

英文 高中


—甜相机 (17) (8)(A) As soon as (B) Not until ) (9)(A) due to (B) according to (C) close to (10) (A) to break (B) broke (C) breaking (D) in addition to (D) broken Just as the Statue of Liberty is recognized as a symbol of freedom, so is Eugène Delacroix's painting Liberty Leading the People, a representation of liberty. Liberty Leading the People has three features in common with the Statue of Liberty. First, it was also created by a Frenchman. Second, it was also created _(1)____ freedom. Finally, it also includes a tribute* to Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberty. the Romantic style in 1830. Its subject is the July Liberty Leading the People was painted ____(2)_ Revolution*, ___ (3)_ was a significant event in France's history. The painting was purchased by the French government in 1831 and has been hanging in the Louvre Museum since 1874.__(4), Delacroix's painting has become one of the most famous symbols of the July Revolution and the French love of freedom. 3. ( ( (5) at the their guns Delacroix's painting shows ordinary French citizens who are charging and soldiers of King Charles X. In front of these brave men is the figure of a fearless female freedom fighter. her left hand is a gun, and in her right is Her dress is torn, so her bare breasts (6)____ the enemy. _(7)_ the future French flag. This is Libertas, the goddess of liberty. She is leading the French citizens in their fight for freedom in the July Revolution. The _(8)___ duration of this revolution was but 72 hours. By the Days," the fighters had taken back their precious freedom from the king. king had lost his crown, the people of France no longer had to suffer under his cruel rule. Liberty had led them to a better, freer future. (9) of these "Three Glorious* _(10)____ the unjust and greedy ibute July Revolution duration glorious 3)(1)(A) celebrate (B) to celebrate (C) celebrated (D) celebrating (2)(A) with (B) for (C) at (D) in (C) which (D) when )(3)(A) it (B) that (4)(A) Over time (5)(A) exposing ) (6)(A) exposing to ) (7)(A) In (B) On C) (8)(A) keen (B) full (C) (9)(A) variety (B) end (C) rest (B) For example (C) For a start (D) On the other hand (B) greeting (C) grabbing (D) firing (C) are exposed to (D) are exposing to (D) Around (D) crowded (D) average (10) (A) But (B) Unless (C) Since (D) Although (B) expose to (C) Between (C) daily C 五、閱讀 1. Y journe large r Ameri Abrah 18 presi Ame gove Roo: Stat 194 face the =+ (

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公民與社會 高中

大家拜託救我!!!!!!!!! 誰可以給我高一公民龍騰版學習卷1回跟二回的正解! 拜託啊!!!!!!!! 不然會被罵死!!!!

