

英文 高中

請問17題為什麼不選原形呢 而是選ing?

(A) A recent study has found that Facebook is the social media platform responsible for spreading the most fake news. Facebook users must therefore be careful lest they "Ishould be . swayed by false information. Many think that the spread of fake news is key to 17. _ people's political views. However, the researchers revealed that it's quite difficult to make a voter change their mind 18. who they plan to vote for just through fake news. According to the report 19, after the study, in the build-up to the 2016 US presidential election, almost half of all US voters visited fake news sites. Thankfully, this high volume did not seem to decrease people's desire to also seek buat pas les from more Pua 20. sources. However the report contained one alarming finding about the period 21. the election. On average, people tended to spend more time reading 22. is from untrustworthy websites, compared with articles from reliable sources. The researchers also reminded people to 23. that further studies are required. Only by conducting more research 24. this subject can we determine how much fake news influences public opinion. Nevertheless, 25. is clear is that during that period, numerous fake news articles were spread through Facebook and thus were available to millions. It seems the platform has a lot to answer for. ) 16. (4) were (B) will be (Q) are (D) be (A.) 17. (A) influencing (B) influence @ influences (R) influenced (D) 16

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