

數學 國中


( 34.~35.) Hi, I am Jamie. My special place is in a big apple tree by my grandparents' garden. My grandpa built it for my sister and me. To get there, I have to climb up a ladder. Grandpa built it with wood and it also has a roof, so we don't get wet when it rains. I like to sit inside when it rains. The sound makes me comfortable. Sometimes I have food with my sister and cousins there. One day, I wanted to spend the night there, but it was really dark. I was afraid, so I went back to the house. vobiulp? Hi, my name is Karen. My special place is in a park near my home. I go there with my friends. It is not in the center of the park, so few people go there. There is a bench under a tree, and we often sit and talk there. It makes us very happy. There is a beautiful fountain and we often play water in it. It is a great place when the weather is hot. The tall trees there can help us keep out of the sun. In the spring, there are many beautiful flowers. It is more like the country than a park in the city. ladder 梯子 wood木材 roof屋頂 fountain 噴泉 34. Which is the right picture of the special place? (A) Jamie's m.q08 (B) Jamie's uto2 mw onex99W DD 21 Did b Yoineetblirb JUC r t'nob uoY chowezuor apnhd ne .2M dor by glori abbl (C) Karen's (D) Karen's 91blirb ynoma ob of mert b9b not agit aw? smol law by slows bas ov w.moo.zhit.www Jiziv To 1200-0588-40 ( ) 35. Which is NOT true? almid (A) Karen's special place is in the city. wla naniol" bina bom e vodol25 (B) Karen likes to play water with her friends. W mid 10 taong i sno zirli (C) Jamie stayed in his favorite place for nights. (D) There is a garden next to Jamie's special place. smol Jow? (A) M() .smita coin2.0

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英文 國中

請問28. 看不太懂😵‍💫

共♡ (27~28) 法律 ex.法律、 命令 ex. 規程綱要 Eric is not a careful young man. One day, he did the shopping for three of his co-workers, Grace, Adam, and Linda. However, he mixed up their receipts with other people's. Here are the receipts. Please help him find out the four receipts. Happy 8-12 AB-11223344 Happy 8-12 AB-11223345 Happy 8-12 AB-11223346 Price Total Lunchbox NT$75 NT$75 Item Item Tissue Hot Dog NT$15 Price Total Green Tea NT$35 NTS70 NTS20 NT$20 NT$30 Price NT$30 NT$30 Milk NT$20 NT$60 Tissue Vegetable NT$40 NT$40 Sandwich Total Item Pork Sandwich Green Tea NTS35 NT$35 NT$40 NT$40 Toast NT$45 NTS45 NT$130 NT$150 NT$165 E t ABCD t ABCD 132 康軒評量中心 請尊重著作權勿樓自印 Happy 8-12 AB-11223347 Item Price Total Lunchbox NT$75 NT$75 Hot Dog NT$15 NT$30 Milk Tea NT$25 NT$25 Happy 8-12 AB-11223348 Price Total Item Milk Tea NT$25 NT$25 Chocolate NT$20 NT$40 Pork NT$40 NT$40 Sandwich NTSI30 NT$105 co-worker 同事 mix up 混淆 receipt 收據 tissue 衛生紙 27. Linda is a vegetarian and eats no meat. Which receipt is Linda's? (A) Receipt. (C) Receipt D. 』 vegetarian 素食者 (B) Receipt B. (D) Receipt . 28. Both Linda and Grace asked Eric to buy tissue for them, and Adam wanted Eric to buy a lunchbox and a hot dog for lunch. Eric himself bought a lunchbox and a pork sandwich for lunch. According to the four receipts, how much did Eric pay in total? (A) NT$545. (B) NT$535. (C) NT$565. according to (D) NT$575. 依據 20 +60 +75 t

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自然 國中


萃取率18% 影響萃取率的因素 水溫 高 焙度 磨粉 時間 圖(二十七) D A <低 18<粗 請閱讀下列敘述後,回答 47~48 題 食品的「萃取」是用溶劑將食材裡的物質溶出,例如藉由水通過咖啡粉,溶 解出咖啡粉中的物質,所形成的萃取液就是咖啡。小佳想研究如何泡出好喝的咖 啡,上網找資料看到一個說法:「咖啡萃取率在18%~22% 這個區間內,萃取的 咖啡物質是比較美味的,而超過 22%,則有可能萃取出令人不愉悅的苦風味物 質。」另外還找到影響萃取率的資料如圖(二十七)和表(二)所示。 表(二) 短 細 GJMS Tilliendl 長 AG Greenland DARK 萃取率 22 % 文将粗鲁 APENED 咖啡豆品種 萃取溫度(℃) 咖啡中所含可溶 性物質總量 (mg/每 mL 咖啡) 萃取率(%) (A) 88℃的熱水沖煮淺培且研磨顆粒較粗的咖啡粉 (B) 88℃的熱水沖煮深培且研磨顆粒較細的咖啡粉 (C) 92℃的熱水沖煮深培且研磨顆粒較粗的咖啡粉 (D) 92℃的熱水沖煮深培且研磨顆粒較細的咖啡粉 88 35.9 12 (112903-N) 19.2 阿拉比卡 92 96 www 4 ■ US SVUS 周 -- 3WATOSH Pring ***DO 15 47. 表(二)中「咖啡中所含可溶性物質總量」是判斷一杯咖啡是否好喝的要素之一,其 C 應該為下列何種意義? (A) 咖啡的質量 (B)咖啡的比熱 (C)咖啡的濃度 (D)咖啡的溫度 48. 小佳取固定質量的阿拉比卡咖啡豆嘗試沖煮咖啡,希望使萃取率達到美味咖啡所需 比例,依下列咖啡的沖煮條件,哪一杯的萃取時間應該要最長? 98 22.2 20.9 39.2 41.7 41.6 22.2

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