

地理 高中


印 第 15 頁 共 17 頁 39.~41.題為題組 ◎ 1990年代開始,已開發國家在亞洲四小龍國家的經濟成長無法如先前高速開展,導致跨亞洲四小虎的 態稱之為港地 s 4 企業的資金與技術開始轉向至中國、東南亞各國,其中泰國、馬來西亞、印尼和菲律賓41 ♥ 國經濟突飛猛進,於是有亞洲四小虎(Tiger Cub Economies)的稱號。表六為4國的國家 檔案,請問: 國家 HDI 人口 (萬人) 10.765 6,991 Z 0.804 3,273 表六 面積 |國內生產毛額 (美元) (平方公里) 51萬 3,115 33 萬 396 丙 0.712 1億 1,020 32 萬 8,000 5,234 億 3,469.8億 3,744 億 丁 0.7072億7,300 191萬9,317|1兆610億 平均每人 國民所得 (美元) 7,608 10,611 地理考科B後 3,443 3,911 39. 圖十二為某國的宗教人口比例,請問該國的代號及國家名稱 為何?(2分,全對才給分) 菲律賓 40. 該國具有「東協心臟」的別稱,由於地處樞紐位置,使它成為 東協重要的物流中心,對於發展各項技術密集產業亦有幫助, 請問該國的代號及國家名稱為何?(2分,全對才給分) 2.馬萊西亞 主要出口項目 黃金、電腦及其周邊零組 件、汽車及其零組件、積 體電路、橡膠輪胎、空氣 「調節器、機動車輛、電話 機、石油煉製品、稻米 電子與電器產品、棕油、 橡膠製品、光學暨科學儀 器、機械設備及零件、金 屬製品、液化天然氣、原 油、鋼鐵製品 電子產品、機械及運輸設 備、金屬零件、化學品、 |黃金、椰子油 棕櫚油、煤、黃金、天然 「氣、天然橡膠、乳膠、工 業用脂肪酸、小客車車輛、 |銅礦石 基督新教 羅馬天主教 伊斯蘭教 佛教 |其他 2%-1% 82% 圖十二 A Rela 12~45.題為 10 為了解 1990年 第一次 1960 產出 地, 例, 第二 199 42 此 E E

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英文 高中


量同 The termn“gross national happiness”(GNH) was first coined in 1971 by the fourth king of Bhutan, who considers GNH imore important than gross domestic prodVuct (GDP》, The tatter has 由 Jong beena yardsfick 46 which economies are measured. Yet it fails to take inte_ aceount the social and environmental costs of so-called progress. The concept ofGNHH, 17 _,suggeststtat ! devejopinent should give equal importance to economic and non-econormic aspects of well-being, Since 1971, 也e idea of GNHH has influenced the economic and social poticies of Bhutans 1t has aso captured the imagination Of __18 __farbeyond the borders of Bhutan。 The GNH 本dex, a sysfern of measurenment, 1s designed to create policy incentives for govermmept and businesses fo inerease GNHH m Bhutan. The Index is asingle nuvnber index deyeIoped from 33 indicatoTS, _19 _underrine domains. These domains cover tradittonal areas Of socio-economic concern (such as Jiving Standards, health, and edueation), __20 _ less fradifiona] aspects 0f cuJture and psychotogical well-beingx\ Bhutanese understandings 0 happiness seem fo be much broader than those that are Teferred to as “happiness” in Western Culture, Pie (Aa) fr (B) by (Cunder (Dy within 217. (A)fnrfhemuore (8B) forsure (C) im other words (D) onthe otterhand 18?(A) ofhers (8B) them (0 one (Di 讓全2 二信和人 和 交 路瑟7漲 人0 閃閃二和人人二 2 和 4

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英文 高中


ount Word Water: A Strategic ResourCe Water is clearly an essential resource, since no known life-form can exist without it._ When people think gf strategic resources, though, 下is usually things like oil 」 water that 踢 However, some experts predict that in the not-so- distant future, water_may become an _ even more valuable resource than oil is EEbeWaaaa: While water covers roughly 70% of the Earth% surface, the vast majority ofit is salt water in the oceans and seas. In fact, only 3% ofthe,water on the planet is fresh water' which is safe for human consumption 區 加必 or for use in 3iculture, and most_ofthis is either frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps or trapped deep under our feetinmthe form of groundwater- onlyatin pr6| rtion, fr 還 less than 1%, is actually readily available on the_ surface. And to maakesmiattersswofsey alot of this water has been heavily polluted_ over the past century due to increased 02 只 只 陳 加 說 industris riculturalactivity._ nat y seven people on the planet lacks access to clean drinking water 8 呈 ie Due to increased demand for water and the effects of climate change, the strain on global water supplies is only expected to get worse, and some areas of the world may be affected more,than others. Parts of Af 1 and even China are_cChron lically short of water”“_Mountainto laciers_whi 一一一一一一一 一一一一 ~一一op多 e 以中全 meltwater to large areas during the spring and summer months are melting 未 還 gatesiand may not be counted on to provide this resou 1 人 主 Seere_ And moreand- more dams are being built onriy刀e in order to provide hydrogfectric power to nations 人 的北 as badly in need. ltis iicu 0 誤辦20y certainty what this growing crisis may lead ne growing economies, which restricts or cuts off supplies to are 3 experts, armed conflict_between nations to secure water resources may one day be 一3y one day,

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英文 高中

54答案在第二段的第二句 但我不懂70跟60那兩句

還 I MV (417 1C)Jhatcher suffered from strokes in her late years. (D) ohn Major 1s a loya1 supporter of Thatecher's political ideas. [frd外(%2 (m 以歡 f 53 和 56 十儿 題組 46n2TYAI Q 和主的V衝 「 ne 箇termatlona! Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialized cancer agency ot the Word Organ1Zatlon, 1s today jaunching World Cancer Report 2014, a egolulabporaulosy of over 250 leading scientists from more f和an 40 countrles. Based on the ]atest statistics on trends in cancer ancidenceec 計還ee 和 neVw book reveals hovw the cancer burden is growling at an alarming pace- As a Conseduence Of 生owling and ageing populations, developing 當 和 the jncreasing numbers of cancers, More than 609% of the 1 occur in_Africa,_Asi My 個 時 時 說 South America, and 由ese Tegions account for about 702 of the world's cancer deaths, asSituatOU haU by the Jack Of early detectlon_and access to treatment Access to cffiectuive and affordable cancer devejoping countries, including for childhood cancers, would ceffeetively reduce mortality Howes cancer burden are damaging the economies of even the richest countries and are Way bm噴 countries。 In 2010, the tota] annual economic cost of cancer was cstimated to Teach apPIOXIAUGD Jn fact, about half of all cancers can be avoided if current knowiledge 5 過量 同 1 spread of tobacco use in 1ow- and middle-income countnes is of crucial imgyortance to in rapidJy industrialiZing countries, measSures to chcouIag physical actiWCy and avoid DrTioritized in Telation to cancers Such as those of the large bowel andreast Jl ad early detection and screening have Proven theif cffccts in deycloping countr politica] commltment to progressSively step up the practice of bigh-qualhity se which is an investment Tather than acost,”sayS Dr Bemard,英. Stewart cs D- 53. What is the main idea ofthe World Cancer Report 20147 (A) The burden from canceris on the nse- (ByNew treatmentsto cancfr are diseoverc交

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