

數學 國中


( 34.~35.) Hi, I am Jamie. My special place is in a big apple tree by my grandparents' garden. My grandpa built it for my sister and me. To get there, I have to climb up a ladder. Grandpa built it with wood and it also has a roof, so we don't get wet when it rains. I like to sit inside when it rains. The sound makes me comfortable. Sometimes I have food with my sister and cousins there. One day, I wanted to spend the night there, but it was really dark. I was afraid, so I went back to the house. vobiulp? Hi, my name is Karen. My special place is in a park near my home. I go there with my friends. It is not in the center of the park, so few people go there. There is a bench under a tree, and we often sit and talk there. It makes us very happy. There is a beautiful fountain and we often play water in it. It is a great place when the weather is hot. The tall trees there can help us keep out of the sun. In the spring, there are many beautiful flowers. It is more like the country than a park in the city. ladder 梯子 wood木材 roof屋頂 fountain 噴泉 34. Which is the right picture of the special place? (A) Jamie's m.q08 (B) Jamie's uto2 mw onex99W DD 21 Did b Yoineetblirb JUC r t'nob uoY chowezuor apnhd ne .2M dor by glori abbl (C) Karen's (D) Karen's 91blirb ynoma ob of mert b9b not agit aw? smol law by slows bas ov w.moo.zhit.www Jiziv To 1200-0588-40 ( ) 35. Which is NOT true? almid (A) Karen's special place is in the city. wla naniol" bina bom e vodol25 (B) Karen likes to play water with her friends. W mid 10 taong i sno zirli (C) Jamie stayed in his favorite place for nights. (D) There is a garden next to Jamie's special place. smol Jow? (A) M() .smita coin2.0

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英文 國中


(A) waited (B)3. Ms. Lee is a(n) week. (B) shouted 誠實 (C) listened (D) agreed businesswoman. Just now in her shop, she gave me back the wallet I left on the table last (A) famous (B) honest (C) important (D) smart reading maps. (D)4. Lexie Even with a map, she still cannot find her way when she is in a foreign city. (A) is careful about (B) is good at (C) has fun (D) has trouble ()5. More and more cows on this farm are getting sick. The problem is so tomorrow on. (A) heavy (B) popular (C) serious (D) strong (C)6. Some songs are forgotten very quickly. A really good song can pass the test of many years. (A) knowledge (B) sound (C) time (D) weather (A)7. I'm not sure if Kevin this morning, but if he does, I'll tell him that (A) will come in (B) comes in (C) has come in (D) came in (B)8. I think the road ends here; it won't go any Ad 2. (A) closer (B) farther (C) faster (D) longer Jogging is the only exercise I enjoy. I find (A) all (B) few (C) many (D) some you Shouldn't we turn back? Be of 110, Smart Head, one of the hottest TV programs these days, correctly in 15 minutes. (A) have given (B) gives (C) giving (D) to give )11. Helen: Can you turn off the TV? that the farm will be closed from called. other kinds of exercise boring. I can't study with the Troy: You can just go back to your room so you won't hear it. (A) noise (B) heat (C) power (D) light ()12. Carson: Bye, girls. See you tomorrow, Phoebe. Shirley: did Carson say he would see you tomorrow? Phoebe: We're going out for a picnic. Do you want to come? (A) What (B) When (C) Where (D) Why and be remembered for many, people free plane tickets to Hawaii if they can answer

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英文 國中

求解 急 怎麼看都不順眼 第29

,我穿起來很漂亮 24 (A) It looks pretty on me. (C) Whe can 1 it on? ) 25. (A) It's expensive. (B) (C) It is too small to wear. 991473 (B) How much is it? (D) Is it my size?這是我的嗎 (B) I'll take this one. (D) I don't like it, either. (1) 26. (A) How much money do you have? (B) Isn't it expensive? (C) Do you have credit cards? (D) How would you like to pay? [31 【27~29】 27 Basketball has been around for more than one hundred years. It 18 C was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, a PE teacher, who tried hard to think of a game for his students to play inside on a rainy or cold winter day. A Naismith wrote some basic rules and used a peach basket for players to throw a ball in. At that time a soccer ball was used to play in the game. Quite different from modern basketball games, the first அ ones in history were slow because there were no holes in the bottom of the peach baskets. When a player threw a ball in a peach basket, the ball stayed there. The game had to stop so that one of the players could climb up to get the ball. Although the first basketball games seem funny, they were an important start of one of the most popular sports in the world. invent 創造 basic 基本的 k C a p y le li a 11 seem 似乎 n (7) 27. What is the best title for the reading? title 標題 (A) James Naismith (B) PE Classes (C) Sports and Their Rules (D) The History of Basketball 28. What CAN'T we learn from the reading? B (A) The first basketball baskets. (B) The number of players on each team. (C) James Naismith's job. (D) Why James Naismith invented basketball. (B) 29. Which of the following usually has a hole in its bottom? (A) A couch. (B) A mat. 長椅 墊 【30~32] (C) A pot. (D) A tub. |tub 浴缸 Dear Sarah, I have two tickets for the game between the Elephants and the Lions next Tuesday. David said that he could go to the game with 21

