

英文 高中

請問有live abc 10月份的英文雜誌解答嗎?謝謝

Weekly Review Test Live Week 2 (Units 4-6) Class:bir hasardn piris co No.: Name: 第一部分:聽力測驗 一、看圖辨義 (Q1: 7%, Q2: 12%) ( ) 1. (A) veel b1 best on (B) (C) ( )( ) 2. NAME Laerdal WestConnex Yamate Tunnel Zhongnanshan Tunnel Jinpingshan Tunnel St. Gotthard (SI) prane ar (D) SEIT (8) LOCATION Norway Australia Japan China China 2015-he Switzerland LENGTH YEAR 2000 2023 2015 2007 24.5 KM 22 KM 18.2 KM 18 KM 17.5 KM 17 KM 二、對答(27%) ( ) 3. (A) Good! You will make more money. (B) You should. You're working hard. ( ) 7. (A) They have lots of soda. 2011 (C) Wow! You must really enjoy working. (D) Cool! I want to work in a new office 三、簡短對話(27%) ) 6. (A) She needs to get a new phone. M 1980 too. ( ) 4. (A) Sure. We can grab a few beers. (B) Which movie do you have in mind? (C) No. I hate doing exercise. (D) OK. We can study together. ( ) 5. (A) Yes. The killer was caught right away. (B) No. No one survived the accident. (C) Really? What's so funny about it? (D) Right. The police don't have any clues. (B) She wants a job at a convenience store. (C) She doesn't have money to pay her bill. (D) She can trust the man to do things. (B) They need 300 more cans of soda. (C) She forgot to buy soda. (D) Not everyone at the party will get a can of soda. 2023 年 10 月號 10/09-10/13 Advanced Level () 8. (A) He looked sick today. (B) He talked too much today. (C) He didn't act like himself today. (D) He was nice to the woman today. 四、長篇聽解(27%) Facts about Sir William Wallace ➤ He was a heroic figure in Scotland in the century. ➤ He led the Scottish resistance against English ➤ His determination and Live A2-1 inspired his people to fight. ➤ He was by the English. ( ) 9. (A) Life in Scotland during the 13th century. (B) The Wars of Scottish Independence. (C) A Scottish hero. (D) The Battle of Stirling Bridge. ( ) 10. (A) Inspiring. (B) Determined. (D) Creative. (C) Brave. ( ) 11. (A) He was sick and died after one of his battles. (B) He was captured by fellow Scots. (C) He was made into a hero in England. (D) He was killed by the English. 第二部分:閱讀理解能力測驗 一、詞彙(28%) ( ) 1. Without his parents' full support, Tim's business has been forced to be down. (A) relied (C) punched (B) scaled (D) assumed () 2. Unable to find a steady job, Jay can only work part time and is thus financially (A) normal (C) magical ( )3. The newly-built (B) capable (D) unstable serves as a parking garage that can provide enough space for hundreds of cars. and killed (A) structure (C) tunnel ( ) 4. The employee properly (A) stealing (B) crowning (C) performing (D) threatening the players believe that they can win any game together. (A) lung (C) detail (B) mystery (D) flock ( ) 5. With a strong team was punished for not the task he was given. () 6. Luckily, the accident was fully bab(A) sliced (C) stuffed (B) spirit (D) plenty on my car camera, and the video proved that I was not responsible for it. (B) paused (D) captured

