

物理 高中


致勝題型 混合題 石墨烯(graphene,又稱單層石墨) 。 單層石墨薄膜是由碳原子組成的平面薄膜,厚度只有 一個原子的厚度,特性是電阻極低,電子移動的速度極快,幾乎是沒有質量的粒子才能有的特性 , 速度只比光子慢了300倍,比現行的半導體矽材料快了至少10倍,是非常好的導體。 石墨烯是單層碳原子材料,碳原子排列成邊長為0.14nm狀似蜂巢狀的 正六邊形結構,如圖所示。而石墨烯是目前世上最薄、最堅硬的奈米材料, 幾乎是完全透明的,只吸收2.3%的光;雖然他比鑽石還堅硬,但是卻可以 像橡膠一樣對他拉伸。 三相 ( E 0.14nm ·米麵 事實上,據說兩人當時的想法是在參加派對時,看到工作人員使用膠帶 限 黏氣球時,靈機一動。他們用膠帶黏住石墨薄片的兩側,撕開膠帶,薄片也隨之一分為二,不斷 重複這個過程,就可以得到愈來愈薄的石墨薄片,而其中部分樣品即為僅由一層碳原子構成的單 層石墨薄膜。兩位科學家的貢獻除了在於使用的「方式」特殊,是其他科學家利用高技術的原子 顯微鏡都做不出來的。而且發現1cm厚的石墨竟擁有300 萬層數的石墨烯。而單層石墨薄膜通 常為 10幾個微米的大小而已,最大只做到10公分,「變大」是未來需要發展的目標。 SEC (C) 1. 根據1983年國際度量衡大會決議,光子在真空中於299,792,458分之一秒內所走的距離為 1公尺,藉由上述新聞報導中可得知,電子在石墨烯中的移動速率約為多少公尺/秒? (A) 1010 (B) 108 (C) 106 (D) 104 (E) 102 30000000 299792458.0 #3 3×108 3 3x/06 (B) 2.藉由上述新聞報導推測,碳原子的大小約為多少埃(A)? 批閱 序號 5 300-10 (A) 300 (B) 30 (C) 3 (D) 0.3 (E) 0.03 = 108 M = 3√3x10 m = 33 3x106 3.上文圖中的正六邊形角落的原子可以同時被數個正六邊形共用,則在每個正六邊形範圍內 ,平均有幾個碳原子?而已知邊長a的正六邊形面積為 3√3 2 ㎡,求1公克石墨烯的面積 約為多少平方公尺?(不必寫出計算過程,但請你以數量級表示答案) 1公克石墨烯的面積約為多少平方公尺? 平均有幾個碳原子 2 個。 (請以數量級表示答案) 103 (配分4分)

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英文 高中

想問第四題為什麼不能選C 謝謝🙏

111. 綜合測驗:15% • pose drult qi avil or salil olgooq vasi 26 have fascinated 1. of a e part lunches daily to The dabbawalas of Mumbai, i, India, have ated many people. They are boxed-lunch delivery organization that brings around 200,000 office and factory workers. Dabbawalas provide a very useful service. Since most Mumbai residents live in areas far from their jobs, it's inconvenient for them to bring their lunches on cramped public transportation. Dabbawalas always deliver the lunches the right location. They're able to do this because of their nearly-3./ operating system. collects around Each geographical area* employs around twenty-five dabbawalas, 4. 8, and details. outer delivery of 2. and to thirty lunch boxes boxes. Dabbawalas write special numbers and characters on each container's 5., they rarely lid to indicate the neighborhood, building, deliver a lunch box to the wrong place. Without a doubt, the service performed by these dabbawalas is a true model of success. el of successivo a god m' .01 (A) It wasn't mentioned in the passage. 90.87 Ji a geographical area 註: home-making (C) home-made BID 2251 (C) 1. (A) home-make eded (B) home-maki (D) making-home SD) 2. (A) at risk (C) by chance (bai (D) on time (B) & (A) classic list! (B) all the time (solo (C)(A) each of whom A (B) flawless (B) one of which (C) each of them JESSIES anoia ( handled 101 airli(D) swift (D) they all