公民 1(乙版) 學習卷 第 1 º 公民身分與普世人權 、基本題(每題5分,共35分) D 1.所謂的「社會權」,是將「受益權」範疇予以擴大,包括國民的生存、受教育、工作、社會福利等社 會基本權利等均屬社會權。下列哪一項作為屬於社會權保障的範疇? (A) 市政府推廣並興建只租不賣的社會住宅 (B) 教師基於課業考量禁止學生的社團活動 (C) 學生因屢次遲到記過向學校申訴被駁回 (D) 某電視臺提供民眾發表意見的新聞平臺 D 2. 2022 年立法院提出憲法修正案,主要內容為:中華民國國民年滿18歲者,有依法選舉、罷免、創制、 複決及參加公民投票權。除本憲法及法律別有規定者外,年滿18歲者,有依法被選舉之權。最終 以109 票0 票表決通過,是我國第一次交由全民複決的修憲案。本次修憲案旨在加強保障人民何項 權利的內涵? 5 S 下(B)自由權後每天界开年十二(1) 署(D)參政權圖论《典 (A) 文化權 (C) 社會權 B 3. 我國總統 2022年10月接見「德國國會人權委員會」訪問團時表示,臺灣與德國都堅持人權理念,也 做了許多重要的努力。臺灣主動宣示願意遵守《公民與政治權利國際公約》及《經濟社會文化權利國 際公約》,持續朝「人權立國」的理念邁進。我國以下列何種方式具體實踐兩公約之規範? (A) 總統命令立法院全權統籌人權制度研究,審查國家人權報告藝人的關《公園》 (B) 立法院已通過《兩公約施行法》,賦予兩公約國內法之效力 ?同不过 (C) 行政院之下成立國家人權諮詢委員會,職掌人權政策之提倡「益豐命里蘭人員辦!(A) (D) 司法院針對兩公約作成釋憲之說明,將其法位階提升至憲法覺務與公() 4. 2022 年國際足球總會(FIFA)卡達世界盃期間,丹麥足球協會要求於訓練時穿著印有人權宣言的衣 服,藉此表達對於卡達人權意識的不滿,但 FIFA 以不符規定予以拒絕。丹麥足球協會主席坦言:「我 們認為『人人皆有人權」並不是政治呼籲,所有人都可以支持」。世界對於人權的深切反省,源自《世 界人權宣言》。關於該宣言,以下敘述何者最為符合? (A) 該宣言與《兒童權利公約》、《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》合稱「國際人權法典」 (B) 基於第一次世界大戰的沉痛反思,由聯合國通過,期望所有國家及人民實現普世人權 (C) 該宣言不僅具宣示性內容,對各國也具有實質的約束力,並作為各國人權保障的準則 (D) 為史上第一份表述全體人類共同且平等適用權利的文件,其內容成為普世人權的原則 5. 所謂的公民身分(citizenship)狹義而言,是指一國人民因符合法定資格而享有的權利與應盡的義務 隨著時代的發展,各國對於公民身分的取得,各有其不同的規範。例如世界大多數國家的投票年齡- 在 18 歲以下,但我國有些公民權利卻又規定年滿20 歲才能參與。關於公民身分的演變,以下何者 符合演變趨勢? (A) 對於誰能擁有公民身分的議題,從古至今各國皆賦予與生俱來的保障 (B) 公民身分的擁有,近代發展趨勢是從普遍性身分逐漸限縮至特定身分 (C) 公民身分演變的方向之一,是使社會中不同群體也能擁有平等的權利 (D) 我國對於公民身分取得的年齡要求為 20 歲,也才有公民投票的資格

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英文 高中


Global Issues The White Helmets of Syria That has been described as the greatest humanitarian crisis What of the 21st century began in early 2011 with the outbreak of civil war in Syria. For years, this conflict has raged, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. In addition to the horrible death toll, millions of Syria's citizens have been left homeless or displaced. In fact, the conflict has led to the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Warta simmi Like i Leves cooki 539 dedorq yiripid ei 31 opp JELENT 64 1. D B alos ni bib yo HET PROB Although it may seem that all hope is lost in that tiny part of the world, there is one organization that has been fighting for years to save lives. While it is officially called the Syria Civil Defence or SCD, its members are better known simply as the white helmets. They are volunteers who rush to bombing sites to rescue survivors and give people hope. They often show little regard for their own personal safety, and a great many have been killed or injured attempting to save the lives of others. The white helmets organization was established in rebel-controlled areas that were under constant air attack by government forces. The strategy of the government had been to target not only rebel fighters who opposed them but also the civilians living in the area. Rockets and bombs often destroyed entire neighborhoods, leaving countless innocent people dead and dying. To make matters worse, the government offered no official support since it was the one causing the destruction. Things changed in 2014, however, when the SCD was established. Its white-helmeted members began working tirelessly to pull people from the rubble and give them urgent medical care. It is estimated that they have saved close to 150,000 lives since then. In 2016, the SCD was recognized for its humanitarian efforts when it was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. 2.

