

英文 高中

想問第一題 搞不懂compare 這個字什麼時後要用被動,什麼時後用主動? 感謝~🙏

綜合測驗 The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between, The Arctic region has risen 5 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 30 years, compared with only 1 degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years globally. Large amounts of sea ice has begun to melt, thus flooding small islands and low coastal areas. Meanwhile, Arctic 2 warming as well. Polar bears, for example, they have less ice on which to live. Not only is the heat melting glaciers and sea ice, but it's also changing the rhythms of climate animals are being threatened by this have gotten considerably skinnier 3 that all living things have come to rely upon. In reality ext extreme weather conditions have become more frequent in recent decades. Heat waves are hotter, storms stronger, floods and droughts, too, more intense and widespread. Many still recall Hurricane Katrina that struck America in 2005. 5 destructive was it that it left thousands of people homeless. Sadly, more severe disasters are likely to happen if the warming continues. And humans, who have contributed to this problem, had better be prepared. 1 (A) comparing 2 (A) deadly (B) compared (B) dying (C) to compare (C) dead (B) whether (C) since (BTo begin with (C) For now (B) So (C) Rather C3 (A) until 4 (A) In reality 5 (A) Much (D) having compared (D) death (D) though (D) On the contrary (D) That

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英文 高中


Coined in 2020, the term "revenge travel" stems from a feeling of wanting to break free from the monotonous life of lockdowns. After being confined in their homes for months due to the fear of the highly contagious disease and subsequent worldwide lockdowns, many people are more before the pandemic, It appears that now, rather than feeling afraid and worried, people are just 11. to travel even 12. lockdowns. With this mindset, the tourism ready to get back at something; the year 2020 industry has greatly bounced back right after the COVID wave starts declining. Many people want to go somewhere so eagerly as they have felt imprisoned for so long. Take India for example. Many people still go traveling out of sheer frustration and the feeling of annoyance from August to October, generally considered the off-season for travel because of unfavorable weather conditions. 13. the freedom of traveling is being celebrated, everything comes at a price. That is, revenge 14. months of lockdown, which breaks the chain of COVID-19 spread., travel has the potential to As tens of thousands of people flock to popular scenic sites, it is crucial for everyone to observe social 15. the chance to be infected will be the last thing people expect. distancing and mask wearing. Although these new norms can be quite disturbing, in the post pandemic era, people have to be prepared to change their behaviors. 11. (A) compelled A 12. (A) lost to $₁5 2 (B) ambitious (C) reluctant (D) desperate (B) occupied with (C) intended for (D) engaged in

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英文 高中

想問第23題 是作為代替什麼?

(17) to y's (19) by 1636 . II. Please choose the correct answers to complete the following paragraph. We all (16) with leftover food that we don't want to throw away, but we food poisoning which is usually caused by bácteria on food. The key (18) 5th killing bacteria is to use heat) so thorough cooking is important, especially with hobenou 3. chicken whose meat is loose enough for bacteria to be found throughout The following tips will help you reheat leftovers properly. Firstly, (store your leftover HC 4.17 Mayhem food well – that means keeping it as cool as possible in between (20) 立式 thevi Tito) , However, beware putting hot food straight into the fridge. All that does is (21) Da V. it into an incubator for bugs. Up the temperature inside your fridge and _(22) (23) cover it, and let it cool to room temperature (no more than 4 hours), and then put it straight into the fridge. Secondly, reheat your food thoroughly. Most of us 2 use a microwave oven to do that, but microwaves heat food unevenly) (24) 73318 cool pockets where bacteria can (25)_ . So, take the food out, stir it, and zap it again at least once more to make sure that you've got every part piping hot (above 60 degrees Celsius). (Adapted from https://www.bbc.co.uk/procrainmes/articles/3Pd2N16J2gFg919hrghINH/is-jt-safe-to-reheat-leftovers) 1939 uh... twitter ( 1 ) kJ = 7 10 Pe 16. (A) turn out. (C) pay up (D) roll out { $ 17. (A) fright (B) afraid 18. (A) from (C) in (*)to 91.. by P M 与点 .09 E-19 19. (A) fracture (B) texture (C) juncture ole (D) moisture B20. (A) service (B) serves (C) servings 版 $21. (A) raise (B) rise (C) raising (D) rising 022. (A) turn (B) turning (C) turns (D) turned f/23. (A) Rather than . 《一 turnedBut (B) Instead (C) Moreover (D) Accordingly h (B) end up ladj.) (C) terror_ch-) (D) dread ito (v) (B) at sturch levines (D) served The

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英文 高中


【高二下海山 109-1】課外閱讀 1. in 3. Kindergarten classes always take place in a classroom, right? Well, for kids Europe, that is not always the case. Rather in a regular classroom, some 3-6-year-olds have class entirely outside. These “forest kindergartens” have across Europe over the past fifty years. The basic idea behind them is that most kids spend too much time indogts, Wolre they with plastic toys and stare at screens. At forest kindergartens, the kids get a chance to spend hours at a time in nature. 9. Despite the different environment, the purpose of forest kindergartens is pretty much the same as that of indoor Ones: to take care of and educate young children. Studies show that 6. is valuable for kids to spend more time outside. This prooldusa great (d opportunity for them to learn many things. These can include practical skills such as on the top of that finding their way in the woods and identifying plants and animals. 8. , the kids their time outside, as they run, play, and experience the outdoors with all of their senses. These experiences make them healthier and more comfortable in a natural setting. By giving kids greater 10. nature, forest kindergartens are improving their lives. Do you think forest kindergartens would work in your country? B)1. (A) situating (B) residing (C) laying (D) specializing (A) Owing to ODER (B) Apart from ( Rather than (D) Except for (D) 3. Promo 2713 (A) risen above (B) (747 (D) made waves Abe (A) where ) (B) whereas 7 10 (C) what (D) which (A) that B) it (D) what (B) pa... I UBE 123 baded on (C) torn apart ABE BIDO one Athin ( what (C) it (D) there

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