

英文 國中


二、填空:每題1分,共5分 1. Which pie do you want, the apple or the orange? 2. What did the cheese taste like? Do you like it? 3. Cinderella's two sisters are pretty, but Cinderella is the the pretties pretty) of the three. Ship 4. Ed: How did you feel after Mr. Wang agreed with your plan? Ian: Very surprised. 9. Dad was little, and then he moved to the cl 10. Eason and I made a d 1. my bike, and I'll buy him a drink. 5. Liz: Of all the boys, no one is as hard-working as Josh. Jill: You're right. He is the most hard-working. M TUER DEDICE BA bor Vu us 語法選擇:每題2 分,共20分 ) 1. Elaine: You ate the salt ice cream. De quo FIER 20 LOR MAICI CUR A₂ C17 did it taste? cu pOLLOW YOUNG (LOUr2.om I didn't huish I didn't finish it. (C) Which Joshua: Not so good. (A) What like (B) How TAKE 10 000 2. Melody: I only have thirty dollars. is OF WON HO Aug. the hot dog? zuobbik Day as ambig ben bmp: HS Cindy: The hot dog. It's $25. que UGM (A) the cheapest (B) the cheaper much cheaper (D) the most cheap He'll fix (D) Why Which one French fries, popcorn, or ) 3. Sophie: Did you eat the apple pie on the table? Matt: No, I didn't, but it smells SE IN MOUGELIN (A) more delicious 31 (C) very delicious We should try its 1000 your quercur (B) the delicious one alt delicious the happiest de o (D) the most most CLIKE BALINE JULICE Those two men are smiling and shaking hands. They look like (A) old friends ZAGHG FOOT FO friendly (D) bad guys min Ann 164 17 MIC

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生物 高中

請問我這幾題都寫對嗎 22超級不確定

o (A)觀察细胞的構造皆需要借助電子顯微鏡 (B)圖中所指的細胞是來自原核生物的細胞 (C)画 中的高爾基體應是高基氏體,其功能敘述有誤 (D)此解說牌的內容符合植物的細胞構造 (E)網 緣關係鑑定可藉由檢驗核糖體 DNA 來判定。 二、題組題(每題2.9分,共 28.6分) 第19~22. 為題組 流式細胞儀是一種可讓細胞懸浮於流體中,並觀測及記錄個別細胞特質的儀器。這項技術的發展主要是來自顯 微鏡的技術發展、血球計數儀器的技術演進。1960年代發展出一種以顯微鏡為基礎的分光光度計。使我們首次得 以在每秒超過500 顆細胞通過顯微鏡觀察點的速度下,對流過光學或電子檢測器的一個個細胞進行連續的多種參 数分析,包含細胞的體積和形態複雜程度、細胞中的色素、DNA、RNA、蛋白質和細胞表面抗原等参数。 流式細胞儀的基本原理是當細胞經過孔洞時,會排擠等張生理食鹽水溶液而提高電阻,大的細胞排出的等張 生理食鹽水的體積大,因此產生的電阻也大於小的細胞經過孔洞時產生的電阻。依據電阻的改變次数及大小,即 可記錄通過的細胞数目及細胞的相對大小尺寸,更可以透過特定細胞被雷射光激發後產生的光學訊號,再轉換成 電子訊號由電腦分析細胞的特性。這些讓流式細胞儀具備下列特性:能使單一細胞一個接一個的快速通過孔洞、 能以電子訊號來偵測細胞與具有訊號分析的自動化。 為了進一步將細胞分離,流式細胞儀結合了原先設計給電腦噴墨印表機使用的噴墨技術,而發展出第一臺具 有篩選功能的流式細胞篩選儀。噴墨技術的基本原理即是利用高頻率振盪的噴嘴,將水柱分裂成水滴並使打算篩 選的水滴帶上電荷,再利用高壓電場使水滴產生偏折而被導入收集管中。後來再加以改進,使含有細胞的水滴帶 電,再依照機器测量到的電子訊號來決定給子含有特定細胞大小的水滴帶電,再利用電場使之偏折,如此即可分 離出特定的細胞種類。 ) . o o 若某科學家利用流式細胞儀檢測鈣離子的有無對細胞的生長是否有影響,實驗流程如下所示,結果如圖甲中 2

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英文 高中

想請問45 在第三段後幾句 他說並不是全部人都買單 那不就代表他不夠popular嗎 那D選項為什麼對 還有46 b跟d明明超像吧?

66 學測週計畫‧英文 x } 分。 adi) T}; 第4至7題為題組 The fair-trade movement began in Europe in the post-war period, but it didn't draw people attention until the recent 25 years. According to its fundamental principles, fair trade 2 47.) w you were in the fai making trades fair to producers by having consumers from developed countries pay slightly problem mentioned ir (A) To place more adv for end products. The primary feature of the fair-trade system that distinguishes it from that of the open marke (B) To look for more (CL To lower the fees is the requirement of minimum prices paid for goods. Moreover, during good years, an addition (D) To reduce the hi amount of money is added to encourage and profit labor-offering producers. With financial aid purchasers of fair-trade products may help producers hire more adult workers, which can reduce he hiring of child labor. By paying more, they can also guarantee the safety of workplaces, and be farmers adopt eco-friendly fertilizers to protect the environment. However, although the fair trade system seems beneficial to farmers, and trades are on the increase, it actually leaves much room for criticism. For example, getting fair trade certification is expensive for small businesses and individual producers. They have to split their hard-earne money for being a fair trade member, which ends up being a burden for the poor producers that fair trade system originally urges to help. Such high administration fees inevitably lead to the result that products are sold at much higher prices which weigh on consumers. Hence, customer base around the world is limited, because not everyone is willing to pay extra fees when they can get products of the similar quality but with lower prices. Worst of all, the administration fees don't go to the suppliers but retailers. Although there are obvious advantages of fair trade system, its disadvantages are likely to form a vicious circle and may shrink the fair trade market, if the basic problem doesn't get tackled. 44 Which of the following is the best title for this passage? (A) The History of Fair Trade qobis (Bil How to Become Fair-Trade Producers (C) How Fair Is Fair Trade? DNThe Cost of Fair-Trade Practices Which of the following statements is NOT true about fair trade? og AT of a spire- (A) Fair-trade producers use environmentally friendly fertilizers. resembles B) All fair-trade crops are sold at higher prices in the market. on its ext (C) Producers have to pay for official proof of fair-trade associations. Cam the talles Fair trade products are popular and sold to every country in the world. To dow As 46. What is the correct order of the main ideas for the paragraphs 1-3? with aw TA) Fair trade and globalization 48 Acc (B) The time when fair trade began — The advantages of fair trade → The impact of fair trade api (C) The first fair-trade producer → The increasing sales of fair-trade products A consumers to farmers (D) The goal of fair trade system → The advantages of fair trade — The imperfection of fair trade p 第責部分 第48至几題為題組 As water is to p no beautiful decorat This list could go to the similar style structures in the w One great e British architect there are mainly to break this col this innovative concept of it i building elabc functions of w Anot 2 Also calle Piano, an It purposes like two fundan rise. T Da Totein gorofa obito Bol to do 14 → The cons of fair trade → The pros of fair trade 帥8% → The help of 49. TL

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