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英文 高中


女大考三題型 Unit 8 The Risks of Bio-terrorism In 2001 a number of US government employees and citizens died, after opening 1 letters deliberately contaminated with a deadly disease. 2 The government has responded to the threat by introducing a "Bio-Watch" system, which uses special equipment to detect unusual organisms in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, it can provide an early warning system for major towns and cities, allowing medicine to be rushed to an area under attack. 3 However, the US government is much more worried about the psychological impact, rather than the actual death toll, of a bio-terrorist attack. Any disease effectively released as a bio-weapon in a highly populated zone could cause general panic. 4 As a result of the continuing bio-terror threat, the US government is trying to make its citizens more confident that it can combat this menace. By doing so, it hopes that there will be less widespread panic. Therefore, if a major bio-attack occurs, people can take immediate action to minimize the damage. (A) This was probably the work of a mad scientist, but it signaled to all Americans that bio-terrorism was a clear and present danger. (B) This might freeze normal economic activities in the world's biggest economy center, and thus cause chaos in the global financial system. (C/Infected people can then be treated, and most will survive. DUnfortunately, this technology cannot filter the mail or prevent terrorists releasing diseases in enclosed places. 1. 2. y 3. C 4.

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英文 高中


Today, bribery has entered the governments of many countries as part of political money illegally. One of prestaly grubod corruption. Government officials use their power to the reasons for bribery is a lack of personal morals. In the past, many citizens of affected countries disapproved of this practice and showed their objection 2 this practice. This resulted in them having a dialogue with their governments 3 led to the passing of related laws. For example, the Right to Information Act, passed in India in 2005, helps forbid bribery in the government. It grants any citizen access to information under the control of public 4 under this authorities, which includes many departments of the government. act, any citizen can ask to view any accessible documents related to government processes. This act is reliable for promoting transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. ing W To conclude, 5 laws like the act mentioned above can be successfully applied to other countries with political corruption is unknown. Although bribery is an help get rid of it. sini unavoidable in some parts of the world, good governance can (C) 1. (A) look forward to 善常非)(p (B) cut down d 199000.00 Vision (C) get hold of (D) take its toll on a 15000 M (3) 2. (A) for (B) to shop (C) with oyage (D) over RAN (B) which C) 3. A) what (C), which h的產品數 (D) that 雏不心 DA) 4. (A) On the contrary (B) At length up XNING IN MY bountersbou (C) What's more Cannol gra (D) That is On sind (A) 5. (A) whether or not (B) only if (C) not until (D) even though day life helping others

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英文 高中

求解45題 為什麼是b

Pet Insurance 10 Pet Shop FOOD & MEDICINE 43 - 46 題為題組 killed intentionally or unintentionally- C2 As humans make the wildlife habitats less and less remote, the chances of wildlife being are growing higher and higher. Among the causes of their unexpected deaths, roadkill ranks at the top. In Taiwan, the revealed statistics are rather shocking. According to a five-year survey by the Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network (TaiRoN), approximately five million animals become roadkill each year, involving 550 different species. Between 2012 and 2017, it was found that 54 leopard cats, 257 palm civets, and thousands of cats, dogs, and reptiles perished under the rolling wheels of the motor vehicles. TaiRON originated from a Facebook group created by concerned citizens in August, 2011. The group members come from a variety of locations and academic backgrounds rather than from any particular group or association. It is not an intentionally planned, research-oriented citizen science project. Rather, it is gradually established through discussions and consensus among members. There are four tenets guiding this organization: roadkill mitigation, citizen science, environmental education and life cherish. To encourage people’s participation in the program, TaiRON specifies four easy steps as follows: 1 Turn on GPS on your phone and take sharp photos when you encounter dead (wild) animals in the field. boll N ebonobo 、 20 Upload the photos and information (dates, latitude and longitude etc.) to the database and Facebook by APP. 100 robilo 3 Collect the complete carcass carefully with 2 layer zipper bag, label with information, and then put it into solid cardboard boxes or Styrofoam. 4 Use 7-ELEVEN “Frozen Shipping, Home-Delivery" and "C.O.D. (Cash on Delivery)" to send the package to Endemic Species Research Institute. One animal of TaiRON’s survey is the leopard cat. As Taiwan's only surviving wild cat, this feline species faces death threats from habitat loss, pesticides and car traffic, the last of which is the most serious one. Leopard cats are often found struck and dead on the roadside. By publishing roadkill statistics on leopard cats, TaiRON has championed the protection of this endangered species. Due to their unyielding efforts, there has been a significant drop in leopard cat deaths. toitained and odd or how Torloni 第四回 g 41

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