

數學 國中


(41~43) At some stores, people get stickers or stamps on a card when they spend money there. After they collect enough stickers or stamps, they can get gifts or buy things at low prices. Yesterday after I bought coffee; the clerk stamped on my cellphone. How cool it was! My first time! It looks like a stamp we used in the past, but there are many small dots at the bottom. You touch the screen of your cellphone to tell it what to do, and this is also the way smart stamps work. When people use a smart stamp, they hold the top part of the smart stamp. The small electrical charge from people's hands goes through it to the dots at the bottom. Then, the smart stamp tells your cellphone messages with them. The dots of different stores are in different patterns. no alla lil est sill lo busolos With smart stamps, stores don't have to make stickers or cards, and people don't have to keep those things. Stores can also collect some useful information. For example, how many people come and buy things or what is popular? Are there any other good things about smart stamps? Are there things people need to be careful with when they use them? We can know more after smart stamps become more common. sticker 貼紙 electrical charge 電荷 message訊息 pattern 圖案 ( ) 41 Which picture best shows how electrical charge moves when someone uses a smart stamp? (A) (B) (C) (D) MA ( ) 42 "Are there any other good things... become more common." What did the writer want to say? (A) Not everybody needs to use smart stamps. (B) Many people worry a lot when they use smart stamps. (C) Let's learn more after more people experience using smart stamps. (D) Stamps are not common, so people may think about giving them up. ( ) 43. In the reading, the writer mentioned: a. Why people use smart stamps. b. One new thing in the writer's life. c. How smart stamps work. In what order did the writer mention them? (A) abc. (C) cba. 『著作權,翻印必究 9-15 (B) ba→c. (D) b→ c→a. 三美 mention提及

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