

英文 高中

請問為什麼第一題是practicable 而不是capable><

are one billion nanometers in one meter, you can get an idea of how impressive this technology really is! Even though this fabulous technology has been around for almost 100 years, we have only recently been able to experience both its benefits and i cogmignal ovil Asqa niso I e maoney but also area Stopesugar have characteristics These days, nanotechnology is used primarily to make things stronger, stiffer, and smoother. Due to their tiny size, nanoparticles increase the overall surface a of an object, and that acts to give the object special properties However, nanotechnology is also used in the field of biochemistry. One possible of nanotechnology in the future is in the field of robotics. It might be feasible for tiny nano-robots, or "nanobots," to be produced that could easily perform tasks in a very small scale. Each of these nanobots would be so small that you would need a special microscope to see them. Because of their small size, however, a great deal of them DEST OF 90 MOBST U simple math, inc ped programa Cindy a button nose Qué oyes, would be needed to perform a task. furod One drawback to nanotechnology is that the structures are so small that they pose some health and environmental risks. Because of their size, they can float around in the air and enter our lungs without our knowing about it. The effects of this are not yet known, but in the future, if the use of this sort of technology becomes more common, some specialists believe that we may suffer from various illnesses. Regardless of the risks, however, it seems that nanotechnology is something that will be with us for a long time. davol odi ni "11" nuomong ot D Tolo hazards. or (A) affordable (B) practicable (C) visible 14 What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) A new technol use 13 The boldfaced word "feasible" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to ghib10:56 Ap (D) capable

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英文 高中

想問24.26.27 看起來很簡單但我不知道為什麼選那個 還有哪裡可以找得到歷屆的解析91~100年的謝謝

Now that you are planning to go to college, how can you select an ideal college for yourself? _(21)_____ its reputation or the test scores it requires for admission? In fact, it is not _____(22)_ simple as that. College education is far more complicated than (23) the reputation of a college or the test scores it requires. In addition to these two factors, you should also have (24) important information. Finding out which college suits you involves time and energy, but (25) more than those you might spend on buying a motorcycle or a computer. Here are some tips___(26)____ choosing an ideal one from a number of colleges. 1. Visit the websites of these colleges and find out which college has departments courses that interest you or will help you prepare for your future career. 2. Are the professors in the departments you plan to 3. Do the colleges allow you to participate in activities intellectually and emotionally? I hope the (30) 21. (A) In 22. (A) as 23. (A) thus 24. (A) many 第3頁 共7頁 25. (A) no 26. (A) of 27. (A) offer advice is helpful to you in selecting the right college. (B) By (B) too (B) just (B) even _(27) (28) into experts in their own fields? (29)_____ will help you develop yourself (B) all (B) on (B) offers (C) With (C) still (C) so (C) other (C) some (C) to (C) offered (D) At (D) quite (D) yet (D) few (D) any (D) from (D) offering - 2 - 91學年度 英文考科

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英文 高中


20 15 10 5 Kites: More than Just Entertainment oil by Jonathan McDougall 承載人類文明演變的風箏 hen you think of kites, you might think of people in the park, 27 flying kites for fun. 1 A, throughout their history, kites 49 251 have been used for much more than amusement'. They 許多的 文明 have evolved over time and brought about' numerous³ benefits to civilization*. The earliest record of a kite is from Mozi, a philosophers during China's 朝代 Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770 BC-221 BC). His kite was a bird made of wood with a string 2 to it. During the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 AD-220 AD), paper kites 正式地 測量 emerged, and kites were formally named. They originally helped soldiers measure distances and wind direction. 本日課 程選單 3D way As kites spread to other parts of Asia, each country developed a(n) 宗教的 儀式 of using them. In Japan, kites became part of religious ceremonies. They were i red sea of wod word of new 象徵 used to bring good luck to harvests. In Korea, kites were flown to symbolize the 放下 letting go of bad luck and welcoming of good fortune. Kites were first 4 by Marco Polo, who supposedly first saw a kite in A hote 據說 1282. In the 16th and 17th centuries, other sailors also brought kites back from 遠征 abesubsW, no exterio 101 bersiaran 1. (1) expeditions to the East. They were used in science experiments, such as Benjamin 驗 up of Franklin's 1752 experiment with electricity that led to the invention of the lightning B000. THE leos 11 (C) C rod. Experimentation with kites also caused a(n) 5 that led to the invention of 1. (A) In fact 2. (A) attached 3. (A) adolescent 4. (A) given a name 5. (A) illusion ince World War II, though, kites have been mainly used as a source the airplane. Since World ash of entertainment. Nevertheless, it's interesting to know that this simple toy has more than 2,000 years of history behind it. 翻譯請見 P. 85 ED (B) For instance (C) After all (B) attachingxfT (D (B) beloved (C) was attaching (C) spacious (B) brought to the Western world (C) used in ward (B) disaster (C) breakthrough (D) In particular (D) that attached (D) distinctive (D) shown to China (D) impression 答案請見 PP. 68-69

