

英文 國中

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74 黑檢請書 語文領域×生活圖表題 格格不入的紅貓 Rosie Unit 32 Rosie, the Red Cat Posi Sandra wrote a book report about Rosie, the Red Cat. Name: Sandra Date: November 11th Book Report Book: Rosie, the Red Cat Where does the story take place? In a small cat town. What happened in the story of the book? Though Rosie is the only daughter in the Black family, she has not been treated well since she was born. This is because Written by: Elsa Young Who is in this book? Mr. Black a fifty-year-old black cat, who has two sons and a daughter proud of his sons, who are as black as him disgusted with his daughter because she has nothing in common with him values boys more than girls Mrs. Black she is different from her family a forty-five-year-old black cat, who is a in many ways. For example, she sometimes plays in the mud with dogs and gets dirty, which makes her parents very angry. What's more, she doesn't drink milk as her brothers do. Tea is her favorite. Rosie feels troubled because her family is indifferent to her. When she feels down, she sings. She believes that if she keeps singing, something good might happen. The story ends with a song written by Rosie. It becomes a hit in the cat world. What I think of the story... housewife *seldom sides with her daughter or speaks for her because she is afraid of her husband *unhappy and silent Charcoal * a twenty-year-old black cat, who loves sports and is good at catching mice *strong and healthy Ebony *a nineteen-year-old black cat, who is his father's favorite *smart and handsome Rosie 290字|建議作答4.5分 1. What 字證 (A) Un (B) PL (C) S (D) W A 2. Wh (A) an eighteen-year-old red cat, who loves dancing with mice and makes friends with dogs *has a beautiful voice *often made fun of by her brothers I feel sad about the way Rosie's family treats her. Family should love each other. 3 indifferent 冷漠的 value 評價 silent 安靜的 細節 UP L 【細節 推論 B 19/11

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英文 國中


food value grass •People eat their meat. •People use wool to make clothes. trees • People eat their meat. • People drink their milk and turn it into cheese. (C) Their tails point the same way. (D) They usually live for over eight years. Long working hours are a problem in Taiwan. People in Taiwan often work longer hours than people in other countries. In fact, in 2017, working hours in Taiwan were the fourth longest in the world. To protect the workers, Taiwan decided to make some changes to the labor law in 2018. Here are some examples. 1. Workers need to have at least one day off every seven days. 2. The working hours on a work day can't be over eight hours; for every four hours, workers need to take a break for half an hour. Also, workers can't work more than 40 hours a week. 3. When workers need to work more than eight hours a day or 40 hours a week, companies need to pay them overtime for each hour. 4. Workers can't work more than 12 hours a day, and their overtime working hours can't be longer than 54 hours a month. g lifespan 壽命 wool綿羊毛 value 價值 tail 尾巴 (B) point 指向 1. Why did Taiwan change the labor law? (A) To protect companies' rights. (B) To have workers get enough rest. (C) To help people make more money. (D) To make workers' overtime pay lower. 2. Gabriel works eight hours a day. However, he came into the office at 9 a.m. yesterday, took two 30-minute breaks, and kept working until 8 p.m. How many hours does his company need to pay him for overtime? (A) Two. (B) Three. (C) Eight. (D) Eleven. (A) Who is NOT following the new labor law? (A) Rose worked for 55 hours last week. (B) Nathan only needs to work four days a week. (C) Linda worked overtime for 25 hours last month. (D) Sandy worked every day without any days off last month. g at least 至少 off 休假 overtime 加班(費) 一、依提示作答。(每題3分,共6分) 1. Selena is a terrible singer. (用sing改寫句子) Selena sings terribly, 2. Meg runs more slowly than all the other students in the class. (H) Meg runs the most slowly in the class 翻譯。(每題3分,共9分)