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國文 高中

請問第9題 乙歌為啥是國風啊 國風不是指跟當地有關的特色嗎

第 3 頁 共 14 頁 ①嗣音:繼續傳寄音訊。 ②挑兮達兮:往來貌。 8-9 為題組。閱讀甲、乙二詩歌,回答 8-9題。 甲 青青子衿,悠悠我心。縱我不往,子寧不嗣音? 乙 我低著頭/你出的題目/我都不會做/頭有點痛/看見你我就/緊張三分鐘/我怎麼聽不 青青子佩,悠悠我思。縱我不往,子寧不來? 挑兮達兮,在城闕兮。一日不見,如三月兮。 /怎麼猜我都猜/猜不透你的心/你給的愛情習作/讓我猜/猜不透才兩分鐘/就踏進浪 還是迷惑/你的心總是/讓人搞不懂/那是什麼/剛剛那個表情/代表什麼/想要在你左 右/想要陪你做夢/想要抱著你說/我的心很寂寞/不知道為什麼/你要什麼到底說不說 (〈愛情,習作〉/作詞:鍾成虎;作曲:盧廣仲一 8. 下列對於甲、乙二詩歌的詮釋,最適當的是: (A)從甲詩「縱我……子寧……」詩句,可以看出主人翁的厲聲責備 ( BZ歌的主人翁因為猜疑而惹得心儀之人生氣疏離,所以覺得寂寞 (C)甲乙詩歌的主人翁,皆沉浸在朝思暮想且在意對方的愛戀狀態中 . (《詩經·鄭風·子衿》 (D)甲乙詩歌皆透過主人翁揣測之苦,表達對於愛情應信任忍耐之情 9 下列關於《詩經》與乙歌的敘述,最適當的是: (A)《詩經·國風》多民間歌謠,反映風土人情;依據乙歌的內容,可歸入「國風」 (B)《詩經》以重章複沓之形式,表達一唱三嘆的效果;乙歌表現的形式亦與之相同 (C)《詩經》文字樸實,具溫柔敦厚的教化功能;乙歌強烈批判傳統社會之禮教束縛 (D)《詩經》可興觀群怨以疏通民情;乙歌藉男子口吻抒發痴情,表現「觀」的功能 10 11 ASAR

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英文 高中


or said 過 ieaue 說 Wo je At 4 MSWIUV 「 ~-,綜合測驗 (占 15 分》) 細口 6題至第30 說明: 和 說抽 每題一 個 es 人 答, ,請依 上 品 文 選出 最過當的二 個選項,講童記在符索卡 間 零分討算。 | 該題以零分計算 答或如記多於一個選項老, | 喲為庄組 1 第46 至2 Ra 區1 答 0 還 Jetterpress Printing is a traditional foim 0f Qft relie: | 2mponenfs, Unfortunately, as new printi frintin 了at uses individually interchangeable 人ae 1 _simce fthe 1990s. Thou, ht Senee ttcneedjfr movable types has gone tb nefficient and dated nowWadays, 3 ,Inovable types 二 一六 說 rearly extinct: Today, the only found Ty 18 in the world that Still makes traditional Chinese | mowable bpes5 Ring TypeFoundry。 雍証 讓用 dm 1969 0 by Zhang Yili, Rixing Type Foundry is tucked away in af unremarkable 各eyway 妃 Taipei's Datong District.The current owner is the founder:s son, Zhang Jieguan 19 6 : itional Chinese movable types but als6 his fatherps legacy. Now, his vision gfor movable ]ead types to utfimately become a cultural symbol_In the future, Rixing plans to 20 Wigsleojet culture and history can be shared 2 fansfoTm 1ts space jmto an 遇2 8 不生生 2 了 1 2化 ivariety 也 our 包ture 同 6 放沿Me elivery (B) 讓 | 侶多on fhe contrary 8 on and 0主 (生 纖 sooner Qr later 說二 生)asaresutt |自此 相m je和 (B) is left @) that left (D) leaving 1 而4 包af SfrovVe (B) 也at Seek (0 , Who strlves (D) , whose aim (B) despite the fact that 史 it2s tifme that (0D) so 說 刀此 上 2 2 for fcear 也at M

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英文 高中


2 ~一二 ~一二人過 During a money management class, a mother shared her young child”s idea about money. Her son believed that when she ran out ofmoney all she had to do was go to abank machine, putin her ATM card and money would come out- _21 the child didn't quite understand was that his mother had to have money in the bank in the first place to get money out ofthe machine later- It may surprise us how much our children already know about money. They learn by watehing what their parents do with money. This starts ata very young age. Kids wateh their parents __22 things at stores, write checks, use credit cards or even make donations.- Children also learmn that there are often strong _23 _ connected with money. They learn how their parents feel about money by the tone of voice they use and the look on their faces. _24, parents should ask themselves ifthey want their children to handle money the same way they do The long-term _25 of teaching children good money habits is well worth the effort. Those who learm good money management skills are more likely to become adults who make sound financial decisions, avoid excessive debt, and reach their financial goals- 21.(A) What (B) When (CO Why (D) Where 22. (A) figure out (B) eateh up with (CO pay for (D) getrid of 23. (A) conventions (B) emotions (C) donations (D) invitations 24. (A) By contrast (B) Asaresult (C) On the spot (D) Inaddition 25. (A) eareer (B) benefit (C deeision (D) relationship

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