

英文 高中


It's widely known that bees are important for our ecosystem and that they are facing increasing threats from modern agricultural practices involving pesticides. What many of us don't know, 16. (is that some industries should shoulder a bigger share of blame than they're given.) The almond industry, for instance, has quite an adverse impact on bee colonies. One potential harm to bee colonies is the stress caused by transporting them over long distances to almond orchards for the task of pollination. This transportation can be stressful for the bees, hence 17. them more vulnerable to diseases and pests. Moreover, since they're 18. having limited food sources aside from almond flowers further weakens bee colonies. Still another problem is the of honeybees to pesticides and other chemicals used in almond production. 19. 20. and One sustainable solution is to make habitats and species within almond orchards more stable. By creating various ecosystems and introducing other insects among almond trees, at least we can ensure enough food supply for bees and even lower the use of pesticides for almond trees in the long run. A 16. (A) therefore (B) however C17. (A) make A (B) made 18. (A) faced with a great increase in demand (C) looked after by beekeepers carefully (B) delivery 19. (A) cultivation 2 (C) in addition (D) for a start (C) making (D) to make (B) raised in their natural environment (D) physically removed from their habitat (C) exposure (D) restriction asant (D) particular

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化學 高中


7 新大满贯 高中化學 @ 第5~6回複習 第壹部分、選擇題(占70分) 複習卷 姓名: 尊重智慧財產 請勿拷貝翻印 港鐵港西, 平未爆燈 西題甲 汪 說明:第1題至第14.題,含單選題及多選題,每題5分。單選題答錯不倒扣,多選題答錯! 個選項得3分,答錯2個選項得1分,答錯3個(含)以上選項該題得零分;該題未」 作答以零分計。 質加里語 1. 根據「新視野號」無人太空船傳回的冥王星資料,科學家推測該星球大氣中,含 有氮氣、一氧化碳和甲烷,部分地表則覆蓋著「氮冰」。而大氣中的氮氣與甲烷 在太陽紫外光與宇宙射線的照射下,原子相互重新排列而形成一些新的複雜有機 物質——索林斯(tholins),科學家認為這是冥王星外觀呈紅色的原因。下列相 關敘述哪些正確?(應選2項) 灣二曲中原(A)索林斯的形成是一種化學反應 (B)索林斯的形成是一種物理反應 (C)氮氣與甲 景入 轉述周二化氫 (E)氮氣與甲烷在高能量射線下,可能產生甲醇。加湯曲派 (D)氮氣與甲烷在高能量射線下,可能產生氰 烷在高能量射線下,可能產生甲醛 2 使用於修改書寫文字的修正液(又稱立可白)與光觸媒皆含有二氧化鈦,下列關 於兩者的敘述,何者正確? (B)立可白不具殺菌作用,因二氧化鈦濃度太低 (C)光觸媒具有 皆具有殺菌作用 (D)將立可白中的二氧化鈦分離並使其 殺菌作用,因所含二氧化鈦為高純度晶體 (E二氧化鈦光觸媒因是奈米級,故具有殺菌功能。 純化為固體,則具有殺菌作用 006 009 0081 (0) 001S (ED OOTS (A) 3. 根據美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)的定義:標靶藥物的藥理機轉是針對某種已知 並且確定的細胞標靶,或是介入訊息傳遞途徑,當拮抗這些標靶,或者是降低相 關途徑活性後,可以減緩、甚至消除癌細胞及其惡化的進程。近來標靶藥物成為 治療癌症的重要方式,下列敘述何者正確? 台百濛(A)標靶藥物治療費用比傳統化學療法便宜 (B)直接破壞癌細胞,不損害正常細 胞,副作用較小 (C)大範圍破壞癌細胞附近的正常細胞,可避免蔓延 (D)可直接 口服不需住院治療 (E)目前所有癌症都可利用標靶藥物治癒 7-1 4. 在實作課程中老師教導同學使用 pH 計測量液體酸鹼性,為強化同學對 pH 值的認 開預購商量 pH值皆為7。老師請同學們發表這杯水的酸鹼性論述,下列哪一說法最為正確? ()知,老師從水龍頭取50 mL 自來水置於燒杯中,經同學們以精密 pH 計量測,結果 「頂犁韓賣皂(A)此溶液必為中性 (B)此溶液水的離子積常數必為10 (C)此溶液的氫離子濃度 電門市 10 mL,則pH=8.0。具,管至空中二盤管【探究與實作】 5、 6題為題組「中生園廣工及方案由造型。(网卡主卡或现是魏晨量至下是 降雨時,因為空氣中的二氧化碳溶於水中,pH 值可達 5.6。若雨水的pH 值低於 5.0 就表 示有其他的酸性物質在雨水中,這樣的情況稱為酸雨。酸雨的形成主因是空氣中的硫氧化物, 而硫氧化物的排放主要是因燃燒含有硫的煤和石油等燃料而產生,另外金屬冶煉廠、硫酸廠等 也排放出相當數量的硫氧化物。燃料中若含有硫,燃燒時很容易形成二氧化硫排放到空氣中, 而在空氣中有很多懸浮微粒的成分可能含矽化物或鐵、錳等重金屬,藉由這些物質的催化,二 氧化硫容易與氧反應,形成三氧化硫(2SO:+O: → 2SO3)。 三、克斯黄 二氧化硫溶於水形成亞硫酸(SO2+H.O → HSOy),三氧化硫溶於水形成硫酸(SOy+ HO → HSO4)。硫酸的酸性比亞硫酸更強,使得酸雨的腐蝕性很強,除了會直接影響人體健 康和植物生長,還會腐蝕金屬器材和建築物表面(CaCO+2H+ →Cat+CO2+HO) 具体周5上述中的四個反應式,有幾個屬於氧化還原反應?回隨票座採泉工 西顶山 (A)0 (B) 1(C)2 (D3(E)4。激频画,采势展现介,中所香 劍 6. pH 值的定義為pH=-log[H"], [H] 表示 H*的體積莫耳濃度(M),log 為數學 2. SALT a 的運算符號,基本運算:log10°=a,log(a×b)=loga-logb,log b logb,則pH=5.3 的雨水中,[H]為多少M?(log2=0.3) (A) 2×10 (B)5×10 (C) 7×10 (D) 5×10° (E) 3×10°。 其中谷知 成 袋際岸 推到頂 = loga- 若知與东风醫療門人堂,谷知性食量一体醫啡大興市道升 一着】「綠色化學(green chemistry)」的定義在於不使用有害、有毒的物質,且不再處 理與產生廢物,是一種從源頭完全阻止環境汙染的化學,並且強調產品生產過 程,不僅要減少消耗量、提升原子經濟,還要避免不必要的衍生物和廢棄物。亦 即從源頭開始就充分利用原料和能源,減少、甚至無有害物質釋放,以降低對環 境的衝擊。下列敘述哪些與「綠色化學」觀念不符合?(應選2項) (A以生質能取代燃煤作為能量來源,以耗費能源較低的亞麻油取代石油,提煉 漆料 (C)以超臨界流體之二氧化碳取代汙染性高的有機溶劑(D)減少催化劑的使 用,以避免物質的耗用與廢棄物的產生 (E)以低成本的三聚氰胺取代動物性蛋白 質製造食品,可降低對生態的危害。