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英文 國中

請問23 那個上面的答案不一定是正確答案🙂

#ex. h. 1. 1417) 一令 ex. 規程綱要 北 等腰三角形外心a+(0-1) 最高,效力最强 D20 ●困難.原則性: 20. Tyler is a famous magician. Tonight, Tyler needs complete this magic show. but a cup, a ball, and a pencil to 内容简潔 (A) 21 D) 22. (A) that (B) how (C) when (D) what 22. My math is so bad that I don't think I have (A) something (B) nothing (C) everything (D) a few things O 21. Barbara is extremely proud of MORELO her son did to save people's lives as a firefighter. hope of passing the test. 5231 a lot of fun. (3) 24. O 24. Helena said she would give you a hand if you need it. ote y (A) 25. (A) much (B) little (C) any few (D) many more Keeping a dog or cat takes a strong sense of responsibility but (A) bringing (B) is (C) has (D) to get (A) what (B) that (C) if (D) there of my sisters are older than I am. I'm the youngest of the three children in my family. (A) Both (B) Few (C) Most (D) Some (D) 26. The (A) C 26. The weather is always changing, so I don't know out. (A) how (B) what (C) where ) 27. It took the police lots of time (A) and found out (B) find out (D) whether I should bring an umbrella when I go who entered Liu's house and killed her one year ago. (D) to find out (C) finding out 28. Many famous people visit this restaurant. Popular singers like A-mei and Jay Chou here with their friends. (A) to be often seen (B) often seen (C) are often seen 29. You can come to see me in the office on Wednesday or Friday. (B) Another (A) Either 30. Betty takes care of the poor rabbit (A) that (B) whose (C) which (D) and are often seen day is fine. (D) One (C) Other right ear is hurt because she is an animal doctor. (D) whom 31. Everyone in the town feels strange that all the cows at Mr. White's farm died in one night. has never been anything like this before. (A) He (B) It (C) That (D) There 32. When my boss found his ID card he felt worried and reported it to the police right away. (A) stealing (B) stole (C) is stolen (D) stolen than in Taiwan.

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化學 高中

問20題!! 求各位大神解惑

類別:116-118 科目名稱:化學 林園市立內壢高級中學112學年度第2學期第1次定期考查试卷 科目代號:12 座號: 781 17-18 All 88 字面的兩個恒圈中有一個為水,另一個則為二氧化破,請先判斷後,再回答下列問題: P 力 00.. (stem) 1 14.V 73 九 (46) $2 -78-57 17.下關茶花何者正確? (A)乾冰熔化時,體積會有膨脹的現象 溫度(℃) (B)增加壓力會使液態二氧化碳沸點上升、熔點下降 B 溫度(°C) (C) E點為二氧化碳的三相點,在此點可觀察到固、液、氣三態共存 (2)F點為二氧化碳的臨界點,當溫度、壓力大於此點時可成為超臨界流體 (E) 常溫(25°C)、常壓(1atm)下,對二氧化碳氣體加壓至70 atm可得到乾冰 下列關於水相圖的敘述,何者正確? (A)當溫度大於-57℃、壓力大於5.2 atm時,即可成為H2O(aq) -18 (B)若壓力愈大,液態水存在的溫度範圍愈大 (C) 由圖可知在高山上烹煮食物能較快煮熟 (D)若壓力升高,水的凝固點、沸點上升 19~20為題組題 (E) 由A點至B點體積會膨脹,是因粒子數變多 層析是分離混合物的一種簡便方法。其中以薄層層析(TLC)矽膠片作為固定相者,稱為薄層層析法。常見操作 步驟如下圖;首先用鉛筆在TLC片上,距上、下綠適當距離處(約0.5公分)各劃一條細線,然後用毛細管 點好樣品後,再放入裝有適當展開液之展開槽中進行分離。實驗結束後,科學家們常會使用比移植(Rf值, retention factor value)進行結果分析,它的計算方式是利用各呈色點的中心位置移動距離為分子,展開劑移動 距離為分母所得到的一個比值。Rf值為該化合物於此展開劑的特性,可藉此與他人比較、判斷物質的種類。 Solvent front B 19. 下列有關於此實驗操作流程的敘述,何者正確? 7.2 8.4 乙 (A) 滴到 TLC片起始線上的液滴大小不會影響實驗結果 (B) 若使用易揮發溶劑進行層析,需準備一密閉式容器,以免溶劑揮發影響實驗結果 (C)待物質甲移至所設定的終點線後即可將TLC片取出並記錄時間 (D) 點樣前劃線的筆改為水性原子筆,可使跑片後的結果更加清晰 (E) 點樣時,應使用毛細管點在起始線下方,不可高於起始線 20. 根據上述文章與實驗結果判斷下列敘述,何者正確? (A) 此混合物是由甲、乙兩種純物質所構成 C (B)物質乙的R值約為0.17,代表其與展開劑溶解度較差 (C)物質甲的Rf值約為0.42,此值不會因展開劑移動距離而改變 (D) TLC 片是藉由毛細現象將燒杯內的展開劑吸附至濾紙上方 Baseline 11.4 選 手 (E) 層析法是利用混合物中各成分物質之沸點不同而分離 二、多選題(每題4分,共40分,錯1個選項得2.4分,錯2個選項得0.8分,錯3個選項以上及未作答者得 21. 下列哪些物質在常溫常壓下加熱時會發生昇華的現象? (A) 汞(B)碘(C) 乾冰 (D) 萘丸(E) 碳酸鈣, -1.6 2019

