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次:4-2 <集體錯覺就是社會編織的謊言,當群體中大部分的人私底下都拒絕某個觀點,卻 誤以為大部分人都接受,他們就會在公開場合附和這個觀點。學者過去一直把這個 現象稱為多數無知,但我認為這個語詞沒有抓到要點,而且令人誤解。我們之所以 搞錯主流意見,並不是因為我們不知道大多數人的看法;而是因為我們誤以為自己 知道。 根據上文,下列選項最適當的是: (A)群眾往往因太愚昧而缺乏判斷力 (C)真相不一定跟多數人站在同一邊 AD³ 3 「曾經有一位詩人說過:『科學乃理智的兒子,詩歌乃感情的女兒。』其實,豈止詩 歌是感情的女兒,一切扣人心弦的文藝作品,莫不是感情的女兒。抒情的詩句當然 是,而抒情的散文亦是。因為,抒情的散文乃抒情詩的延展,抒情的散文寫至精純 處,二者的界限往往混淆莫辨了,是散文,也是詩,是詩,也是散文。」 根據上文,下列敘述何者最貼近文意? (A)作者認為優秀的抒情散文,文字帶有詩意而情感精煉 (B)科學與理智都是陽剛的存在,詩歌與感情則是陰柔的表述 (C)作者評論現代詩與散文的界線模糊,比不上古典詩的扣人心弦 (D)要寫出好的抒情散文,必須先寫出精純的抒情詩,詩是散文的基礎 4 「『生物多樣性』(Biodiversity)一詞在1986年被提出,為生物的多樣性(Biological CA² (B)主流意見是維護社會秩序的基準 (D)集體錯覺是一種約定成俗的默契

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國文 高中


(C)真相不一定跟多數人站在同一邊 (D)集體錯覺是一種約定成俗的默契 3 「曾經有一位詩人說過:『科學乃理智的兒子,詩歌乃感情的女兒。』其實,豈止詩 歌是感情的女兒,一切扣人心弦的文藝作品,莫不是感情的女兒。抒情的詩句當然 是,而抒情的散文亦是。因為,抒情的散文乃抒情詩的延展,抒情的散文寫至精純 處,二者的界限往往混淆莫辨了,是散文,也是詩,是詩,也是散文。」 根據上文,下列敘述何者最貼近文意? (A)作者認為優秀的抒情散文,文字帶有詩意而情感精煉 (B)科學與理智都是陽剛的存在,詩歌與感情則是陰柔的表述 (C)作者評論現代詩與散文的界線模糊,比不上古典詩的扣人心弦 (D)要寫出好的抒情散文,必須先寫出精純的抒情詩,詩是散文的基礎 4 "生物多樣性』(Biodiversity)一詞在1986年被提出,為生物的多樣性(Biological diversity)簡稱,在學術上的定義擴充及所有生態系中活生物體的變異性,它涵蓋了 所有從基因、個體、族群、物種、群集、生態系到地景等各種層次的生命型式。另 外,廣泛定義上亦指各式各樣的生命相互依賴著複雜、緊密而脆弱的關係,生活在 不同形式的人文及自然系統中,也就是人和萬物生生不息在地球的生物圈共榮共 存。而『生物多樣性』本身具有生態與經濟、科學與教育、文化、倫理與美學等價 值。」) 根據上文,下列敘述,最符合「生物多樣性」狀態的是:

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英文 高中

求解2 第三行第一段時間不是說不能確定了嗎🥺

Advanced 10 5 SA ENGLISH TH Having bip oesn't have to With t such as Beetho- All suffered fro treatment, the can't live a n 66 The Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder L ife in the modern world can be confusing and fast-paced. Every day, our brains are forced to make sense of an endless stream of information from the Internet, TV, and newspapers. As if that weren't enough, we must balance our social and work schedules while still making time for our families. It's no wonder that many people sometimes feel overwhelmed by the ups and downs of their life. But for people with (bipolar disorder, this roller coaster ride never seems to end. Yet many people suffering from this disease don't even know they have it. Bipolar disorder is a condition in which people have trouble controlling their moods. Instead of having a balanced temperament, patients often move between extreme excitement and depression. In less serious cases, it can cause a person to be overly energetic and talkative throughout the day. It could also make the sufferer become anxious about minor things that wouldn't bother most people. In severe cases, people can become extremely depressed and lose their will to live. sbu Scientists are still unsure why people develop bipolar disorder, but many 15 believe it is caused by a combination of internal and external factors. They believe it comes from a chemical imbalance in the body, which may be genetic. But when this is combined with high levels of pressure, bipolar disorder seems to worsen. Re Since bipolar disorder is complex, it can be difficult to treat. One approach to get it under control is through medication. The drug lithium is often prescribed, 20 since it can control patients' moods in both the manic and depressive stages. Psychotherapy is also used to help people change the negative thoughts that frequently accompany their severe mood swings. 196

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英文 高中

請問第20題為什麼是選C不是選D? a few thing不是值得「被」知道的嗎?為什麼不是選被動用法?

