

英文 高中


三填(10題,每題2 分,共 20 分,答錯無倒扣) 21 for these, though. Why are we so different? Some people hate the feeling of being afraid and avoid situations like visiting ghost houses, watching scary movies, and telling ghost stories around the campfire. Others have a Researchers have found the answer lies in how the chemicals in our brain work. When we are afraid, our bodies can make fight-or-flight response, a reaction that helps us to decide whether to fight or escape. In these situations, our brains combination of hormones. Interestingly, the way our bodies respond to these_20determines whether we get to the movie theater to see a horror film or not. 22 a a have Psychologists say that people who 24 themselves in scary situations need to make sure that they are in a safe environment. For example, people who visit ghost houses have the _25 that they are going to be scared. They may 26 fear when Godzilla or Count Dracula starts chasing them. However, they know the _27aren't real, so they can enjoy the high feeling associated with the fight-or-flight response. Some people also feel a sense of confidence after they live through a 28 situation, even if they know it is false. How about you? When a scary 29__ turns up, will you escape or enjoy the fear? No matter which one you choose, there is no doubt that no one wants to face the $30. (A) horrible (C) release in real life. It's natural that everyone will escape from real danger. (D) tragedy (B) place (AC) expectation (AD) monsters (E) passion (BC) creature (AB) sudden (AE) chemicals

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