

公民與社會 高中


4:22PM Mon Jan 29 x 00 Geography 分科魯 s " x 04-111分科測驗公民與社會試卷... ( T D 項目 PQ (A)政府權力來自人民,若政府未保障人民權利與實現公平正義則人民可抵抗政府 (B)侵犯人民權利的惡法是國家暴力,人民以暴制暴對抗政府可彰顯惡法非法精神 (C)為免代議民主失靈,公民不服從與集會遊行都是人民平常維護憲政秩序的手段 0 (D)為保障政治平等,每個人基於自由意志都可以拒絕服從自己認為不正義的法律 某民主國家的國會議員選舉,可由各地最高層級的地方政府決定當地國會議員選舉 規則。有的地方政府採取得票最多者當選;有的要求得票數必須過半,若無人過半 就由得票較多的兩人進入第二輪投票對決。依據前述資訊判斷該國的中央與地方政 府權限劃分,下列推論何者最可能? (A)地方政府屬性是執行中央政府命令的行政機關 (B)地方有行政和立法自治權但司法權隸屬於中央 (C)憲法授權中央必要時得變更地方行政區域劃分 (D)憲法未明文列舉屬於中央政府的職權則歸地方 目 公民分科civil ethics 8. 小艾蒐集中國共產黨建黨百年僅有的三份「歷史決議」,並整理出以下摘要表。此 摘要表最能夠佐證中國政治的何種特性? 文件 第一份 第二份 第三份 年代 1945 年 1981年 2021 年 內容摘述「毛澤東代表中國 產 擁護以鄧小平為代表 全黨全軍全國人民要 階級和中國人民代表的黨的正確領導 更緊密團結在以習近 A 黨的正確路線 平為核心的黨中央周 圍 令41%口

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地理 高中


4:22PM Mon Jan 29 x 00 Geography 分科魯 s " x 04-111分科測驗公民與社會試卷... ( T D 項目 PQ (A)政府權力來自人民,若政府未保障人民權利與實現公平正義則人民可抵抗政府 (B)侵犯人民權利的惡法是國家暴力,人民以暴制暴對抗政府可彰顯惡法非法精神 (C)為免代議民主失靈,公民不服從與集會遊行都是人民平常維護憲政秩序的手段 0 (D)為保障政治平等,每個人基於自由意志都可以拒絕服從自己認為不正義的法律 某民主國家的國會議員選舉,可由各地最高層級的地方政府決定當地國會議員選舉 規則。有的地方政府採取得票最多者當選;有的要求得票數必須過半,若無人過半 就由得票較多的兩人進入第二輪投票對決。依據前述資訊判斷該國的中央與地方政 府權限劃分,下列推論何者最可能? (A)地方政府屬性是執行中央政府命令的行政機關 (B)地方有行政和立法自治權但司法權隸屬於中央 (C)憲法授權中央必要時得變更地方行政區域劃分 (D)憲法未明文列舉屬於中央政府的職權則歸地方 目 公民分科civil ethics 8. 小艾蒐集中國共產黨建黨百年僅有的三份「歷史決議」,並整理出以下摘要表。此 摘要表最能夠佐證中國政治的何種特性? 文件 第一份 第二份 第三份 年代 1945 年 1981年 2021 年 內容摘述「毛澤東代表中國 產 擁護以鄧小平為代表 全黨全軍全國人民要 階級和中國人民代表的黨的正確領導 更緊密團結在以習近 A 黨的正確路線 平為核心的黨中央周 圍 令41%口

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英文 高中

想請問第24.題,為什麼rather than不用接動名詞replacing,謝謝!

