

自然 國中

國三地科 求精熟第1、2題算法

170 南版國中自然3上 9.若在某地垂直水平地面立起一根長度為 I m 的旗竿,並將 該地在正午時竿影長度一年的變化情形記錄於右圖。根據圖 中資訊判斷,該地一年中受到太陽直射的次數以及發生的月 份,下列何者正確? (A)一年直射一次,該次發生在6月份 (B)一年直射一次,該次發生在12月份 (C)一年直射兩次,分別發生在1月份和 12 月份 (D)一年中,該地並不會受到太陽的直射 10 右圖為在嘉義地區一年中觀察日出日落的軌跡,甲、乙、丙 分別是冬至、春分、夏至的軌跡,A~F 為地平面上的幾個 位置,請問國曆1月1日,日出的方位為下列何者? (A) AB 之間 (B) BC 之間 (C) DE 之間 (D) EF 之間 106 會考-43 竿影長度(m) (D) 12 個月 【圖表題 01:00 );右圖是某地在一年中,白晝與黑夜在一天中所占 的時間關係圖,淺色區域表示白畫的時間範圍, 深色區域表示黑夜的時間範圍,兩條黑色曲線由 上至下分別是日出與日落時間變化。根據圖中資 地 05:00 當09:00 甲 南 0 N OB A 3 丙 ---- --- 西 0 J 6 9 12 正 = 山東 E [ |B 精熟實力題 生活素養題 ( )1 住在北緯 35 度的阿義希望夏至正午時,太陽可以直射頂樓的南← 太陽能板,以收集最大能量,故將太陽能板朝向正南方放置, 如右圖所示。關於圖中太陽能板與水平屋頂間的夾角 0,下列 何者最符合阿義的需求? | 109 會考-34 (A) 11.5° (B) 23.5° (C) 35° (D) 47° 2 小陳把每天正午時學校旗竿受日照所形成的竿影長度做成紀錄,發現竿影長度會隨時 在民間而變化。今天天氣晴朗,小陳發現正午時沒有竿影,表示陽光直射他所在地,而此地 緯度大約是北緯 16 度。若上一次正午沒有竿影之日距今恰好9個月,且不考慮天氣的 影響,則從今天起算,直到下一次正午沒有竿影之日,還要再過大約多久時間? (A) 3 個月 103 會考-43 補充題】 (B) 6 個月 (C) 9 個月 東 C L 月份 太陽能板 --- HU -水平屋頂 月份 123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 AI TRIPLE CAMERA SUGAR T35

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英文 國中


國三上 第二課文法練習題 姓名: 依提示作答: ✓//1. Playing online games is interesting to many students. (1) Playing online game was interested to many students. 2. Vicky's sad story was surprising to us. (用過去分詞改寫句子) 3. Terry and David were excited about the basketball game. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓4. All the people at the theater were satisfied with the movie. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓5. The computer homework is boring to Jenny. (一般動詞改寫句子) 6. It is boring to Helen to spend her summer vacation staying at home all day. (請將此句以「某人對某事感到無聊的」改寫) ✓ 7. Children is excited about Halloween. They can go trick-or-treating on this holiday. (將兩句用「某事對某人是興奮的」合併成一句子) Children is exciting to go on Hall ✓ 8. Doing the same work bores Jane's father. ((a)♬ boring (b)♬ bored Jane's father. the same work (a) Donig is boving (b) Jane's farther is brored with doing to came work surprising ) 10 trick-or-treating V 9. The story surprises young people. ( oween. The story surpising to young people 10. Was everyone in the house surprised at the good news? ( Did...?7) 11. The answer to the question was satisfying to them all. (用 They 改寫句子) V Many people was inspiring 12. Many people were inspired by Nick's movie. (be inspiring to... 7) to Nick's movie 13. The class trip to Sun Moon Lake excites all of the students. (All of the students....07) 14. To eat the same food every day is boring to the boy. (用 The boy....改寫句子) The boy is boved to with eat the same 15. Every student excited about the game. same food (The game is....) food every every day. 1

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英文 高中


(D) 3. The smell of freshly-baked cookies filled the room. It was hard for the little boy to the desire to reach out for one. (B) resist (D) import (A) 4. If you get lost in the woods, follow the (A) offer (C) deliver that runs along the river, and you will quickly find your way back to the town. (A) trail (B) flavor (C) seal (D) reserve (D) 5. Although it is often classified as a vegetable, the tomato is a fruit because it develops from a flower. (A) widely (C) mistakenly (B) necessarily (D) technically ''A'' fries go perfectly with a juicy burger. They are hard ) 6. Golden and delicious, these on the outside but very soft on the inside. (A) rocky (C) crispy 二、文意選填(25%) Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? It's a ___(7)___ that carries on. However, there's no question about its ability to (8)_ the flavor of foods it's added to. It makes sauces and salads better, and is also a healthy snack. When ripe, a tomato is super juicy. Historical studies (9) that tomatoes weren't always as well loved as they are these days. Tomatoes are(10)__ to South America, and they started being shipped to Europe in the 16th century. There, it was thought that tomatoes had been the (11) of several aristocrats' deaths. The acid in the tomatoes drew the lead in the plates out, which killed those eating from them. (B) lively (D) negative (A) reveal (B) debate (C) deepen (D) cause (E) native Answers: 7. (A)8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (E) 11. D) 三、閱讀測驗(21%) San Diego is a beautiful city. Located on the west coast of the United States, it has over 1.3 million people living in it. It's the second largest city in California. Known to many as "America's Finest City," it offers nice weather and a relaxed way of life. There are many places to visit in San Diego, but few are better for getting a feel for the city's culture than Balboa Park. It's a big 1,200-acre park designed like a Spanish village. It has museums, exhibition spaces, and gardens. The San Diego Zoo is found within the park. It features more than 14,000 animals from around the world. If you are a history lover, go to Old Town. It has old buildings from the 1800s and lots of shops and restaurants. Old Town was the first European settlement in the state of California and is considered the birthplace of the state. (C) 12. What is the purpose of this passage? (5%) (A) To introduce a travel spot. (A) 13. (B) To explain the history of a city. (C) To suggest a full-day tour in a park. (D) To change people's opinions about San Diego. 13. According to the passage, which of the following is true? (6%) 1 2 14. Write T (True) or F (False) next to each statement based on the passage above. (10%) Live B2-2 (A) Balboa Park was established in the 1800s. (B) Balboa Park is like a town within a city. (C) The San Diego Zoo is right next to Balboa Park. (D) Old Town is why San Diego got its name as "America's Finest City." There are many people living in San Diego. The city's population is listed as being over 1.3 million. San Diego is the largest city in California and the second largest on the west coast of the United States. Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre park designed like an American village. It's where people can get to know San Diego's culture. The San Diego Zoo is located inside Balboa Park. It houses over 14,000 animals from different parts of the world. Old Town is where people can expect to see buildings that are over 200 years old. 5 四、中譯英 (24%) 15.患有憂鬱症的人可能會每天無緣無故地感 到悲傷,容易獨自哭泣。 Those who s with depression may feel sad for no reason and tend to cry alone on a daily basis. 16. 隊員們把表現不佳怪罪於雨天,卻忽視了 自己練習不夠的事實。 The team members b blame the rainy weather for their poor performance while overlooking the fact that they didn't practice enough. 17. 這家商店的經理注意到上個月的銷售額有 所下降,這表示許多顧客可能已轉向網路 O The store manager noticed a decrease in sales last month, which suggests that a n customers may have switched to online shopping.

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