

數學 國中


y=2+ (B) 2 -6<st 坐標平面上,四條直線x=-7、x=-1、y=2、y=-5,圍 成一個長方形。已知點A (3k-4.2k+1)落在此長方形中 x=-7 x=-1 (不包含邊界),且k為整數,試問滿足條件的A點有幾個? L 3 (A) 1 -) <34-4 A kala5<akt cz akcl k3|3k-4ct I>ky-l (C) 3 y=-5 sk<3 ket (D) 4 kal 第二部分:非選擇題(第1~2. 題),共15 分 sckclk 2/10 k7-3 17全民英檢初級的測驗項目及成績計算方式如下表格,敏敏跟榕榕參加最近一次全民英 檢初級檢定考,只考閱讀與聽力,已經知道敏敏跟榕榕聽力與閱讀成績都有高於72分 敏敏說:「我的聽力分數多考 20,我的總分就跟榕榕你一樣了」。榕榕說:『我的 閱讀多20分的話,我們兩個人的總分可以高達400 分嚕!!。』請求出敏敏跟榕榕的總 分各是多少分? (7分) 全民英檢初級的測驗項目及成績計算 測驗項目 聽力 閱讀 寫作 口說 總題數 30 題 35 題 16 題 18題 總作答時間」約20分鐘 35 分鐘 40 分鐘 約10分鐘 看圖辨義 單句寫作(50%) 詞彙和結構 複誦 問答 句子改寫 測驗內容 段落填空 朗讀句子與短文 簡短對話 句子合併 閱讀理解 回答問題 短文聽解 重組段落寫作(50%) 滿分 120 分 120 分 100 分 100 分 兩項測驗成績總和達160 70 分 80 分 通過標準「分,且其中任一項成績不 低於72分(註) 設叙叙聽力、閱讀分 加考項目 . 北 X 醒 外, X +20 格 Doc -北

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英文 國中


12:03 山3G 81%] 4 { 英語1下句... 一下句型 P. 14 在我 Unit 5 There Was a Lot of Trash in the Sea Grammar Focus 1 非想 姓名 · 請依提示符句子改寫句子 9. Who is am the hall? (加上「昨晚」並改成否定) 1. Winnie is short. E last year 10. Who are you with by the lake? (oni) 2. Eric is in Taiwan. (OL 1990) 3. Rachel and Tiffany are good friends. (ut at that time) 二·請寄出正確的 be 動詞形式 1. They in the river every weekend. 2. Patty happy an hour ago. 4. It is rainy. (but yesterday morning) 3. Eva late for school on Fridays. 5. Yoga and Kiki are in the mountains. (ut two months ago) 4. Samantha and Daniel busy every day . fat last year, but he 5. Franklin thin now 6. There is a rainforest near my house. (but in the past) 6. Where 7. When you last night? Gary's birthday party? Was it last month? ? you then? 7. Thulianals is at the beach. (加入「前天,並改成否定) 8. Where 9. Who with you the day before yesterday? ? a cup of coffee? 8. There are three people at Olivia's kitchen. 10. How much 【加入「上週末」並改成否定) 一下旬型 P15 三,請依畫線部分造問句 四: 1. No, the fish wasn't under the sea at that time. 1. 上個星期我在我姑姑山丘上的新房子, 2. Hilton was twelve years old last year. 2. A:他們兩小時前在教室安靜嗎? B:不,他化沒有 3. There is an island in the sea. 3. 兩年前,遊樂場的附近有一因美的海滩· 4. There were three cans of coffee in the kitchen. 4. 我那時很矮且很胖, 5. It was September 28 last Wednesday. 5. 今天早上,每件事都很好(fine) - 6. 依畫線部分造原問句(用 Who. Where, What. When 造句) The boy was in the park with two cats at that time, 6.派對過後,Patrick 人在理 (1) (2 (2) (3) L A