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英文 國中

請問20題D是錯在 shared garden 嗎

ABCD III. Reading Comprehension (25%) Hi Emily, How are you? Did you get your exam results yet? I have some good news-we finally moved into our new home! I'm so happy because I don't have to share a room with Nina anymore. It's great to have more privacy and Mom says I can decorate my room the way I like. My plan is to paint the walls yellow and hang up a big photograph of New York City, too (it's still my dream to travel there). I also got a new bed which is much bigger and more comfortable than my last one. Q16. C And guess what else? We have our own garden now. Dad's going to grow vegetables like zucchini and cabbage there. He says I can help him, but I'm not very interested in gardening. One good thing is that we're going to have a barbecue party in July! I hope you can come. You can stay with us for the whole weekend, if you're free. I'll let you know the exact date when my parents decide. Write me soon and tell me your news. Love, Cara 0 privacy 隱私 16. Who, most likely, is Nina? photograph H (A) Emily's mom. (B) Cara's mom. (C) Emily's sister. 17. What do we learn about the writer in the second paragraph? (A) Her parents already decorated the new house. (B) She doesn't want to help with painting the walls.ely) (C) She has wanted to visit New York City for some time. exact 確切的 (D) Cara's sister. (A) Three-bedroom house, close to train station. New kitchen and private garden. No pets, please. Studio apartment with balcony, perfect for a single person. Available from the start of July. CROS) stol 1 20/2651902) DOM 2'omy 60 supinu is ni botning SI in to zkow Inshoqmi ynos 916 2h de brucw zielu insionA prinico riqu D) Her old bed was more comfortable than her new one. C 18. Why does the writer say, "And guess what else?" at the start of the third paragraph? bns 239 ano (A) She felt surprised about something. (B) She is explaining how to do something. art (C) She will give another piece of information.do if (D) She doesn't know the answer to a question. 19. Which sentence is certainly true? iog prijesim 6 p16 2016 ALThe writer will cook some vegetables for her family. (B)The writer's parents don't allow friends to stay over.ad lliw (6) (The writer's mother has never grown tomatoes before. (D) The writer is not sure yet when the barbecue will happen. 20. Which is the advertisement for Cara's new home? am siz dvd bein 的力量 # hework b (B) One-bedroom house with beautiful private garden. Electricity and water bills are not included in the rent. (D) Four-bedroom apartment on second floor. Great for a family. Small balcony and shared garden. 212 Kaun.

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英文 高中

想問一下這幾題是甚麼概念謝謝😇😇 第23題答案是B 第19題答案是D

The Internet has replaced books as a major source of information for Taiwanese primary school students, according to a recent survey. The survey was conducted last December, and it that 77 percent of the students considered the Internet to be the most convenient source of information. 14 percent of the respondents said they often 7 books for information instead of going online. Of all the students surveyed, 27 percent said they had never used the 18 The survey randomly selected 4,200 students in 26 primary schools in investigate their reading habits. A total of 4,017 questionnaires were properly 20 parts of Taiwan to by the respondents. According to the survey, five percent of the school children indicated that they did not read any reading materials. Of those who read such materials, 25 percent liked to read comics, 20 percent fables and stories, 15 percent books on natural sciences, and 12.3 percent books on technology. The survey indicated that 45 percent of the school children read at least five books every month; 45 percent of them read less than three per month. (A)took (B)put (C)knew (D)found (A)used up (B)went off (C)turned to (D)made into (A)Net (B)survey (C)books (D)respondents (A)various (B)convenient (C)youthful (D)routine 20((A)taken in (B)given off (C)filled out (D)picked on (D)(A)story (B)comic (C)technology (D)extracurricular 2( )(A)thus (B)further (C)otherwise (D)for instance (A)other (B)another (C)others' (D)the other's 課堂筆記:

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