

社會 國中


歐元區 說明 以【歐元】為共同貨幣 國家 多數歐盟會員國 不使用歐元的歐盟國家: (1)北歐:瑞典、丹麥 其他 申根區 透過簽約取消國家間的邊境管制,對非申根國家 的旅行者而言,持有【申根簽】可在申根區 內自由通行 多數歐盟會員國與歐洲部分國家 (1)非申根區的歐盟國家: (2)東歐:保加利亞、捷克、匈牙利、 (2)屬申根區的歐洲國家: 波蘭、羅馬尼亞 1-1 歐洲的自然環境 愛爾蘭、羅馬尼亞、保加利亞、賽普勒斯 冰島、列支敦斯登、挪威、瑞士等國 1. (挪威)的羅弗敦群島(Lofoten Islands)被譽為是世界上最美麗的島嶼,有「浮 在海上的阿爾卑斯山」的美稱。儘管緯度高達68°N~69°N,但受到洋流影響, 這裡的氣溫比同緯度地區高出許多,即使在零下低溫的冬季,海水也不會結 冰,因此吸引許多喜歡衝浪的冒險者前來挑戰冬季極地衝浪。 11.5 266.5°N 1.2.3 熱、溫、寒 (1)根據上文,羅弗敦群島的氣候環境最可能介於哪兩種氣候之間?答:【溫帶海洋,寒帶氣候 (2)流經羅弗敦群島的洋流應為何?答:【 北大西洋暖流】 (3) 羅弗敦群島的海岸地形應屬於什麼海岸?答:【峽灣】 2. 2016 年開通的瑞士聖哥達基線隧道(Gotthard Base Tunnel,GBT) 全線長 度達151.8公里,不僅是世界最長的隧道,也是世界距地面最深的鐵路隧道。 由於受到「甲」山分隔的影響,歐洲客運與貨運先前多只能仰賴山間的天然 孔道與山路往返兩地,不僅耗時且較為危險。在建造全線貫穿「甲」山的隧 道後,讓原本2.6小時的車程減少約1個小時。請根據上文回答問題: (1)文中的「甲」山應是右圖哪一座山,其名稱為何?答: 【阿爾卑斯山】 (2)文中提到的山間天然孔道最有可能是何種地形?答: 【谷地】 下圖為歐洲氣候類型分布圖,請將下列氣候圖對應的氣候類型代號,填入空格中。 30W 北極圈 氣燈 降水量 (c) 氣温 (mm) (C) 30 1300 30 20 250 20 10 - 200 10 | 150 ot 100 -101 50 -201 0 30 -30 123456789101112(月) -10 溫 -20 降水量 123456789- 北 B 海 (1)【A】 (2) 【F 西 陸 性 氣溫 降水量 氣溫 (c) (mm) (t) 1300 300 300 250 201 20 200 107 10 150 OF 201 -10 - 100 -10- 201 50 -20 301 。 12 30 123456789101112(月)

尚未解決 回答數: 1
英文 國中

有哪個好心人 可以幫幫我嗎🥹🥹 我想知道我錯哪些 幫我看看我寫的對不對 我寫的跟同學不一樣樣

OMA 一、文法選擇(每題3 分,共30分) (A) 1. My mom doesn't let my brother play video games because he (A) has watched (B) is watching (C) 2. Ted: you ever (C) will watch kangaroos before? TV for three hours. (D) was watching Jim: No, never. What about you? (A) Do; feed (B) Will; feed (C) Have; fed (D) Did; fed (B) 3. Addie: Do you know the news about Kenny? Jones: No. I haven't (A) checked; already (C) check; already (C) 4. A: What are we waiting for? B: Lily (A) doesn't finish (B) 5. Ivy and her husband my Facebook page (網頁) (B) checked; yet (D) checking; yet (C) hasn't finished (D) isn't finishing her meal. Let's wait for her. (B) didn't finish (B) have been to aren't home. They (B) have been to New York many times. (C) have gone to (D) are in the movies already. (C) have gone to (D) are going in (D) is dying (A) have been in 6. Ivy and her husband (A) have been in (C) 7. My grandma (A) died for three years, and I still miss her a lot. (B) was dead have you been married (A) How much (C) 8. A: (D) ) 9. I have never seen (A) moved (A) went (B) When John since he (B) moves (C) has been dead (E)? B: For more than ten years. (C) How long away. (C) is moving 翰 (D) How many times (D) has moved (C) 10. Jerry swimming for two hours every day last summer, and he really enjoyed it. (B) goes 二、依提示作答(每題5分,共25分) (C) has gone (D) is going 1. My dog has played with his toy for about thirty minutes. () How long has your dog played with his toy? 2. No, the river has not frozen yet. (依畫線部分造原問句) Has the river frozen yet? 3. How long has Dustin been a soldier?(以「從他離開學校」詳答) +kk

已解決 回答數: 1