

公民與社會 高中


據外媒報導,馬來西亞於2022年11月19日舉行國會大選,國內主要政黨聯盟中, 在野聯盟領袖安華(Anwar Ibrahim)為首的「希望聯盟」(Hope Pact)拿下82席,前線 慕尤丁(Muhyiddin Yassin)所帶領的「國民聯盟」(Perikatan Nasional)則緊追在後, 73席;而執政的「國民陣線」(Barisan Nasional)只拿下30席,雖然僅有30席,但預計 能透過選擇支持哪一個陣營來扮演重要角色。 案 W 馬來西亞下議院有222個席次,媒體報導指出,這是馬國首次出現「懸峙國會」(hun parliament)局面。獲得多數席次的希望聯盟、國民聯盟勢必得和其他政黨或聯盟合作, 能取得籌組政府所需的席次。儘管「希望聯盟」奪下最多的國會席次,但有新加坡媒體認為 「希望聯盟」與其他政黨聯盟之間存有意識形態差異,很難找到潛在的執政聯盟夥伴,因此 較難取得足夠的國會議員支持籌組政府,其他政黨團體比較可能願意與「國民聯盟」攜手合 “联合內閣之成員是由來自不同政黨的黨員所組成,因此閣員背belong的party可能 作。 有不同的政見,利益考量,易使政策制定和施政方針变Complex,故(5) 苦思刻开 平鎮高中 ) 41.目前馬來西亞國會未有政黨聯盟獲得足以組成政府的議員席次,因此需要與其他 政黨聯盟合作,共同組閣,但是共同組閣的情形下,較容易出現下列何種狀況? (B) (A)元首權力過度擴張 味麵 (C) 國會易濫用否決權 (B)施政責任不易釐清 (D)內閣任期不固定

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英文 高中

這篇看的有點矇 想請問是真的那些單字有一字多義的這些意思 還是這題出題有錯誤

in an ng S ge 1. er DAR 三、文意選填(占10分)(請忽略大小寫) 品牌 019W 第21 至 30 題為題組 The 29. doum Den (A turns out (B) come across (F) accomplishment (G) in addition elod Societies and cultures are continually adapting, and long-practiced customs are disappearing. One 21, that is slowly fading out of practice is the Swedish custom of Fika. 22. the habit of grabbing 年銷 a latte at Starbucks on the way to work, Fika is a true coffee break. On a Fika break, a person spends 1–2 hours forgetting about work and enjoying their companion, whether it be a friend or a novel. Unfortunately, this 23. custom is in danger, and not just in Sweden. The fast-paced, high (n)擁有物 財產 pressure world we live in today has made time a precious possession. Our ambition to be successful 無義急 often makes it seem like there are no worthwhile reasons to spend that time on anything as pointless as a survive ( their success at work 14 cup of coffee. We devote all our energy to our career, and many people 24. with success in life, We 25. spending more time with our clients than we do with our friends. We 26. have time for family. tovi Fika, on the other hand, is about separating our li so. And M what work, we are 21. 26. IC AH » on the other hand, is about separating our lives from our work, even if it's just for an hour or 22. 27. HB (C) that 27. Fika, there are no rules. It can be done at home, in a park, or on a train. It can be done 2900F HONE with coffee or tea, with or without a sweet dessert. Its only_28. is that one removes oneself from the HIBE daily grind for a brief escape below average (#4) piqor ST (C) disgusting A. (D) varied (H) amazing A (I) rewarded Hi boug ++# / 847) De moments. We can connect with people we care for and who care for us in return. And when we return to 30. be more productive and focused. Perhaps it's time for you to schedule a Fika break. CI BE 25. JA GE 23. R 30. E.G. into varied (47 (n) Huomib of a Fika break are numerous. We can step away from job pressure for a few brief con 28. brush to 73 mish gri (D) take part in (D) where V. (1) below average FJ T 78 A(E) survive 24. 29. SON itsn seitseng ait ol tosido vlamorta enorgiler

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英文 國中


Next e www.4Rjacket.com Back Don't Buy Their Jacket Buy ours, because... 指出 細節 Reduce 推敲 文意 Repair Reuse Recycle Together we can create a better world with less trash. If you are interested, visit our website for more information (we only have an online store). 5% of our income will be donated to help save the rainforest in Brazil. Come and make a change with us. reduce 減少 repair 修理 reuse recycle income We make things that last longer. They are expensive and you don't want things you don't need. We help you repair things. Their things can't be repaired. We help find a home to things you no longer need. Their things are easily broken and can't be used again. We will take back the things that are to be thrown away. They can't help you deal with old things. (D) 29. Which is true about the reading? (A) Things at the 4Rjacket store are so well made that you can use them for a long time. (B) You have to pay an extra 5% to help save the rainforest. (C) You can try on all the clothes at 4Rjacket to make sure they fit. (D) Buying things from 4Rjacket sounds like a bad idea. 30. Who is most likely to buy things from 4Rjacket? (A) Mika, who likes jackets and buying different jackets makes her feel good. (B) Clement, he donates 10% of his income to church and is always kind to others. (C) Amy, who cleans up the beach on the weekend. (D) Zack, a crazy online shopper that is always looking for the lowest price.

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