

英文 國中


(39~41) 1 Magic Blade Does the water on the floor after taking a shower give you a headache? No worries anymore. With a Magic Blade in hand, you can easily sweep the water away and keep the floor dry and clean. No need to change to another pair of plastic slippers when you step into the bathroom. What's more, a dry floor is safer for old people at home. It is less likely for them to fall down in the bathroom. What are you waiting for? Pick up your smartphone and click the website below. We can send the Magic Blade to your look house in 2 days. Click here www.magicblade.com Magic Cleth Find a lot of hair on the floor? For a busy mother with daughters with long hair, it is not a good idea to sweep the floor every day. We know you are too tired of it. Now, here comes our Magic Cloth. You just need to put it on the floor and draw some circles on the floor. Now, all the hair is cleaned away with the Magic Cloth. If you have dogs or cats at home, the Magic Cloth is also useful for you. Take out your smartphone and make a call to us. We will send the Magic Cloth to you in 2 days. Twelve pieces of Magic Cloth in a box only cost you NT$99. Buy two boxes and get one box free. Magic Cloth: 02 2233-XXXXX 39. Who are the two ads mainly for? (A) Doctors. (C) Old people at home. 40 What does Magic Blade look like? (B) Housewives. (D) Cat lovers and dog lovers. □ mainly 主要地 (A) (B) (D) 41. What can we know from the two ads? (A) A Magic Blade is cheaper than three boxes of Magic Cloth. (B) Both of the Magic Blade and the Magic Cloth can be bought online. (C) You can get 20% off if you buy a Magic Blade and two boxes of Magic Cloth. (D) If you place an order for Magic Blade or Magic Cloth, you would get it in less than 3 days. 英語2-14

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社會 國中


閱讀下列文字,並回答第45至47題: 孟買是印度的第一大城,該地名源自印度教女神孟巴,祂是喜馬拉雅山雪山神 的女兒化身之一。16世紀時葡萄牙人來到這個地區,為這裡取過很多名稱,最終定 為 Bombaim,這樣的地名在今天的葡萄牙語中仍很常見。17世紀大英帝國殖民該地 後,地名便被英語化,稱為 Bombay,不過在馬拉提語和古吉拉特語中稱為 Mumbai 或 Mambai,在印地語、烏爾都語和波斯語中稱為Bambai。1995年,該市名稱被正式 改為 Mumbai,但舊稱 Bombay 依然被當地居民和機構所廣泛使用。 孟買的經濟主要依靠紡織廠和海港貿易,娛樂業則是另一個重要收入來源,如電 影業中心寶萊塢。為了推廣觀光業,孟買政府會提供氣候資訊供觀光客參考,如表 (七),孟買作為印度最繁華的商業之都,金融、資訊科技、出口、服務業相當發達,這 座融合了現代與歷史的城市,可說是一生必造訪的城市之一。 地區的神祇? 5孟買地名起源中的「印度教的雪山神」應是位於圖(主)中哪一個 A (A)甲 丙 (B)乙 (C)丙 (D) T 46. 若要前往孟買旅遊,由表中資訊判斷下列哪一段時間最適合? D46. (A)12~2月 (B)3~5月 (C)6~8月 (D)9~11月 ▲圖(六) (47.孟買(Mumbai)地名從古至今的演變過程,和下列哪一個地名演變最相近? (A) 諸羅 嘉義 (B)錫口⇨松山 孟買氣候資料 月分 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月7月 8月|9月 10月 11月 12月 平均 全年 最高溫 34.4 34.9 35.8 35.1 35.4 (°C) 35.0 32.1 31.7 32.7 36.4 36.3 35.3 34.6 (C)台窩灣 臺灣 平均 高溫 30.2 30.2 (°C) 31.5 32.7 33.8 32.2 30.0 29.7 30.6 33.0 33.5 32.2 31.6 (D)三民⇨那瑪夏 日均 氣溫 24.9 25.3 27.1 28.9 30.5 29.3 27.8 27.4 27.8 28.9 28.4 26.5 27.7 (°C) 平均 低溫 19.3 20.2 22.7 25.0 27.1 26.5 25.4 25.1 25.0 24.8 23.2 20.9 (°C) 平均 23.8 降雨量 0.9 0.2 0.4 4 05 0.5 20.2 530.2 711.6 493.8 330.4 78.4 14.9 2.6 2,184.1 (mm) 平均 降雨 0.1 0.0 0.1 TO 天數 0.1 0.7 13.8 21.2 19.7 13.4 3.4 0.5 0.1 73.1 ▲表(七)

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