

英文 國中

請問20題D是錯在 shared garden 嗎

ABCD III. Reading Comprehension (25%) Hi Emily, How are you? Did you get your exam results yet? I have some good news-we finally moved into our new home! I'm so happy because I don't have to share a room with Nina anymore. It's great to have more privacy and Mom says I can decorate my room the way I like. My plan is to paint the walls yellow and hang up a big photograph of New York City, too (it's still my dream to travel there). I also got a new bed which is much bigger and more comfortable than my last one. Q16. C And guess what else? We have our own garden now. Dad's going to grow vegetables like zucchini and cabbage there. He says I can help him, but I'm not very interested in gardening. One good thing is that we're going to have a barbecue party in July! I hope you can come. You can stay with us for the whole weekend, if you're free. I'll let you know the exact date when my parents decide. Write me soon and tell me your news. Love, Cara 0 privacy 隱私 16. Who, most likely, is Nina? photograph H (A) Emily's mom. (B) Cara's mom. (C) Emily's sister. 17. What do we learn about the writer in the second paragraph? (A) Her parents already decorated the new house. (B) She doesn't want to help with painting the walls.ely) (C) She has wanted to visit New York City for some time. exact 確切的 (D) Cara's sister. (A) Three-bedroom house, close to train station. New kitchen and private garden. No pets, please. Studio apartment with balcony, perfect for a single person. Available from the start of July. CROS) stol 1 20/2651902) DOM 2'omy 60 supinu is ni botning SI in to zkow Inshoqmi ynos 916 2h de brucw zielu insionA prinico riqu D) Her old bed was more comfortable than her new one. C 18. Why does the writer say, "And guess what else?" at the start of the third paragraph? bns 239 ano (A) She felt surprised about something. (B) She is explaining how to do something. art (C) She will give another piece of information.do if (D) She doesn't know the answer to a question. 19. Which sentence is certainly true? iog prijesim 6 p16 2016 ALThe writer will cook some vegetables for her family. (B)The writer's parents don't allow friends to stay over.ad lliw (6) (The writer's mother has never grown tomatoes before. (D) The writer is not sure yet when the barbecue will happen. 20. Which is the advertisement for Cara's new home? am siz dvd bein 的力量 # hework b (B) One-bedroom house with beautiful private garden. Electricity and water bills are not included in the rent. (D) Four-bedroom apartment on second floor. Great for a family. Small balcony and shared garden. 212 Kaun.

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英文 國中


子吃。 是一座 包月的 三代 的島 ** -招号 Firen 25. What does Zack mean when he says. "It's not rocket science"? (A) Finishing a science report is easy. (B) Deciding on a gift is not that difficult. (C) He is smarter than Shelly and Karen. (D) Getting some good sleep is very important. (26~28) EJReading Listen to Books Are your eyes tired after you work in front of the computer for hours? Do you want to read, but your eyes really need a rest? Don't worry. We read for you. A book on EJReading only costs 3 to 15 dollars, and you can listen to it as many times as you want. What's more, with EJReading, you don't need to carry a book around. You can listen to different audiobooks anytime and anywhere on your cellphone. Book of the Month For this book, there are 4 choices: Michael Davis Michael Davis reads the story word by word in a warm voice. Ann Lee Ann Lee reads the story vividly. It's like you're $3.99 watching a movie when you listen to her. James Williams James Williams tells you the key points of each chapter and helps you get the big picture of the Word by Word Behind the Word The Trip to Lucerne By Lewis Anderson (2015) -Lewis Anderson's most famous book. -A book to change your life story. Kate Green Through looking at each character closely and explaining their actions, Kate Green helps us take a deeper look into the story. She also shares her opinions of the story with us. $3.99 $6.99 $8.99 1 : : ABOD * $10 for a Word by Word and a Behind the Word. * Place your order by June 30 to get a $5 gift card. ABOD audiobook character # vividly 1 chapter opinion & 26. Who would most likely use EJReading? likely T (A) Jessica. She is a teacher. She loves reading and often goes to the library. (B) Mandy. She is a student. She studies hard, but she hates reading in her free time. (C) Mike. He is an engineer. He loves reading, but his eyes are too tired after work. (D) Ethan. He is a cook. He enjoys listening to different songs when he's at work. ABCD 27. What CAN'T we learn from the web page of EJReading? web page (A) There are about 10,000 audiobooks for people to choose from on EJReading. (B) It costs less than 5 dollars to listen to Ann Lee read The Trip to Lucerne. (C) The Trip to Lucerne is Lewis Anderson's most famous book. (D) If you want to listen to someone share his / her ideas about The Trip to Lucerne, you can pick Kate Green. 28. Nancy read The Trip to Lucerne after it was on the market in 2015. In a study group next Saturday, she wants to share her thoughts on the story with everyone. However, although she really loves the story, she still forgets some parts of it She doesn't need to listen to every word again, and she already has her own ideas about the story.) To help herself remember the important points in some chapters in a short time, which might she choose? thought (A) Word by Word-Michael Davis. (B) Word by Word-Ann Lee. (C) Behind the Word-James Williams. (D) Behind the Word-Kate Green. cup of life

