

商業與管理 大學

IFRS9三階段減損相關問題 請問X3年的備抵損失51413如果不用現值反推的方式用損失率計算要怎麼算出來

甲公司於X1年初以$104,452買入面額$100,000,票面利率5% $3 期,由乙公司發行之無擔保公司債,該債券投資之有效利率為4%,並分類為透過其他綜合損益 按公允價值衡量之金融資產。甲公司於X1年底評估該債券自原始認列後信用風險並未顯著增 淇班 加,X2 年底則評估該債券自原始認列後信用風險已顯著增加823 X3 年初乙公司發生重大工安意外,乙公司宣稱此事件將嚴重惡化公司財務,甲公司評估該債 券投資已發生信用減損,估計剩餘存續期間將無法收取任何利息,至X5年底到期時約可收回 检 $60,000。X3 年底乙公司未支付利息,甲公司未改變可回收金額之估計。 EY 回板 X4年底乙公司因新產品開發成功,財務狀況好轉,併支付X3年積欠利息,計$10,000;甲公 司評估乙公司有能力依原始發行條件於X5年支付本息$105,000,致該債券自原始認列後信用風 53751 險並未顯著增加。X5年底乙公司支付本息$105,000。 Z公司公司信之甘他相關資料加下. X1/12/31 X2/12/31 12個月預期違約率 外 X3/12/31 X4/12/31 1% 存續期間之預期違約率2oV4 2% 100% 1% 3% 10% 100% 1% 30% 30% 40% 30% $100,000 $98,000 $62,000 $100,500 | 違約損失率 「公允價值(含應收利息) 「量之金融資產,則有關預期信用減損損失(利益)之認列與衡量均不變,僅須將會計項目 「其他綜合損益一透過其他綜合損益按公允價值衡量之債務工具投資備抵損失」改為「備抵損| 「一按攤銷後成本衡量之金融資產」。) 6 X1年至X5年與該債券投資相關之分錄。(此釋例若將該債券投資分類為按攤銷後成本

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英文 高中


WISDOM ENGLISH broader of the D Talk their iver als. out of d Unit 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience a student exchange program has really opened my eyes 2 the cultural differences between my country and Taiwan. One of the most memorable parts of my trip was when host family invited me to a wedding banquet in Kaohsiung. my 3 arriving at the banquet, I soon realized that it was totally different from what I'd expected. Back in the US, banquets are usually held in large dining halls. This one, taking place right out on the street! 4 was tent occupied nearly half the street. However, none of the pedestrians or the people in passing vehicles looked like they cared. Under the tent, guests sat at large round tables, chatting cheerfully. At one end of this temporary tent, there were cooks and assistants up shelter all the guests from the fierce sun, a huge delicious-looking food. 7 6 energetically to prepare platters of quite curious about how this fascinating custom of "open-air" banquets had first come about, I asked my host parents. The host father explained that this kind of banquet, known as a "ban- doh" in Taiwanese, 8 in the countryside. In the old days, when people gathered for a special event such as a wedding or an elder's birthday, everyone in the neighborhood would 10 9 to a ban-doh. The host would prepare all ingredients for the meal, and the neighbors would help out. Some would do the cooking, while others might provide tables, chairs, and eating utensils or assist in other ways. They would then all relax and enjoy the banquet together. The ban-doh back then was all about enjoying a sense of community and togetherness. Having the chance to experience this fascinating event, I feel truly lucky. It is the first story that I will share with my friends and family when they ask me about my student exchange experience in Taiwan. (A)1. (A)Taking part in 0809 (A) backward 4 (0) 3. (A) Upon B)4. B) 5. (A) Putting (A) In other words (D) in front of Until (D) In particular (B) Took part in (B) toward (C) Takes part in (C) regarding (D)Taken part in (B) as soon as (B) on the other hand (B) Put the moment (C) additionally (C)To put (D) Have put B) 6. (A) work (B) working 7. (A) Were (B) Feel XC) t (C) Being to work (D) worked 8. (A) originate (B) originating (C) to originate (D) Felt (D) originated (9. (A)cooperate (B) introduce (C) initiate (D) correspond ) 10. (A) revenge (B) arrange (C) arrest (D) commit

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