

英文 國中


graden 11. Kevin wants to plant peach or guava trees in the g choise chose 12 There was free tea and coffee at the party. I ch choose 過去式 二、文法選擇。(每題2分,共24分)。 8 (A) 1. Why did you have Holly (A) use (C) 2. You the sharp knife? She's just a kid. (B) used _ visit that web page. It's not for children. (A) must (A) 3. A: Who sings (A) best (B) could n, so he'll have fruit when he walks out the e tea because I liked it more. (C) uses (C) shouldn't (C) better in your class? B: Mitchell. He has a beautiful voice. B(C) 4. If you want to go to the zoo, (A) took (C) 5. Ethan didn't sleep BA6 (A) well; cried Con (A) Do; have (C) 7. Please talk (A) very quiet the metro because it's more convenient that way. (C) taking ; the baby is sleeping. (B) quieter (D) to use (D) don't have to (B) worse (D) the worst (B) take last night because he heard his baby brother 2m (C) well; cry (B) better; cry free time? you go to the movies with me if you (D) to take all night. (D) better; cried (B) Will; have Do; will have D) Will; will have (C) quietly (D) the quietest you might be late. (B) if (C) so (D) or Very (B) as bees. For example, many plants would die. (C) without (D) through (D) Have rest. (D) so (D) dangerously (D) 8. The class starts at eight thirty. Please remember to get up before eight, (A) and CB). Nature would change greatly (A) with (C) 10. A: (A) Do A I wear black pants to work? B: No, you don't have to. (B) Can (C) Must Clan is weak and tired, so could you stop talking to him? Now, he doesn't need friends (A) but (B) and (C) ador It's not safe to drive too fast, but Cathy often drives ad. slowly. It can also cause accidents. 慢 more 得危險

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社會 國中


D 閱讀下列選文,回答第53至54題 利澤閱讀了一則旅遊報導:「位於地中海東岸的黎巴嫩,昔日被稱為『中東 瑞士』,社會上開放與保守的風氣並存,沙灘上可以看見穿著比基尼泳裝的美女, 也有長袍遮住全身的穆斯林女性。與中東大部分國家的沙漠氣候不同,當地是屬 於冬暖夏涼、陽光雨水充沛的地中海型氣候。該國還擁有優良港口和二千年以上 歷史悠久的航海、經商傳統。它扼守歐亞非戰略要道,並成為歷史上各個政權擴 張的重要競爭。20世紀後則夾在中東兩大宿敵的中間,成為相互廝殺的戰場。 受到上述該則報導的影響,利澤決定要去當地旅遊。 J 這次的旅程中,利澤參觀了當地最著名的歷史遺跡——自古羅馬共和時期遺 留下來的世界文化遺產,據說沒來過此處等於沒到過黎巴嫩。之後利澤還逛了許 多街邊小店,購買當地傳統的人偶公仔,他仔細看這些人偶的說明得知,從西元 前 1000 年左右開始,此地因為與鄰近的某文明商業往來密切,所以此地商人便將 該文明的文字系統簡化後傳向歐洲地區,成為拼音文字的基礎。 中東:今指歐、亞、非三洲交會的地帶,包括西亞與北非大部分地區。 53. 文中提到利澤在當地參觀的最著名歷史遺跡,最可能是下列何者? (A)西元560年製作的鑲嵌畫地圖 (B)已連續 7000年有住民的朱拜勒城 A (C)西元8世紀時所建造的安賈爾古城 7X(D)西元前64年擴建的巴勒貝克神廟群 54.文中畫雙底線處提到的「某文明」,最可能與下列何者有關? (A)蘇美人 (B)埃及人 (C)希臘人 象形文字(圖像表者符號。 (D)印度人 →腓尼基人改良後傳入歐洲。 試題結束

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