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英文 國中


UNIT 4 A Part C: Getting the Order |課文朗讀》正常CD/MP3 23 慢速 MP3 80 7) CD/MP3 24 15 Great! I can a good night's rest. 課文講解》MP3 108 手機掃一下 「生動對話即時看 長度:48 秒 Paula is explaining a shipping method¹ to Bryan. 寶拉在向布萊恩解釋送貨方式。 (Paula = P; Bryan = B) 送到家 P: If that's impossible, there's another option. You can get it at a local³ convenience store. B: I didn't know they could do that. Is there an extra charge for that service? P: No. It's part of the free shipping. B: Cool! I'll go with that then. P: OK. When the package is at the store, the company will get in touch by e-mail. B: What do I do there? P: Tell the clerk you have a package. Then, give them your phone number and show your ID. B: Great! I can finally get a good night's rest. ABC 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 62 頁 ◎重點單字 01. method [meǝd] n. I don't like your method of doing things. 我不喜歡你做事的方法。 2. impossible [im`pasabl] adj. Sarah thinks nothing is impossible. 莎拉覺得沒有什麼事情是不可能的。 3. local [lok]] adj. Att All the local hospitals were full of sick people. 本地的所有醫院都擠滿了病患。 04. charge [tfard3] n. O 120002000 The museum tours are free of charge. 這間博物館的導覽是免費的。 參考單字。 option [apfan] n. ◎學習焦點 1. A is part of B. AB – • The drinks are part of the set meal. 飲料有包含在套餐裡。 2. (Sb) goes with (sth). (A) go with 在此表示「挑選; • Tina went with the red dress instead of the black one. 蒂娜選了這件紅色洋裝而不是那件黑色的。 BEZ 0 3. a good night's rest - 類似說法還有 a good night's sleep「好好睡一晚」。 After a good night's sleep, Larry felt a lot better. 晚上好好睡一覺後,賴瑞覺得好多了。 His school photo. 」,為口語用法。 ® His ID card. 隨堂測驗選擇題 Which does Bryan need to prepare to get his package? His local e-mail. His order number. •

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英文 高中

想請問第18題 謝謝

20. By the time I entered senior high school, I had heard a lot about TED Talks. I therefore knew they were popular and 16. _ checking out. However, I didn't actually realize how interesting they could be 17. I sat down and watched one myself. The talk I saw was given by an Indian speaker, 18. how his company turned air pollution into ink for pens and printers. 19. _ their creative approach to an environmental problem, they were thus killing two birds with one stone. Not only were they helping to "collect and reduce the air pollution is caused by cars and factories, but they were also actually putting it to good use! To see someone sharing an idea like this really opened my mind. In fact, 21. TED talks 21. basically changed my life. I no longer watched funny cat videos all day. 22. _, I started listening to more and more of these talks. I also tried a wide 23. of topics and to listen to as many talks as I could. Some of the talks dealt with the technology of tomorrow. Others were about improving education. 24. were about finding new solutions to old problems. That, by the way, is what TED 25. : Technology, Entertainment, and Design. All in all, there's something for everyone, and everyone's sure to learn something new! ( D ) 16. (A) gradual in (B) consistent (C) delightful ( B ) 17. (A) while (C) since (D) explain BC A)18. (A) explained (C) explains (B) explaining (C) Through (D) worth (D) though (B) until (D) During (R) Across

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