it emits, scientists suggest the most solid substance on Earth, diamond, to contain it. A diamond beta-battery comes into being as a result. carly The same as what is confronting in dealing with nuclear waste stockpiles, the diamond battery is highly-priced, too expensive to manufacture. However, researchers are still holding an optimistic attitude toward it, speculating about its possible applications in anything where

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英文 高中


人9國3丰2有 請畫記在答案卡 之“選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得|分 答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者, 第16.至20.題為題組 Ice swimming has long been practiced in Russia. It is deemed as a method to toughen people up and as part ofa_16. tradition_for mions of Qrthodox believers, who throw 了emselves into iey pools every Epiph 品 殉 ! Er 蟬 品 It is commonly defined as四 說 dip 症 water temperatures of zero to four 說 ‧ 同 8 同 八 避 degree Celsius約 aly lee Swlmmers claim that ice swlmming has many benefits. Not only can it boost their immune SyStem。 17. cold, better their skin and joi ealth, but also it can grant them a 分 Sense of .happiness. Natalya Seraya, a hardy 18. ofi swimming, says, “When you come out of the W te you feel warm and joyful like you are on Wings.。 You could even call it euphoria.? Howevery beneficial_19 Ice swimming may seem, it is not recommended to people with_weak hearts or breathing problems. After all, not all people are like Russians, Who _20. extreme cold Weathers and eager to make themselyes hardy to all conditions. 1 16. (A) outdated (B) 給還 @@ be (D) brutal 回嗓上3 煙謠於 (Qamoumttos且於及 (D) Ward,off 侯dissidemt 旻 背 (G founder 發莫狼 (D) reminder ) while (8)so @彈億狂 glike 心 放 20a(A)used to 說名記 淮 (B) used to stand 過由及 有 ) (D) have been used to stand 移 以前 引視多 旨稚用及 竄膝際正在忍及邊 翁 人4 儿, 2 叨軸人 但旦.億黎

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