

自然 國中


請在閱讀下列敘述後,回答 5 ~ 8題 在義大利 佛羅倫斯的科學史博物館成立於西元1927年,經兩年翻修後於西元 2010年6月 10日重新開館,更名為伽利略博物館(Museo Galileo)。 館內收藏了一座十八世紀後期的一個演示儀器,長寬高為544cm × 39cm x 124cm,作者不詳,在史上最美的十項科學實驗這本書裡,作者克里斯(Crease) 將此斜面稱為Belled Plane。 此演示器材有兩組鈴鐺,第一組鈴鐺是受懸掛在斜面後方的單擺牽動,每擺到 最高點時會敲響鈴鐺,並發出等時間間隔的鈴鐺聲。第二組是斜面上5個活動鈴鐺 組,沿著斜面設置,當球自高處滾下來經過鈴鐺時,就會發出聲音,演示者可以一 邊聆聽單擺敲出的鈴鐺聲,一邊排列這組活動鈴鐺,使球滾下來敲響的鈴鐺聲也是 等時間間隔的,以測量各組活動鈴鐺的間距比例是否符合「等加速度」的特性。 AD 5.當球自斜面高處滾下來的過程屬於何種運動? (A)等速度運動 (B)等加速度運動 (C)加速度運動 (D)自由落體運動 6球自斜面高處滾下的加速度與時間關係圖(a-t圖)應為下列何者? (A) (m/s)等加速度) (D) a(m/s?) (C) (A)1:1:1:1 (C)1:4:9:16 3 57 a (m/s²) 0 t(s) 0 0 t(s) A 7.球自高處滾下來經過鈴鐺時,敲響的鈴鐺聲也是等時間間隔的意義為 何? (A)經過每鈴鐺的時間間隔相同 (B)鈴鐺間距相同 (C)鈴鐺發出的音高相同 (D)經過每鈴鐺的速度相同 DC8將球靜止釋放自高處滾下來,在連續相等的時間間隔裡,球所移動的距 離比應為下列何者?(提示:可畫y-t圖判斷) a (m/s²) 吧 (B)1:2:3:4 (D)1:3:5:7 - 14 - t(s) 0

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自然科學 大學

請問第9題的第四小題,為何B選項1:2:3:4不是正確的答案呢! 我個人認為B及D選項都是正確的! 請高手說明,謝謝!

關係圖(a-t圖)應為下列何者? (A) a (m/s) (B) 0 a (m/s) f(s) (C) ( )(1)連續兩影像間的時間間隔為何? (A)0.01秒(B)0.1秒(C) 1 秒(D) 10 秒。 ( )(2)物體落下時的平均加速度為多少 公分/秒?(A)87 (B) 870 (C)175 (D)1750。 ( )(3) x 值為何?(A)32 (B)35.5 (C) 39.3 (D) 42 • 答案:(1)(B);(2)(B);(3)(C) 13.1-4.4 解析:(2) =870(公分/秒) 0.12 [(x-17.5)-13.1] (3) =870,X- t(s) 0 a (m/s) (D) o 0 a(m/s?) t(s) 0 o 13610 0.12 393。 出處:試題 難易度:難 9. 請在閱讀下列敘述後,回答下列問題。 在義大利佛羅倫斯的科學史博物館成立 於西元1927年,經兩年翻修後於西元2010 年6月10日重新開館,更名為伽利略博物 館(Museo Galileo) 館內收藏了一座十八世紀後期的一個演 示儀器,長寬高為544cmx39cmx124cm,作 者不詳,在史上最美的十項科學實驗這本書 裡,作者克里斯(Crease)將此面稱為 Belled Plane。 此演示器材有兩組鈴鐺,第一組鈴鐺是 受懸掛在斜面後方的單擺牽動,每擺到最高 點時會敲響鈴鐺,並發出等時間間隔的鈴鐺 聲。第二組是斜面上5個活動鈴绪組,沿著 斜面設置,當球自高處滾下來經過鈴錯時, 就會發出聲音,演示者可以一邊聆聽單擺敲 出的鈴鐺聲,一邊排列這組活動鈴鐺,使球 滾下來敲響的鈴鐺聲也是等時間間隔的,以 測量各組活動鈴绪的間距比例是否符合「等 加速度」的特性。 ( )(1)當球自斜面高處滾下來的過程屬 於何種運動?(A)等速度運動 (B)等加速度運動 (C)加速度 運動 (D)自由落體運動。 ( )(2)球自斜面高處滾下的加速度-時間 f(s) ( )(3)球自高處滾下來經過鈴鐺時,敲 響的鈴鐺聲也是等時間間隔的意 義為何?(A)經過每鈴鐺的時 間間隔相同(B)鈴鐺間距相同 (C)鈴鐺發出的音高相同(D) 經過每鈴鐺的速度相同。 ( )(4)「等加速度」的特性是每隔相同 時間間格球移動的距離比應為下 列何者?(A)1:1:1:1( B) 1:2:3:4 (C) 1:4:9 : 16 (D)1:3:5:7。 答案:(1)(B);(2)(A);(3)(A);(4 (D) 出處:習作 難易度:難 10. 阿美費盡九牛二虎之力爬上高樓的樓頂, 正在欣賞美景時,不小心口袋中拾圓硬幣 掉出,自樓頂自由落下到地面需時4秒, 若不計空氣阻力(g=9.8 m/s),試回 答下列問題: ( )(1)硬幣著地的速度為多少?(A) 9.8 m/s (B) 19.6 m/s (C) 29.4 m/s (D)39.2 m/s。 ( )(2)阿美爬上多高的樓頂?(A) 78.4 m (B) 44.1 m (C) 29.4 m(D)19.6m。 16 1 4 q 17