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化學 高中

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年級:一組別:110-118科目名稱:化學 17~18為超級題 下面的兩個相圖中有一個為水,另一個則為二氧化碳,請先判斷後,再回答下列問題; (02 力 力 (atm) (atm) 臨界點 73. 固類 液態 5.2 E A • B 溫度(℃) -18-57 31溫度(℃) 7、下列關於二氧化碳的敘述,何者正確? (A)乾冰熔化時,體積會有膨脹的現象 (B)增加壓力會使液態二氧化碳沸點上升、熔點下降 (C)E點為二氧化碳的三相點,在此點可觀察到固、液、氯三態共存 (D)F點為二氧化碳的臨界點,當溫度、壓力大於此點時可成為超臨界流體 (E)常溫(25°C)、常壓(1am)下,對二氧化碳氣體加壓至70 atm可得到乾冰 18. 下列關於水相圖的敘述,何者正確? (A)當溫度大於-S7℃、壓力大於52am詩,即可成為H.C(a) 低氣壓 (B)若壓力愈大,液態水存在的溫度範圍愈大 (C)由图可知在高山上烹煮食物能較快煮熟 (D)若壓力升高,水的凝固點、沸點上升 19-20為題組題 (E)由A點至B點體積會膨脹,是因粒子數變多 層析是分離混合物的一種簡便方法。其中以薄層層析(TLC)矽膠片作為固定相者,稱為薄層層析法。常見操作 步驟如下圖:首先用鉛筆在 TLC片上,距上、下綠適當距離處(約0.5公分)各劃一條細線,然後用毛細管 點好樣品後,再放入裝有適當展開液之展開槽中進行分部。實驗結束後,科學家們常會使用比移植(Re值, retention factor value)進行結果分析,它的計算方式是利用各呈色點的中心位置移動距離為分子,展開劑移動 距離為分母所得到的一個比值,R值為該化合物於此展開劑的特性,可藉此與他人比較、判斷物質的種類。 展開 7.2 8.4 甲 Solvent front 19. 下列有關於此實驗操作流程的敘述,何者正確? (A) 滴到TLC片起始線上的液滴大小不會影響實驗結果 B (B)若使用易揮發溶劑進行層析,需準備一密閉式容器,以免溶劑揮發影響實驗結果 (C)將物質甲移至所設定的終點線後即可將TLC片取出並記錄時間 (D)點樣前劃線的筆改為水性原子筆,可使跑片後的結果更加清晰 (E)點樣時,應使用毛細管點在起始線下方,不可高於起始線 20.根據上述文章與實驗結果判斷下列敘述,何者正確? (A)此混合物是由甲、乙兩種純物質所構成 (B)物質乙的R值約為0.17·代表其與展開劑溶解度較差 (C)物質甲的R:值約為0.42,此值不會因展開劑移動距離而改變 | Baseline (D)TLC片是籍由毛細現象將燒杯內的展開劑吸附至濾紙上方 (EY 層析法是利用混合物中各成分物質之端點不同而分離 二、多選題(每題4分,共40分,錯1個選項得2.4分,錯2個選項得0.8分,錯3個選項以上及未作答者得0分) 21. 下列哪些物質在常温、常壓下加熱時會發生昇您的現象? 2018 (A) 汞(B)(C)乾冰(D)茶丸(E)碳酸鈣 CD.B Kr 18 8114

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英文 大學

哪一個段落沒有主題句? 我覺得是第一個,對嗎? 要怎麼替這個段落寫出主題句呢?

2 Despite different home cultures and countries, international students' main overall motivation is the desire get out on their own, to carve out a new direction in their lives. "Foreign students" do not casually abandon the comforts of family and cultural ties; they have done their homework on Canadian schools. All their preparation, though, cannot prepare them for the loneliness and ongoing difficul- ties they face, from cold winters to financial issues related to the higher tuition fees they must pay. Some students, though, emigrate to escape those same tight- knit families and bonds that others find so painful to leave behind. A Macleans "On Campus" report notes that family expectations may be opposed to students' visions for themselves and lead them to reject accepted values and career paths in their hometowns and countries. Csilla, a web-design student at Waterloo admits, "I was always supposed to enter my family's restaurant business in Budapest, but I felt suf- focated even working part-time as a server. Web design is my passion, and I wanted 12: CAUSE OR EFFECT [- a completely fresh start, something that is completely my own ("International Stu- dents"). Finding independent paths to their own dreams is the key here, whether students choose those paths as a result of personal ideals or as a reaction to pre-set future plans.

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