

英文 高中


41-44題為題組 Dognition will help you learn more about your dog's cognitive traits. It offers an online test Is your dog an Einstein or a Charmer? For US $60, a recently-founded company called telling you about the brain behind the bark. Dognition's test measures a dog's intellect in several aspects-from empathy to memory to reasoning skills/ But don't expect it to measure your pet's IQ.) Dr. Hare, one of the venture's co- founders, says a dog's intelligence can't be described with a single number. Just as humans have a wide range of intelligences, so do dogs. The question is what type your dog relies on more. After you plunk your money down, Dognition's website will take you through a questionnaire about your dog: For example, how excited does your dog get around other dogs, or children? Do fireworks scare your pup? Then, Dognition guides you through tests that are as fun as playing fetch or hide-and-seek. At the end, you get a report of your dog's cognitive profile. Your dog could fall into one of nine categories: Ace, Stargazer, Maverick, Charmer, Socialite, Protodog, Einstein, Expert, or Renaissance Dog. That can give you something to brag about on Dognition's Facebook page. It also can shed new light on why dogs do the things they do. For example, a Charmer is a dog that trusts you so much that it would prefer to solve problems using information you give it rather than information it can get with its own eyes. Dognition helps people understand their dogs in ways that they have never been able to do. This new understanding can enrich the relationship between dogs and their owners. B 41 What is the third paragraph mainly about? (A) The theory behind the questionnaire used in the Dognition test. (B) The procedure for evaluating a dog's intellect on Dognition. D The products one can get by paying a fee to Dognition. (D) The characteristics of the activities Dognition offers. 又 42. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? (A) Different dogs display strengths in different intelligences. BA dog's cognitive profile is composed of nine cognitive skills. The purpose of Dognition's testing is to control a dog's behavior. (D) A dog's intelligence can be ranked based on the score of a Dognition's test. K 43. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "venture" in the second paragraph (B) Risky attempt. (D) New business. (A) Creative measurement. 53% (C) Non-profit organization. 569 29 xyzcd.

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英文 國中


(A) where Mimi: I do. My cousi Dora: Does anyone know Fiona: Hi, Scott. I sent you a news report about someone who suddenly attacked some foreigners with a sharp knife yesterday, but you didn't answer right away like you usually do. I was really_(31)____ Scott: Sorry about that. It's because I was checking the information in that news report, and I found shared some fake news with me, just like the boy who cried wolf! Fiona: "I'm nothing like him!" First, he was lazy. Second, he got bored while he was watching the sheep, so he tricked people into believing a wolf was attacking his sheep. That's not like sharing a news report at all, even if it is fake. Scott: That may be true, but as long as you keep sharing news reports without checking them first, you might give others the wrong information. As a result of that, people may get into trouble. For example, people have lost their jobs or gotten hurt because of fake news. That's why we have to be really careful. Fiona: I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone. What can I do to change that? Scott: I'm glad to hear that. The next time you send someone a news report, the best thing to do is to make sure it is real before you share it. Fiona: Well, that's going to be hard because I like to share things as soon as I find out about them, but I'll__(33)____. AC (32)__ you as long as only if/attack→ try to hurt or kill/as soon as possibly quickly 31. (A) exciting (B) worrying (C) excited (D) worried 32. (A) what (B) whether (C) X (D) because (B) search for much more news on the websites 33. (A) keep what you said in mind (C) forget about that right away 34. How may Fiona feel when she says (D) pay for it with my credit card am nothing like him!"?

已解決 回答數: 2
英文 高中


—甜相机 (17) (8)(A) As soon as (B) Not until ) (9)(A) due to (B) according to (C) close to (10) (A) to break (B) broke (C) breaking (D) in addition to (D) broken Just as the Statue of Liberty is recognized as a symbol of freedom, so is Eugène Delacroix's painting Liberty Leading the People, a representation of liberty. Liberty Leading the People has three features in common with the Statue of Liberty. First, it was also created by a Frenchman. Second, it was also created _(1)____ freedom. Finally, it also includes a tribute* to Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberty. the Romantic style in 1830. Its subject is the July Liberty Leading the People was painted ____(2)_ Revolution*, ___ (3)_ was a significant event in France's history. The painting was purchased by the French government in 1831 and has been hanging in the Louvre Museum since 1874.__(4), Delacroix's painting has become one of the most famous symbols of the July Revolution and the French love of freedom. 3. ( ( (5) at the their guns Delacroix's painting shows ordinary French citizens who are charging and soldiers of King Charles X. In front of these brave men is the figure of a fearless female freedom fighter. her left hand is a gun, and in her right is Her dress is torn, so her bare breasts (6)____ the enemy. _(7)_ the future French flag. This is Libertas, the goddess of liberty. She is leading the French citizens in their fight for freedom in the July Revolution. The _(8)___ duration of this revolution was but 72 hours. By the Days," the fighters had taken back their precious freedom from the king. king had lost his crown, the people of France no longer had to suffer under his cruel rule. Liberty had led them to a better, freer future. (9) of these "Three Glorious* _(10)____ the unjust and greedy ibute July Revolution duration glorious 3)(1)(A) celebrate (B) to celebrate (C) celebrated (D) celebrating (2)(A) with (B) for (C) at (D) in (C) which (D) when )(3)(A) it (B) that (4)(A) Over time (5)(A) exposing ) (6)(A) exposing to ) (7)(A) In (B) On C) (8)(A) keen (B) full (C) (9)(A) variety (B) end (C) rest (B) For example (C) For a start (D) On the other hand (B) greeting (C) grabbing (D) firing (C) are exposed to (D) are exposing to (D) Around (D) crowded (D) average (10) (A) But (B) Unless (C) Since (D) Although (B) expose to (C) Between (C) daily C 五、閱讀 1. Y journe large r Ameri Abrah 18 presi Ame gove Roo: Stat 194 face the =+ (

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