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英文 高中

想問這題的39題 答案是C 想問A選項跟B選項 分別代表哪些字(文章中) 答案主要在第四段 但是我覺得founder跟holder還有sponsor意思也不太接近

第4頁 共7 頁 109 年指考(補考) 英文考科 五、閱讀測驗(占32分) 說明:第36題至第51題,每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記 在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得2分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個 選項者,該題以零分計算。 第36 至39 題為題組 I am thrilled to welcome you to the 20th annual Roger Ebert's Film Festival, a special event in partnership with the University of Illinois College of Media, the greater Champaign-Urbana community, and movie lovers everywhere . Little did we think, back in 1999, that our experiment in reinventing the film festival to make a festival that celebrated overlooked films, formats and genres, and the women and men who made those films would become a landmark annual event in the life of our community and contribute to the renovation of the remarkable Virginia Theater, our home from the very beginning. In selecting the films for this year, Chaz Ebert and I looked to women filmmakers for our inspiration. Fully half of our films are either directed or co-directed by women, and several others have women in powerful produeing roles. Films directed or co-directed by women include “13th," directed by Ava DuVernay, “Belle," directed by Amma Asante, and "American Splendor," directed by Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini, And women producers include Lynda Obst and Emma Thomas ("Interstellar”) and Ruth Ann Harnisch and Danielle Renfrew Behrens (“Columbus"). Our opening night film is “The Fugitive," directed by University of Illinois alumnus Andrew Davis. Our Saturday night film is the classic "The Big Lebowski.” Our guest will be the Hollywood legend Jeff Dowd. And of course The Alloy Orchestra will be back, this year with “A Page of Madness,” the classic Japanese silent film. We would like to thank our sponsors, volunteers, festival pass holders, and individual ticket holders for their welcome participation in this endeavor. We look forward to your unwavering support as our festival continues to blossom each spring in central Illinois. We especially want to thank the University of Illinois for their loyal support year after year. This festival is Roger Ebert's gift to his hometown, and for that we thank him and his wife Chaz. They continue to be a remarkable team, and it is an honor to work with them. 36. Who is most likely the writer of this passage? (A) The President of the University of Illinois. (B) A movie critic who is a friend of the Eberts. (C) A member of the Festival's organizing committee. (D) A journalist who reports stories about the Festival. 37. What was the purpose of reinventing Roger Ebert's Film Festival in 1999? (A) To work closely with the University of Illinois. (B) To help restore a building associated with the Festival. (C) To establish a signature annual event in the community. (D) To honor people who made films that were not box-office hits. 38. What is the focus of this year's film selection? (A) Films produced or directed by women. (B) Hollywood classics and legends. (C) Stories featuring female leading roles. (D) Diversity in formats and genres. 39. Which of the following is NOT included in the writer's acknowledgement remarks? (A) The founder of Roger Ebert's Film Festival. (B) A student who purchased a pass to the Festival, (C) The producer of the Festival's award-winning film. (D) A company which provided financial support for the Festival. -4.

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