

英文 國中


(A) erect 16 (B) mock (C) infect UR auryloggiH sviver of mir beglad allon 第8關 (D) patrol 閱讀擂臺 autvloggiH ovse of auo mort noiseimmoq bonisido oH (O) Dr. Stuart Campbell of a private health center in London has published some vloggi no noiletsgo na bentia vituone H (C) ultrasound images of unborn babies between 26 and 34 weeks. The smiles of the babies in the pictures greatly shocked the public and were widely circulated on the internet. 建議作答時間 5 分鐘 anogrod mont boold to althod Hsina sil 實際完成時間 分鐘 For the past two years, the doctor has used the medical facility in the center and has offered state-of-the-art 3-D / 4-D scanning services to expectant parents. He performs an average of 30 scans a week. His outspoken enthusiasm for this blessed technology is refreshing. "Parents love them," he said. "I hear so many couples laughing when they see the pictures-it's wonderful." How have pro-abortion activists reacted after seeing the happy, grinning photos of these unborn babies? aydoal to dirido odT (A)- Anne Carp, a commentator for the Guardian who bills herself as a "medical sociologist," says the photos are simply misleading. She further mocks the anti-abortion lobby for being "excited with evidence of a fetus' humanity." Australian Birth Control bait gaite sesd you boll

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自然 國中

22 29 32 33 求解

( 19. 「冰山一角」是報紙上常見的用語,若片 何者不正確? (A)冰在水中所受浮力等於冰的重量 (B)冰浮出水面上的體積大於冰在水面下體積 (C)冰 可以浮在水中,表示冰密度比水小 (D)將冰丢人裝水的燒杯中,冰溶化後水位不變。 )20.同質量的銅球和軟木球(銅球密度為8.9g/cm3、軟木球密度為0.25g/cm²),放在水中時,其所 受的浮力何者較大? (A)銅球較大 (B)軟木球較大 (C)一樣大 (D)無法比較。 (121.將25公克的保麗龍(密度0.25g/cm²)及60公克的木塊(密度0.6g/cm²) 投入水中,何者所受的浮力較大? (A)保麗龍 (B)木塊 (C)一樣大 (D)無法比較。 22. 兩玻璃管上端相連,下端分別浸入液體甲和液體乙中,如圖(一)。 今從管口T處抽出若干氣體後,兩玻璃管中液體的高度分別升高至 4 如圖(二)之位置,請問X、Y 兩點此時所受的總壓力比為何? (A)1 : 1 (B)1:2 (C)2:3 (D)3:2 L 圖(一) LOU 3.24. )24. 羿婷要開著她的小 march 出門時,發現有一輪胎破了,她拿出車 內的油壓千斤頂(如右圖),準備將車子頂起,自行更換輪胎,若 甲、乙截面積為5000cm²、10cm²,請問:羿婷應施力在甲或乙? 若羿婷施力 8kgw,則她可在另一端抬起若干 kgw的車子? (A)甲,4000kgw (B)乙,4000kgw (C)甲,6250kgw (D)乙,6250kgw。 10 甲乙 圖(二) )23.將100立方公分的保麗龍(密度0.25g/cm²)及100立方公分的木塊(密度0.6g/cm²)投入水中,何 者所受的浮力較大? 152 5000cm² NOS (A)保麗龍 (B)木塊 (C)一樣大 (D)無法比較。 10cm² 乙 油壓千斤頂工作示意簡圖