已解決 回答數: 1
英文 國中


12:03 山3G 81%] 4 { 英語1下句... 一下句型 P. 14 在我 Unit 5 There Was a Lot of Trash in the Sea Grammar Focus 1 非想 姓名 · 請依提示符句子改寫句子 9. Who is am the hall? (加上「昨晚」並改成否定) 1. Winnie is short. E last year 10. Who are you with by the lake? (oni) 2. Eric is in Taiwan. (OL 1990) 3. Rachel and Tiffany are good friends. (ut at that time) 二·請寄出正確的 be 動詞形式 1. They in the river every weekend. 2. Patty happy an hour ago. 4. It is rainy. (but yesterday morning) 3. Eva late for school on Fridays. 5. Yoga and Kiki are in the mountains. (ut two months ago) 4. Samantha and Daniel busy every day . fat last year, but he 5. Franklin thin now 6. There is a rainforest near my house. (but in the past) 6. Where 7. When you last night? Gary's birthday party? Was it last month? ? you then? 7. Thulianals is at the beach. (加入「前天,並改成否定) 8. Where 9. Who with you the day before yesterday? ? a cup of coffee? 8. There are three people at Olivia's kitchen. 10. How much 【加入「上週末」並改成否定) 一下旬型 P15 三,請依畫線部分造問句 四: 1. No, the fish wasn't under the sea at that time. 1. 上個星期我在我姑姑山丘上的新房子, 2. Hilton was twelve years old last year. 2. A:他們兩小時前在教室安靜嗎? B:不,他化沒有 3. There is an island in the sea. 3. 兩年前,遊樂場的附近有一因美的海滩· 4. There were three cans of coffee in the kitchen. 4. 我那時很矮且很胖, 5. It was September 28 last Wednesday. 5. 今天早上,每件事都很好(fine) - 6. 依畫線部分造原問句(用 Who. Where, What. When 造句) The boy was in the park with two cats at that time, 6.派對過後,Patrick 人在理 (1) (2 (2) (3) L A

尚未解決 回答數: 1
英文 國中


12:03 山3G 81%] 4 { 英語1下句... 一下句型 P. 14 在我 Unit 5 There Was a Lot of Trash in the Sea Grammar Focus 1 非想 姓名 · 請依提示符句子改寫句子 9. Who is am the hall? (加上「昨晚」並改成否定) 1. Winnie is short. E last year 10. Who are you with by the lake? (oni) 2. Eric is in Taiwan. (OL 1990) 3. Rachel and Tiffany are good friends. (ut at that time) 二·請寄出正確的 be 動詞形式 1. They in the river every weekend. 2. Patty happy an hour ago. 4. It is rainy. (but yesterday morning) 3. Eva late for school on Fridays. 5. Yoga and Kiki are in the mountains. (ut two months ago) 4. Samantha and Daniel busy every day . fat last year, but he 5. Franklin thin now 6. There is a rainforest near my house. (but in the past) 6. Where 7. When you last night? Gary's birthday party? Was it last month? ? you then? 7. Thulianals is at the beach. (加入「前天,並改成否定) 8. Where 9. Who with you the day before yesterday? ? a cup of coffee? 8. There are three people at Olivia's kitchen. 10. How much 【加入「上週末」並改成否定) 一下旬型 P15 三,請依畫線部分造問句 四: 1. No, the fish wasn't under the sea at that time. 1. 上個星期我在我姑姑山丘上的新房子, 2. Hilton was twelve years old last year. 2. A:他們兩小時前在教室安靜嗎? B:不,他化沒有 3. There is an island in the sea. 3. 兩年前,遊樂場的附近有一因美的海滩· 4. There were three cans of coffee in the kitchen. 4. 我那時很矮且很胖, 5. It was September 28 last Wednesday. 5. 今天早上,每件事都很好(fine) - 6. 依畫線部分造原問句(用 Who. Where, What. When 造句) The boy was in the park with two cats at that time, 6.派對過後,Patrick 人在理 (1) (2 (2) (3) L A

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