

英文 高中

想問第一段第四行的one是什麼意思 (40-43題組那篇)

全席 (GB) From 68 SeafarerS 螺 他 ti2 1 轎 和 / 1 避 Cr 六4玫 戰 說 (C) From a Jocal tempile dedicated to a &oddess. ! N 7 還 王公 CO 了Trom aChinese special administrative region. ! > oe 時 和 Saceg 上 1 強 2 the pasSage,、 which ofthe following do the Portuguese NOT leave Macam swato2一 同 (AA Jts 五ngJHish name. tpB) Its special tood 媽593 和 一 六 人一 06 fingual siens. 7/ Its luxury hotels. 多 Wanich of和he following statements is true about Macau”S1 rmajor hotets22 t out Macau sajo no es AA) Most ofthem are humble on the outside. (B) They are simnilar in arehitectural StyMe- (0 hey put on coIor shows all day long- (D) Nearly each otfthem has a easime Ynsswe- 點 第多至色赴為題組 有 和 ) An 還creasing number ofpeople worldwide are now facing the threat ot Atzherner S Gwysease anW SteQAS (ADD), aneuroJogicaJ ilJness in fhe brain that develops gradually over aperiow 0t turne ( mosfy 包e eJder popuJafion. Im 2006, some 26.6 million people all over the Woruw Ver 和ec disease, and one out of 85 globally is expected to suffer ftomn tt by 0S6OR 6py ( Fjrsf descriped 轉 1906 by German Psychiatrist Alois Alzheirmer, Wibwo 玉 由 e%w )fer, AD occurs as aresult 90f chariges im the brain that darnage ns全he onermper and pehavye normally. Thought 並 人 happens to peopte over ps $s ho % Na Every individual with the disease may Show ditteremt SYgnsS, Gey Sat rue comnmon Syrmptoms. Early on,/most of them find 交 ditficutt to Temenybet +Yecet NewW 。 發 ae 了 名e disease progresses, 也e symptoims Cam include imood sWing9 TtabWUY 3 中 讓 晤 八 4 menft, frouble with language, and long-term memory 19ss. 斧扣 還 革 ot ite rmuct YeSeSKGY 五ven to 和Is day, 了he exXact_cause ofAD is not Well umderstood qesb 上人 人 some factbrs thougnt to be M 螞 )77a 還

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英文 高中


本 ,全店了 GPS (Global Positioning Syste 1 》Stem), an in-car navigation system, is hailed as asavl9r ost driverS.、 HoWweVer the , they may cause aS much trouble as good.。 Arecent study found g 8 ga de CK 同 iy showed th 8 和 atually less safe than using old-fashioned paper maps. dy S e 同 1 ? 1 at 19 percent of drivers who used their GPS lost concentration while compared to 17 pereent Qf map readers )ften the sysSte 4 i 1 c yStemsS are Stuck on Wlndscreens preventing the driver from seelng fully ahead, and even more distracting and dangerous is programming GPS while ig. In fact, according to one Survey, one in ten drivers with navlgation systems_does 如5 過en ATIVCTS W4 hd put aroute_before leaving. Furthermore, half of those drivers admit that they have 1 attempted to input aroute while driving. So they pay less attention to_tratfic and s1gnsS. Despite the fact that the technology for the most part 1s correct, once in a While ere are mistakes 紀at could put the drivers in danger. Drivers who rely entirely on their PS devices have plunged into waters, buildings, wedged their vehicles into narrow alleys jriven 崗e wrong way onaone-way Street. Distracted motorists and heavy reliance on GPS have already been ridiculed in an merican commercial showing a distracted driver ends up driving through a coftee Shop window because he depends too much on his GPS. However, this issue is never a laughing matter Jfused incorrectly, satellite navigation equipment can cause fatal accidentS。 45. The article was written malnly to 人

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