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自然 國中

22 29 32 33 求解

( 19. 「冰山一角」是報紙上常見的用語,若片 何者不正確? (A)冰在水中所受浮力等於冰的重量 (B)冰浮出水面上的體積大於冰在水面下體積 (C)冰 可以浮在水中,表示冰密度比水小 (D)將冰丢人裝水的燒杯中,冰溶化後水位不變。 )20.同質量的銅球和軟木球(銅球密度為8.9g/cm3、軟木球密度為0.25g/cm²),放在水中時,其所 受的浮力何者較大? (A)銅球較大 (B)軟木球較大 (C)一樣大 (D)無法比較。 (121.將25公克的保麗龍(密度0.25g/cm²)及60公克的木塊(密度0.6g/cm²) 投入水中,何者所受的浮力較大? (A)保麗龍 (B)木塊 (C)一樣大 (D)無法比較。 22. 兩玻璃管上端相連,下端分別浸入液體甲和液體乙中,如圖(一)。 今從管口T處抽出若干氣體後,兩玻璃管中液體的高度分別升高至 4 如圖(二)之位置,請問X、Y 兩點此時所受的總壓力比為何? (A)1 : 1 (B)1:2 (C)2:3 (D)3:2 L 圖(一) LOU 3.24. )24. 羿婷要開著她的小 march 出門時,發現有一輪胎破了,她拿出車 內的油壓千斤頂(如右圖),準備將車子頂起,自行更換輪胎,若 甲、乙截面積為5000cm²、10cm²,請問:羿婷應施力在甲或乙? 若羿婷施力 8kgw,則她可在另一端抬起若干 kgw的車子? (A)甲,4000kgw (B)乙,4000kgw (C)甲,6250kgw (D)乙,6250kgw。 10 甲乙 圖(二) )23.將100立方公分的保麗龍(密度0.25g/cm²)及100立方公分的木塊(密度0.6g/cm²)投入水中,何 者所受的浮力較大? 152 5000cm² NOS (A)保麗龍 (B)木塊 (C)一樣大 (D)無法比較。 10cm² 乙 油壓千斤頂工作示意簡圖

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英文 高中


第40至43 太腹 還 和 ko wn an Am asmal nation in Central Europe. Its capital and largest city, Vie 5 1 一 cofFee, Ify kata map 0f jess music, good cuisine, great artr and cxceptional cofTee. If you lool D epieenter of timel be e Austro-Hungarian Empire jate 19th-eentury Europe, you will find an enormous region called the Austro-Hung: i i ienna rmuled in the_west, and in the mr-ethnic matfon was so ]arge that it had two capitals. Vie ! 呈人EE as both_wealthy and Thbe 2 《ast BudapesU一Hungary's current capita| and largest city, The cmpire 1 ti 以 an_empire, Progressive. Perhaps the most iconic surviving structure from the moQnumental European empi Sohombolnn ooen hafter W is the which was divided up into a dozen of separate_ countries after_ World War bis Jace, We Me Sehonbrunn Palace, iocated in Hietzing, Viemna, was the summer residence_of the rs, and its present form was built under the direction ofEmpress Maria Theresa in te mid-18th century.-Her husband, Emperor Franz Stephan, ordered further modifications and exXParSJOIS to the Toya estate. Tcluded in the massive complex were the world's first zoo, an cnormous garden maze, a huge fountain, and a Walkway with 32 larger-than-life-size Seulptures, 了The main pujjding, bujlt in the Baroque style, is comprised of 1,441 rooms. Perhaps only the Palace of Versailles in France can compare with the splendorofthe Schonbrunn Palace 天ough onmy40 上 the paJace Toom5, Including the Walnut Room, the Mirrors Room, and the Private rooms of Maria Theresa and Franz Stephan, are available for public Viewing, they alone are Worth aspecjal is fo 出 UNESCO World Heritage Site. Thie 卅ounds andbuitdirigs are so iconic including scenes from Jackie Chanys 47yorr 0 God Millions of local and foreign tourists also go to the Habspurg cmperesi 了at several movies have been 和imed there, and James Bond's 7e 了eg De人ry Sechonbrunn Pajace fo fake nm jts many concerts. Whata totally royal exXperiencet 和0 Whatjs the besftitle for this passage? Empress Maria Theresa and the Habsburgs 必 (8) UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Austria (CO The GreatestAustrian Treasure (D)A History of Central Europe

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