b ✓ D 第21.至25.題為題組 power reality, autonomous vehicles and networked robots. Besides, it will also promise- We are now on the threshold of a new era of 5G networks. 5G will 自动的 procedures, safer transportation and more immersive gaming experiences. Faster speeds, fastes the three changes 5G is all about. 21. connections and faster access to the cloud are Up to 100 times faster than 4G, 5G will provide a speedier connection to the phone. Plus, service and allow more devices to connect to the netw 22. extra bandwidth will ensure a more at the same time. However, 5G's super-high-frequency airwaves can't travel through walls rooftops, and they become weaker over long distances. As a result, numerous miniature cell to inside and outside the buildings for better efficiency. Also, while 5G might pre must be 23. a speed boost in buildings and crowded areas, 4G will still be in use to cover wider areas i 24. replace 4G directly. meantime. In other words, 5G will work with 4G at first In spite of its limits, the 5G network can function as á cloud server and help self-drivir 25. of an eye. It to process all the needed information to make critical decisions in the 22. (A) innocent 23. (A) installed 24. (A) other than smart believed that 5G can help improve telemedicine and robotic surgeries and thus provide better services. Hopefully, 5G technology can bring human civilization a great leap forward. 21. (A) scarcely 几乎不 I Scarrely thin leisurely (B) reliable (B) related (B) in order to (B) clap 25. (A) drip 第26.至30.題為題組 cities, (C) appropriately (C) pessimistic (C) violated (rather than (C) brick new surgic (D) essentially (D) criminal (D) threatened Dwith a view (D) blink Eating as many fruits and vegetables as you can is thought to be for good health. B the fruits or veggies on your shopping list are not in season or will be eaten much later in Frozen veggies would be a good alternative. But with many myths 26. around today d frozen foods, people often perceive frozen veggies as less healthy. In fact, most researc- that frozen vegetables are just as nutritious, if not more nutritious as their fresh counterpa

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英文 高中

想請問下方兩題, 16.主要是不知道as在那裡的作用(因為as看很久還是錯了),以及為什麼要使用被動 17.是覺得四個都可以🥲 非常感謝!!

13. (A) if 14. (A) helps 15. (A) Unfortunately 第16.至20.題為題組 The five-pointed star drawn with five lines is known today as the pentagram. It is an ancient symbol which has held different meanings. Today, we can see the pentagram 16. as jewelry or designs on clothing. The Sumerians were the first to use the five-pointed star polygon. They wrote about the symbol in records 17. 3000 B.C. In the context of that civilization, the pentagram was a character in a writing system. The Babylonians, a culture with close historical links to Sumer, used the pentagram 18. the planets. Its five points indicated five planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. In ancient China, the pentagram corresponded to Wu Xing, the five elements that make up the world: metal, wood, fire, earth, and water. In European folklore, it was said to come with magical properties. The 19. of the star affected its significance. With one point facing upward, the pentagram represented "white" magic (good). 20. with two points facing upward, the same symbol stood for "black" magic (evil). Nowadays the symbolism of the pentagram is still commonly used, but it is good to know more of its history than just a fashion statement. 16. (A) wearing (B) worn 17. (A) originated from (B) stemmed from U (B) unless (B) helping (B) Precisely B " (C) as (C) helped (C) Deliberately (C) that wears (C) dated back to (C)in reference to (D) when (D) help (D) Scarcely (D) to be worn (D) traced back to Din proportion to

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英文 高中


Global Issues The White Helmets of Syria That has been described as the greatest humanitarian crisis What of the 21st century began in early 2011 with the outbreak of civil war in Syria. For years, this conflict has raged, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. In addition to the horrible death toll, millions of Syria's citizens have been left homeless or displaced. In fact, the conflict has led to the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Warta simmi Like i Leves cooki 539 dedorq yiripid ei 31 opp JELENT 64 1. D B alos ni bib yo HET PROB Although it may seem that all hope is lost in that tiny part of the world, there is one organization that has been fighting for years to save lives. While it is officially called the Syria Civil Defence or SCD, its members are better known simply as the white helmets. They are volunteers who rush to bombing sites to rescue survivors and give people hope. They often show little regard for their own personal safety, and a great many have been killed or injured attempting to save the lives of others. The white helmets organization was established in rebel-controlled areas that were under constant air attack by government forces. The strategy of the government had been to target not only rebel fighters who opposed them but also the civilians living in the area. Rockets and bombs often destroyed entire neighborhoods, leaving countless innocent people dead and dying. To make matters worse, the government offered no official support since it was the one causing the destruction. Things changed in 2014, however, when the SCD was established. Its white-helmeted members began working tirelessly to pull people from the rubble and give them urgent medical care. It is estimated that they have saved close to 150,000 lives since then. In 2016, the SCD was recognized for its humanitarian efforts when it was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. 2.

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