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英文 國中

請問20題D是錯在 shared garden 嗎

ABCD III. Reading Comprehension (25%) Hi Emily, How are you? Did you get your exam results yet? I have some good news-we finally moved into our new home! I'm so happy because I don't have to share a room with Nina anymore. It's great to have more privacy and Mom says I can decorate my room the way I like. My plan is to paint the walls yellow and hang up a big photograph of New York City, too (it's still my dream to travel there). I also got a new bed which is much bigger and more comfortable than my last one. Q16. C And guess what else? We have our own garden now. Dad's going to grow vegetables like zucchini and cabbage there. He says I can help him, but I'm not very interested in gardening. One good thing is that we're going to have a barbecue party in July! I hope you can come. You can stay with us for the whole weekend, if you're free. I'll let you know the exact date when my parents decide. Write me soon and tell me your news. Love, Cara 0 privacy 隱私 16. Who, most likely, is Nina? photograph H (A) Emily's mom. (B) Cara's mom. (C) Emily's sister. 17. What do we learn about the writer in the second paragraph? (A) Her parents already decorated the new house. (B) She doesn't want to help with painting the walls.ely) (C) She has wanted to visit New York City for some time. exact 確切的 (D) Cara's sister. (A) Three-bedroom house, close to train station. New kitchen and private garden. No pets, please. Studio apartment with balcony, perfect for a single person. Available from the start of July. CROS) stol 1 20/2651902) DOM 2'omy 60 supinu is ni botning SI in to zkow Inshoqmi ynos 916 2h de brucw zielu insionA prinico riqu D) Her old bed was more comfortable than her new one. C 18. Why does the writer say, "And guess what else?" at the start of the third paragraph? bns 239 ano (A) She felt surprised about something. (B) She is explaining how to do something. art (C) She will give another piece of information.do if (D) She doesn't know the answer to a question. 19. Which sentence is certainly true? iog prijesim 6 p16 2016 ALThe writer will cook some vegetables for her family. (B)The writer's parents don't allow friends to stay over.ad lliw (6) (The writer's mother has never grown tomatoes before. (D) The writer is not sure yet when the barbecue will happen. 20. Which is the advertisement for Cara's new home? am siz dvd bein 的力量 # hework b (B) One-bedroom house with beautiful private garden. Electricity and water bills are not included in the rent. (D) Four-bedroom apartment on second floor. Great for a family. Small balcony and shared garden. 212 Kaun.

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英文 國中


30 201 (37-39) Below is some useful information about oil. Oil is called "black gold" for two reasons. * It is black when it comes out of the ground. * It can be sold for a lot of money. How much did a barrel of crude oil cost from 2000 to 2020? prices of a barrel of crude oil in US dollars 110 60 100 90 80 70 Hundreds of millions of years ago, plants and animals died. 15 10 0 10,43 201 28.2 They were kept in mud. 20.29 27.6 36.05 1.63 1.45 27 11.6 14:24 18.44 12.28 1960 1964 1973 1975 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 1998 2000 2004 2008 2011 2012 2016 2020 Where does crude oil come from? The mud was pushed down and down by other mud and rocks. 94.1 Canada 107.46 What are the disadvantages of using crude oil? Crude oil can't be used again. We may probably run out of it in the near future. Burning crude oil produces CO2, which plays a big part in global warming. Burning crude oil makes the air dirty. 109.45 40.76 That are the top five countries that produced crude oil in 2019? The world produced out 90 million barrels of crude oil a day in 2019. The following picture shows the top oil producing countries in that year and how many barrels of crude oil each duced every day. USA Saudi Arabia Russia China 41.47 The Earth's heat changed the dead plants and animals into oil. 10.81 million 10.5 million 5.23 million 4.86 million 18.61 million barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day gold barrel crude global produce B Which is a disadvantage of driving to work? (A) It is often faster. (B) It is another way of going to work. (C) It can be hard to find a parking space. (D) It can help you make good use of your time. 38. Which is NOT true about the prices of a barrel of crude oil from 2000 to 2020? (A) It cost the most in 2012. (B.Its price is the lowest in 2000. 6) Its price kept rising from 2003 to 2008. (D) The price in 2020 is lower than that in 2004. 39. What can we learn from the infographic? Oil is as expensive as gold. infographic (B) Most crude oil comes from land, not the sea. (C) In 2019, the USA produced about 20% of the world's crude oil. (D) Crude oil may sometimes make the sea water dirty. 14 請翻頁

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英文 國中


D3 A³ (31-33) ATT News June 23, 2022 A 300 kg stingray that was caught in the Mekong River in Cambodia on June 13, 2022 is the world's largest known freshwater fish. The fisherman who caught it was given $600 for his catch. The stingray was then freed the following day. Look at the chart below. A 293 kg Mekong giant catfish was caught in the Mekong River in Thailand in 2005. It was then the largest freshwater 4 m long and 300 kg. fish that was ever found. JHS D B³1 31. Which idea is talked about in the second paragraph of the news? (A) What has happened to the Mekong River. (B) Why the giant stingray is something special. What kinds of fish are common in freshwater. (D) What the team of scientists would do with the giant stingray. The stingray which was caught on June 13, 2022 broke the world record: When a team of scientists heard about the news of the giant stingray, they hurried to Cambodia to study it. All of them were very surprised to see the stingray because it is hard to find a large fish like it in freshwater. Large fish need large areas of water to live in, and it takes them a long time to grow to be this big. This giant fish is also a good sign for the Mekong River because it means the river is still healthy enough for fish. Scientists today have little understanding about stingrays, so the team put a device on the giant stingray before setting it free. They hoped that by studying it, they could learn more about this special fish in years to come. chart record scientist ## device 32. Who might find the news helpful? (A) Andy, who enjoys fishing. (B) Lisa, who is interested in how to study fish. (C) Amanda, who wants to study the history of Cambodia. (D) Ted, who wants to know more about large freshwater fish. 文特题店 根準化的測驗 paragraph # 33. According to the news, which is true? (A) The 300 kg stingray swam back to the river with a device on it. (B) Large fish about 300kg are common in the Mekong River. (C) Scientists already have a good knowledge of stingrays. (D) In 2005, another giant freshwater fish was also found in Cambodia. Thailand 10 請翻頁繼續作答 (111903-E) according to

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