

公民與社會 高中


26. 大法官認為立法者制定過渡條款的作為適當,主要依據下列哪一項法律原則? (A)依法行政原則 B (B)信賴保護原則 (D)法律保留原則。 (C)罪刑法定原則 O ◎第 27. ~ 28. 題為題組 依據我國動物傳染病防治條例,為了防止動物傳染病傳入我國,特定動物經運輸進入我國 時,須經檢疫後,始得輸入。某甲輸入雞隻但卻未經檢疫,經人檢舉後,遭主管機關處以新臺 幣五十萬元之罰鍰。 (27)依據題文資訊,本案主管機關之行政行為與下列選項中提及國家行政行為之法律性質,何 者最為接近? (A)教育部與留學生甲訂立公費獎金契約,要求甲應負返國義務 (B)教育部審查通過某大學教師升等,讓該教師可獲得較高薪水 (C) 財政部制定一般性規定,以拘束內部機關應該如何解釋法律命令 (D)經濟部依據法律授權,制定頒布施行法律所需的一般性規定。命令 28. 如果甲對於主管機關之裁罰不服,之後當甲可提起行政訴訟時,該訴訟之審理法院與下列 選項中所敘述爭訟事件之審理法院,何者是相同的? (A)人民因違反社會秩序維護法規定遭移送,負責審理之法院 (B)人民因涉嫌竊盜,遭到檢察官起訴之後,負責審理之法院 (C)人民因房屋買賣契約之爭議而提起訴訟,負責審理之法院 (D)人民因營業許可遭政府撤銷而提起訴訟,負責審理之法院。 ◎第 29. ~ 30. 題為題組 歐洲聯盟(歐盟)現有28個成員國,成員國簽約交出部分主權,建構共同的經濟、貿易、 法律、人權、移民等法律規範,並降低成員國之間的交易成本,被認為是「區域整合」的典型 範例。對英國而言,雖然區域整合屬於全球化重要的一環,卻長期因為移民問題、歐盟會費等

尚未解決 回答數: 1
英文 高中

請問12題為什麼不能選D? 謝謝

Ors, ation” to. 16 the passage? (A) Spider-man is the pioneer of the superhero category. (B) A superhero is a fictional character dedicated to individual interests. (C) A super hero or heroine Palways adored and viewed as a civic leader, (D) People love superheroes, for they see part of themselves in the characters. a FEBI 1 ays have common ss, there man and ay even 閱讀測驗2 to call art. eflect conic can the We want to see the newest things. That is because we want to see the future, even if only momentarily. It is the moment in which , even if we don't completely understand what we have glimpsed, we are nonetheless touched by it. This is what we have come -Takashi Murakami It has been said that great artists break the mold, but unique artists shatter it. Japanese artist Takashi Murakami is truly a unique artist. His works of art may not be as revered as Da Vinci's or as valued as Picasso's, but he has started a fire in the modern art world that will be hard to extinguish. TXARX . Many artists pride themselves on resisting popular culture. Murakami, however, has celebrated it. His work, in a variety of media, ranges from larger-than-life statues of nude manga figures to watches, mouse pads, and even pricey Louis Vuitton handbags. The finished products seem to be intended to make a statement about LATIN contemporary society. Produced in a factory-like setting similar to the studio of 當代百 主題5 藝文世界 49

尚未解決 回答數: 1
英文 高中


1 2. 3 4. D) Basically, they go on voyage after voyage in search of an immense treasure buried somewhere by the King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger. B C 閱讀測驗1 There he flies, turns, lands and—to da- a disaster is saved, by Superman. “Come on,” you roll your eyes. “That's NOT real.” But admit it -we LOVE superman. Since the debut of the prototypical superhero Superman in 1938, stories of various superheroes have dominated American comic books and crossed over into such other media as films and animations. Versatile as these super characters may be, they do share certain traits. We know the double-life secret that Peter Parker is Spider-man, Bruce Wayne the Batman, and Clark Kent the Man of Steel. The secret identity has a civilian job while the “super-me” puts on an eye-catching costume, or custom-made accessories like Wonder Woman's bracelets. We are concerned that the bad guys play tricks so as to hurt these protectors. Fortunately enough, our superheroes normally have a base to go for “restoration” to. The Batcave has everything the Batman needs. Isn't that great? Furthermore, these super icons may have some backups and do not always have to work independently. The Fantastic Four or X-men team up as they have common origins or sponsors. These super teams are like a marvelous circle. Nevertheless, there are downsides being a superhero. Credits are not always given as the Batman and Spider-man meet with public skepticism or outright hostility. A superhero may even lose control as the Hulk has an issue with his violent alter ego. We love to see the superheroes think big and achieve big. They for sure reflect what we are and what we want to be. In summary, superheroes are popular and iconic because they each represent a large part of a society's traits and values. Everyone can relate to at least one hero and villain, because those heroes are designed to show the best parts of society, and the villains represent the worst parts. 5 What can we say about the author's tone? (A) Angry. (B) Formal. (C) Harsh. (D) Relaxed. 48 主题5 藝文世界

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