尚未解決 回答數: 1
英文 高中

請問為什麼第一題是practicable 而不是capable><

are one billion nanometers in one meter, you can get an idea of how impressive this technology really is! Even though this fabulous technology has been around for almost 100 years, we have only recently been able to experience both its benefits and i cogmignal ovil Asqa niso I e maoney but also area Stopesugar have characteristics These days, nanotechnology is used primarily to make things stronger, stiffer, and smoother. Due to their tiny size, nanoparticles increase the overall surface a of an object, and that acts to give the object special properties However, nanotechnology is also used in the field of biochemistry. One possible of nanotechnology in the future is in the field of robotics. It might be feasible for tiny nano-robots, or "nanobots," to be produced that could easily perform tasks in a very small scale. Each of these nanobots would be so small that you would need a special microscope to see them. Because of their small size, however, a great deal of them DEST OF 90 MOBST U simple math, inc ped programa Cindy a button nose Qué oyes, would be needed to perform a task. furod One drawback to nanotechnology is that the structures are so small that they pose some health and environmental risks. Because of their size, they can float around in the air and enter our lungs without our knowing about it. The effects of this are not yet known, but in the future, if the use of this sort of technology becomes more common, some specialists believe that we may suffer from various illnesses. Regardless of the risks, however, it seems that nanotechnology is something that will be with us for a long time. davol odi ni "11" nuomong ot D Tolo hazards. or (A) affordable (B) practicable (C) visible 14 What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) A new technol use 13 The boldfaced word "feasible" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to ghib10:56 Ap (D) capable

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