

國文 高中

第三課 晚遊六橋待月記的國文語練 不曉得這題答案是什麼 拜託大家求解ㄌ~

五 閱讀測驗 sp 請閱讀甲、乙二文,回答問題。 乙 「缺陷的美」,美學上有這麼一句術語。意思是說:過分的均勻會破壞藝術的美, 有點缺陷,反而給人留下不可磨滅的印象。 人生又何嘗不是如此。 每一個人或多或少都有些缺陷,有些暴露在外,有些隱藏在內。可是,這些缺陷者 不妨礙一個人的真正成就,反而會激勵他走上成功之路。 有些心理學家和優生學者還鄭重指出:一個人先天的缺陷,往往能造成他後天在某 一方面——品德、學術,或事業上更大的成就。因此,這些學者對這樣的缺陷,稱讚為 高貴的缺陷。 歷史上不少這種「高貴的缺陷」的人,他們的身體某部分機能的缺陷卻帶來極大的 成就,留下更深刻的腳印,給後人更大的追慕與憧憬□□□因眼睛失明而作《國 語》,□□因被朋足而作《兵法》,□□□因受宮刑而作《史記》。□□□從小口 吃,為了彌補這個缺陷,乃發憤學書,終於書法冠絕古今,成為書聖。白居易曾經留下 很多美麗的詩篇,可是根據他自己的形容:生來體弱多病,又乾又瘦,頭上白髮很多, 掉了許多牙,而且近視得很厲害, 這些文武的曠世奇才,都是不幸的殘廢者,但殘廢未曾扼殺他們的天才,反而使他 們成就輝煌,登峰造極。 所以說,缺陷固然不幸,但並不等於絕望;倘若屈服在自己的缺陷之下,那才是耽 誤了自己呢! (陳火泉〈缺陷的美〉) 注釋:1刖足:一種古代的刑罰,砍掉犯人的腳。別,音ㄩㄝˋ,砍斷雙腳。 蓋詩文至近代而卑極矣,文則必欲準於秦漢,詩則必欲準於盛唐,剿襲 模擬,影 響步趨,見人有一語不相肖者,則共指以為野狐外道。曾不知文準秦漢矣,秦漢人喝 嘗字字學《六經》歟?詩準盛唐矣,盛唐人曷嘗字字學漢魏歟?秦漢而學《六經》,豈 復有秦漢之文?盛唐而學漢魏,豈復有盛唐之詩?唯夫代有升降,而法不相沿,各極其 變,各窮其趣,所以可貴,原不可以優劣論也。且夫天下之物,孤行則必不可無,必不 可無,雖欲廢焉而不能;雷同則可以不有,可以不有,則雖欲存焉而不能。故吾謂今之 詩文不傳矣。其萬一傳者,或今閭閻婦人孺子所唱《擘破玉》、《打草竿》之類,猶 是無聞無識,真人所作,故多真聲,不效顰於漢魏,不學步於盛唐,任性而發,尚能宣 於人之喜怒哀樂嗜好情欲,是可喜也。 (節錄自袁宏道〈敘小修詩〉)

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英文 高中

英文問題 may not be什麼意思 感覺題目詳解給錯了

第 48 至 51 題為題組 Many of us have probably experienced déjà vu at least a few times in our life. Its meaning comes from the phrase "already seen" in French, and occurs when we feel that a person, place, or thing is familiar to us without actually having experienced them before. This strange phenomenon happens to as much as 70 percent of the population, but a higher number of 15 to 25 year olds experience it than any other age group. Maybe you just travelled to a new foreign country, and it just felt very familiar to you. Yes, you are feeling déjà vu; however, you know you haven't been there before. While different people experience déjà vu in different ways, it is still a pretty mysterious phenomenon, and researchers are putting the pieces together. Based on some studies, déjà vu is just a part of having a healthy memory checking system, and people who experience déjà vu more often are less likely to forget the details of important events. In fact, the results of the study don't look too promising in terms of mental health for people who never experience déjà vu. Scientists believe déjà vu is created by a neurological anomaly related to an improper electrical discharge in the brain. In short, it's not a mystical prophecy or out-of-body experience, but just your brain playing a trick on you; that is, these scientists dismiss it as just a glitch in the matrix. A few people are just terrified when it happens, but others feel euphoric about it. On average, most people just find it to be a perplexing sensation, neither pleasant nor threatening. Since déjà vu occurs in individuals with and without a medical condition, there is much speculation as to how and why it happens. Several psychoanalysts attribute deja vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes it to mistake the present for the past. Many parapsychologists believe it is related to a past-life experience. Obviously, there is more investigation and researches to be done. So, does this article seem very familiar to you? 48. Which of the following CAN'T be described as a déjà vu experience based on this passage? (A) You keep buying similar style of clothing and you don't know why. (B) You feel you've been to a place when actually it's your first time there. (C) Someone looks familiar to you though you have never seen him before. (D) You just met a new friend whom you think you must have met somewhere. 49. Based on the article, which description about déjà vu is WRONG? (A) It actually is not as harmful to our mental health as we think. (B) Some people who have experienced it may feel a sense of happiness. (C) The word"déjà vu" originates from France, meaning"already seen." (D) Those who never experience it may not be mentally healthier than those who do.

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國文 高中


31-32題為題組 閱讀下文,回答 31-32題。 飛白,是漢字書體的一種,在其他的文學藝術中也有類似的展現,以光色線條運動為 主要表現形式的電影為例,「抽象電影」所強調的韻律及視覺設計、「加速蒙太奇」以剪 輯密度所構成的時空新關係,以及現代派電影在意象思考上的突破、對電影分鏡辨證觀念 的新探索,都可以與中國書法的飛白趣味產生聯想。中國古典戲曲的唱腔,也有類似飛白 的設計。經驗老到的演員在詮釋唱段時,常常故意不把一個樂句唱滿,留下一些空間讓伴 奏去點綴,觀眾也可以根據自己早已耳熟能詳的調子做想像的補充,在鑑賞的心理層次上 ,無疑使觀眾也感覺參與了創造。 大 飛白的觀念運用在詩文朗誦上,也會創造一些新感覺。朗誦者首先要進行分析才能定 出基調,一般來說,表現節奏的辦法,是將節奏中的「時隔」加以區分,定出加強點的位 置,或做短暫的頓逗,或將重音特別提高。而表現韻律的辦法,則是把加強點字音的「時 值」延長,將加強點以外的字音以輕讀帶過。有時,朗誦者也可以視誦材的內容與感情傾 向,不延長時值而以頓歇補充之。更重要的是,在意群與節奏之間,做適當的調節,或以 韻律為重,或以意群為重,這種輕重濃淡疏密間的互動互補,與書法上所講求的飛白十分 相似。(癌弦《記哈客詩想.飛白的趣味——從書法、電影、戲曲到詩的朗誦》) 1302 31. 依據上文,運用「飛白」技巧跟觀念的是: (A)蘇軾畫竹石 詩文的朗誦 ACK (B)加速蒙太奇资委会 北合彩挂 (E)劇曲的伴奏 (C)蘇崑的唱腔 原喆圓團大遊學文區 32 下列詩句,不符合「朗誦者也可以視誦材的內容與感情傾向,不延長時值而以頓歇補 充之」境界的是: HOPALPA (A)間關鶯語花底滑 台ò共(D)臨風歎兮將焉歇 MANAREN KUNNE FANT (C)美人邁兮音塵闕 (B)此時無聲勝有聲 (E)四絃一聲如裂帛

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