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英文 高中

想問這題的C C選項指的不應該是說 買賣NFT比想像中複雜 但文中所指NFT的買賣那麼複雜,那為什麼不是錯的勒

第 39 至 42 題為題組 As we progress further into the digital age, new terms and technologies seem to pop up everywhere. The latest of these is "NFTs" or non-fungible tokens. If something is fungible, it means that it is able to be replaced by an item of identical value, such as currency. Therefore, a non-fungible token cannot be interchanged; it is unique. NFTs are linked to the blockchain-the digital database that supports online cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Let's take a deeper look at NFTs and how people can buy, sell, and trade them. In simple terms, NFTs are one-of-a-kind digital works of art. They can take the form of GIFs, tweets, virtual trading cards, images of physical objects, and more. NFTs tend to attract investors who believe in the future of blockchain technology, and who are willing to spend top dollar to obtain a new form of digital currency. For example, Jack Dorsey's first tweet sold for $2.9 million, a video clip of a LeBron James slam dunk sold for over $200,000, and a decade-old "Nyan Cat" GIF sold for $600,000. Clearly, the NFT market is something to be taken seriously. So, the next question is: how does one participate in it? modi naging dato Basically any digital image can be purchased as an NFT. But before buying one, there are a y things to bolet gold sin few things to consider. You need to think about which marketplace to buy from. You also need to b bount itnorn s. slagg 21.05 think about what kind of digital wallet you'll be using to store the NFT, and which type of gos, of 10 and ab cryptocurrency you'll use to purchase it. The process of selling your NFT will vary based on which Dead orie ni einshins Imp leve moitoolsh marketplace you use. However, the process is simple enough-first, you'll upload your content to anthow ad of Lite to 2012 63 ele ning rolls of abno the marketplace to turn it into an NFT. Then, add details about the work and set the price. NFTS bengoof mi cont long as they have may sound confusing, but anyone is able to take part in this new digital market as a digital wallet and a little bit of cryptocurrency. zulli 120d so ausu gaivollot sa to doir'W.20 con cach these All th Ver DHE KU A

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英文 國中


片:republica / ica/Flickr 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 53 單字例句》CD/MP3 S4 慢速 MP3 94 平常的 Hebocon isn't your usual robotics contest. Its name the word “contest.” Its aim is to find the crappiest robot. comes from "heboi," a Japanese word for "crappy," and People don't have to be skillfulf in robotics to be in Hebocon. They use simple things to make their robots. toys, dishes, and even snacks. During the contest, the The parts can be anything they have at home, such as robots fight in matches. They try to push each other out of a ring.* It's furns to watch because the robots do some things. Some of them can hardly move, and others inove around like crazy That's the best part humorous because the robots make everyone happy. That's what Hebocon is about ABC ◎重點單字 o 1. usual [ jujual ] adj. 慣常的;平常的 Let's meet at our usual coffee shop. 我們在我們平常去的那間咖啡店碰面吧。 o 2. skillful [`skilfal] adj. 有技巧的 The boss chose Janet because she was the ○為1200字為2000字 most skillful. 老闆選了珍妮特是因為她的技能最好。 o 3. snack [ snæk] n.點心 My favorite snack is popcorn. 我最喜歡的點心是爆米花。 ◎ 4. match [ mæt[] n.比賽 Doug did well in his first tennis match. 道格在他的首場網球比賽表現很好。 ◎ 5. humorous [ hjumaras ] adj. 幽默的;好笑的 Bob didn't think the joke was humorous. 鮑伯不認為那個笑話好笑。 06. hardly [hardli ] adv.幾乎不 I was so scared that I could hardly breathe. 我害怕到幾乎不能呼吸。 參考單字 ring[run] n.(摔角、拳擊等)場地 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 64 頁 ◎ 學習焦點 1. such as 1500 用於舉例的情況。 解 圖片:Thomas Amberg / Flickr • I can't have certain kinds of food, such as nuts and cheese. 某些種類的食物我不能吃,例如堅果和起司。 2. V. + like crazy 瘋狂地(做某事) like crazy 意指「瘋狂地;猛烈地」,為口語用法。 • Steve eats like crazy when he's hungry. 史提肚子餓時吃東西都是狼吞虎嚥。 3. That's what (sth) is all about. 那正是(某事)的核心、重點。 隨堂測驗・選擇題 I love spending time with friends and by family. That's what life is all about, isn't it? 我喜歡花時間和朋友、家人相處,那才是人生的意 義,不是嗎? What is the point of Hebocon? Bao Fighting robots are the funniest to watch. ® Anyone can make robots. Crappy robots are not welcome. ② Robotics is only for skillful people. 進階閱讀

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