

英文 高中

想請問紅色括弧那句的意思是什麼 以及第一題怎麼判別

A Unit 1 8 Environment The Melting Ice Caps The world's ice is melting, and it is happening at an alarming speed, rate, 3 Global warming has been increasing at a very unsustainable² and the polar ice caps have been vanishing³ before our eyes. In the 55 years between 1961 and 2016, the Earth's total ice loss amounted to an estimated nine trillion³ tons. The start of the 21st century bore witness to several profound decreases in terms of the area covered annually by Arctic ice. The year 2012 was the lowest on record, while 2007, 2016, and 2019 were tied for second-lowest. 10 As the ice melts, an excessive amount of melted water emerges from it. This large amount of melted water manifests itself as a rise in sea levels. (This rise leads to the increased erosion -or wearing away- of the coast. When combined with the higher frequency of ecological" disasters¹2, it results in a bigger storm surge¹3. Climate change threatens¹4 15 to forever change the way we live. We're all destined ¹5 to be affected by it. Ver all destined 閱讀理解,請在下列選項中,選出最適合的答案。 1 What does the word "erosion" refer to in the second paragraph? (A) The reason behind the frequent typhoons (B) The rapid increase in storm surges (e) The slow destruction of something 破壞 (D) The depressing future that we all face 2 Which of the charts below might indicate the situation described in the first paragraph? (A) (B) A (C) Arctic Ice Levels 1.||| 2007 2012 2016 2019 2020 Arctic Ice Levels 1₁ 1961 2007 2012 2016 2019 Arctic Ice Levels 1955 2006 2012 2016 2019 Arctic Ice Levels DWA dılı 2007 2012 2016 2019 2020

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地理 高中


Check 世紀浩劫~海平面上升。 TEEN | , your Knowledge 上三-- 倫敦是全球金融中心,位於泰晤士河北岸,泰晤士河 是倫敦的交通渠道,由於河岸開發,加上泰晤士河的地形 效應,倫敦一直深受洪患所苦。1980年代興建了防洪水閘 (照片 1-11) 目的在避免倫敦被泰晤士河洪水與海水倒灌 侵襲,據估計至今已經帶來30 ~ 40 億英鎊的防洪效益。 但在氣候變遷下,海平面持續上升,這一道防洪水閘是否 能阻止未來洪患則堪慮。根據估計,若氣溫升高2℃,假設 無陸地升降與地形變化的情況下,海平面上升 4.7 公尺時, 倫敦被淹沒的範圍如圖1-23,景象如章首圖,請問: 照片 1-11 防洪水閘 1 16 請參考章首頁的敘述,倫敦一直深受洪患所苦的地形因素為何? 2 章首頁的地點位於西敏寺東北方,倫敦眼的 S30°W,距離倫敦塔橋約3.1公里,請問:此地點 在圖1-23 的何處? 日若以A點為中心,在圖1-23 劃分四個象限,當海平面上升 當海平面上升 4.7公尺時,哪一象限被淹沒的區域 最廣? 4 請問海平面上升對倫敦將產生哪些影響?(有影響的打V) 口泰晤士河左岸淹沒較嚴重 口運輸路線受影響 口有疾病爆發可能性 口飲用水受污染 口其他 Boi 倫敦塔橋 V立 倫敦眼 C 白金漢宮 Airitione A 西敏寺 B Royal Ground KUR WP Global Temperature Rise 'C 圖1-23 海平面 上升4.7公尺, 倫敦淹沒範圍圖 9 Future Sea Level +15 +4.7 feet meters 0! 2 1.5 1 公里 0 0.5

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英文 國中


( 16 ~ 18 ) 難易度(中華 【資訊判就素養題) ( 16 – 18 ) #9 ** 1010 10 Demi was interested in Easter Island, and she studied it on the Internet, and then took it, 922 gou notes of the island. In 1722, Jacob Roggeveen discovered an island on Rapa Nui. Since it was Easter Sunday, he named it Easter Island. In fact, the first name given to the island was "Te Pito O Te Henua." Tahiti Chile Easter Island South Pacific Ocean Over the last three years the sea level around Easter Island has risen year by year. The higher sea level has posed a threat to this low-lying land. For example, salt water kills a lot of plants. Also, strong typhoons hit the island more often than before. The Rapa Nui People (people who live on Easter Island) It is said that more than one thousand years ago, the first king of Easter Island, Hotu Matu'a arrived by ship. With him were seven races of people. They then became seven tribes of Rapa Nui. discover 發現 level 高度, pose a threat 造成威脅 race 種族 tribe 部落 500km CO 16. What can we NOT learn from Demi’s notes? COCOA ) (A Both Tahiti and Easter Island are in the South Pacific Ocean. (B) Tahiti is to the west of Easter Island. (C) Easter Island is closer to Chile than Tahiti is. (D) Rapa Nui is spoken on Easter Island. 17. Which is NOT mentioned in Demi's notes? How Easter Island got its name. (B) Who Hotu Matu'a was. C/When Easter Island was discovered by Jacob Roggeveen. (D) How many people are living on Easter Island. 18. What can we know about Easter Island from the reading? (A) Hotu Matu'a came here in 1722. (B) Jacob Roggeveen came with seven races in 1722. (C) It is free from typhoons. (D) Part of the island might be below sea level in the future. 組總匯

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