

英文 高中


HOZZJ that pa change Angela Duckworth, an American scholar, gave a TED Talk in New York entitled "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance." The ideas in her talk were later made into a book with the same title, 3. was published in 2016. 4. years earlier, Duckworth accepted a job as a mathematics teacher at a public school in New York. Her talk details how 5. the years, her students gradually taught her that to be successful, natural intelligence alone is not enough. One must also possess what is 7. by a strong determination to known 6. grit. Grit refers to consistent effort achieve a goal. Through detailed research, Duckworth discovered that people with high levels of grit remain highly motivated to achieve their goals 8. giving up on them. In other words, someone with true grit will see himself or herself getting closer to his or her goal day by day. Therefore, that person will always be able to keep himself or herself 9. to achieving that goal. Duckworth's TED Talk and book have since book have since inspired millions remained on The New York Times' bestseller list for almost half a A 10. Her boo following its t a year publication./leave/find +0+ (1. (A) what 學士廟讀 高檢眼 (B) which (C) how CDB (B 2. (A) So (B) (A) 3.(A) which (B) it (C) that (D) 4.(A) Few (00 (B) Little) (C) A little (D) 5.(A) with (B) around (C) until 6.(A) by (B) 7.(A) drives (B) for (C) as tedi. (B) driven (C) driving (A) 8. (A) instead of 9. (A) dedicate (B) dedicating (B) regardless of (C) except for such 這樣的: (C) very (D) same (D) 9gbird) and insinu (D) A fewsl (D) over (D) to be (D) to drive (D) in addition to (D) why HTA. 197 OT (C) dedicated (D) to dedicate 10.(A) in turn (B) around the world 新人会画画 香取湖小匙 (H (C) on their way (D) around the corner 六、文意選填:10% WN (A) worthy (B) discuss (C) technological (D) with (E) increase (F) audience (G) speaks of (H) as well as (I) celebrity (J) by From the beginning, before a word is spoken, it's clear that Molly Wright's TED T mits in a high chair. A little girl walks out, smilin 2 weak pho ask chi

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自然 國中

想問問31,35,39 謝謝👀🥹

A 37圖()是在嘉義觀察一年中大陽運行軌跡的變化。在6月22日春天,豔陽高 照,住嘉義的小傑騎著 Gegero 電動車去圖書館,在上午10點左右抵達,預 計下午2點離開。有遮棚的機踏車停車場如圖四所示。已知甲、乙、丙、丁 為四個空的停車格,小傑為了避免在圖書館的這一段時間陽光照射到電動 車,他應該選擇哪一個停車格最適當? 春分、秋分 冬至 丁 12 西元 的一次 依此圖 ^ (A)地球 (B)火星 (C)火星 (D)火星 西 南 4.3. 由下交 北 甲 甲 圖(四) 圖(三) (A)甲(B)乙(C)丙(D)丁。 38. 將一條均質、長型、延展性佳的金屬甲串接一個燈泡,如 右圖。若將金屬甲採用下列哪一種方式處理之後,再接回 電路,會使燈泡的亮度增加? (A)長度剪去一半 (B)長度增加一倍 (C)厚度剖面切掉一半(D)連接方向反轉。 甲 燈泡 電池 BB 將一顆石頭置於裝滿水的杯中,如右圖。若不斷地從杯中 將水抽出,下列有關石頭浮力變化的敘述,何者正確? (C)逐漸變小 (D)逐漸變大。 D (A)甲 '44 右圖 (A)右中與城 (A) (A)先不變,再漸大(B)先不變,再漸小 水抽出 1) 40. 逸萱在實驗室進行下列四個實驗,已知這四個實驗都會產生氣體,請問哪一 個實驗所產生的氣體種類與其他三者不同? (A)雙氧水+二氧化錳(B)以碳棒電解硫酸銅水溶液 (C)氧化汞照光 (D)鎂帶+鹽酸。 41. 利用右圖的裝置來做「人造雲實驗」。首先,寶特瓶內 裝有少許水及線香白煙,藉由打氣筒向瓶內打氣增加瓶 內壓力;待瓶口橡皮塞被瓶內壓力推開造成氣壓急劇變 化,使水蒸氣凝結。關於此實驗,下列敘述何者正確? (A)在裝有少量水的寶特瓶中加入少許線香白煙,主要目 的與人造雨作業中在雲層灑凝結核的原理相同 (B)寶特瓶底加入少許水的目的是在收集降水 (C)打氣將寶特瓶中的空氣加壓,白色的霧狀小水滴即可形成 打氣筒 寶特瓶- (D)寶特瓶口的橡皮塞因加壓彈開,瓶內空氣與外界空氣因冷熱混合而形成白 色的霧狀小水滴。 1題組 竹 (C 廣泛, 竹子會 子開花 ✓ 45 46 D₁ 3 自然科 2024.05.16 21:42

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