歷區公立高中指考模擬試題解析 teens from their friends. At some level and at some times (and it's the parent's job to spot when), 18. that parents can offer certain kernels of wisdom -- knowledge valued not because it comes from parental authority, but because it comes from parents' own struggles to learn how the world turns. Teens rightly perceive that they must understand not just their parents' world but also 19. they are entering. Yet if allowed to, they can appreciate that their parents once faced the same problems and may remember a few things worth 20. + Ving ( 16. (A) to (B) of (C) on (D) for BI 17. (A) by accident (B) in general (C) with hindsight (D) on cue 18. (A) differentiate (B) advocate (C) puzzle (D) recognize 19. (A) one (B) ones (C) the other (D) the one 20. (A) to know (B) to be known (C) knowing (D) being known 三、文意選填(10分) 說明:第 21. 題至第 30. 題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的(A)到(L)選項中分別 選出最適當者,並將其字母代號劃記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得1分, 未作答、答錯、或劃記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 D D ♡ 20_04) to know For many families, an exotic summer getaway means a trip overseas. For one in particular, it means living on Mars. Martian time, 21.X. Since the landing of NASA's newest Mars rover, NASA flight director David Oh's family has taken the L 22.) step of joining him in syncing their biological clock to Martian time. “We all feel a little sleepy, a little jet-lagged all day long, but everyone is doing great," said Oh's wife. hours which is the

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英文 高中

可以幫我排一下難易度嗎? 我覺得好像差不多 但是只要寫一本 共3本 謝謝🙏

gniwoflol od 10 doinW OA sto ortul ONT (A) baroni od nso isdW JA ord bed vondt.95M lus (A) ylioblo adt (A) impact. Vesostition To Me (B) Oceans and the creatures in them. the covernatoqoqrad mazs verdwenly (C) A biological study and its findings. (0) (D) All drifting animals and algae in the oceans. 2 od tuoda a bomoloq as sy woH (0) 50. What is the purpose of the project mentioned in the third paragraph? (A) To remove junk in the ocean. oe bus cae! (B) To promote tourism in 210 regions. (a) (C) To survey marine organisms. yob (D) To provide more oxygen for the planet. 51 What does the word “mitigate” in the last paragraph probably mean? Luizasowuje s 2i 11 (C) (A) Emphasize. (B) Lessen. (C) Ignore. or cos w Torle (D) Generate. 52. According to the passage, what may happen if the amount of plankton drastically deceases? (A) The ocean may shrink. moms (B) Most marine creatures may die. otsa (5) (C) Diatoms may become prosperous. (D) It may worsen global warming.lus (CI raianpo lobbon To assolst od wolsa 8A 53.256.0 Ri de deprived on Nuclear energy is an appealing alternative to fossil fuels, because it is carbon free and hence doesn't contribute to global warming. However, the radioactive wastes generated after nuclear fission takes place are the principal environmental concern. They must be well disposed of in specially designed pools and then maintained in costly dry storage containers. They are highly radioactive, hazardous to humans even with short-term exposure. The disposal and storage of these radioactive isotopes as well as the decommissioned reactors cost taxpayers more than tens of millions of dollars annually. le; the White sed Scientists are dedicated to the reuse of nuclear wastes. The researchers at the University of Bristol in the U.K. are trying to encapsulate nuclear waste within diamonds. “The radiation is locked safely away inside the gemstone, meanwhile providing a clean energy supply like a long-lasting battery,” said the head of the team. They aim at carbon-14, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of around 5,730 years and available in graphite blocks used to cool the uranium rods. By heating the blocks, scientists convert carbon-14 into a gas and then gather it to form a kind of “diamond”- since diamonds are just another form of carbon. To safely block the short-range radiation it emits, scientists suggest the most solid substance on Earth, diamond, to contain it. A diamond beta-battery comes into being as a result. carly The same as what is confronting in dealing with nuclear waste stockpiles, the diamond battery is highly-priced, too expensive to manufacture. However, researchers are still holding an optimistic attitude toward it, speculating about its possible applications in anything where

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