

英文 國中


graden 11. Kevin wants to plant peach or guava trees in the g choise chose 12 There was free tea and coffee at the party. I ch choose 過去式 二、文法選擇。(每題2分,共24分)。 8 (A) 1. Why did you have Holly (A) use (C) 2. You the sharp knife? She's just a kid. (B) used _ visit that web page. It's not for children. (A) must (A) 3. A: Who sings (A) best (B) could n, so he'll have fruit when he walks out the e tea because I liked it more. (C) uses (C) shouldn't (C) better in your class? B: Mitchell. He has a beautiful voice. B(C) 4. If you want to go to the zoo, (A) took (C) 5. Ethan didn't sleep BA6 (A) well; cried Con (A) Do; have (C) 7. Please talk (A) very quiet the metro because it's more convenient that way. (C) taking ; the baby is sleeping. (B) quieter (D) to use (D) don't have to (B) worse (D) the worst (B) take last night because he heard his baby brother 2m (C) well; cry (B) better; cry free time? you go to the movies with me if you (D) to take all night. (D) better; cried (B) Will; have Do; will have D) Will; will have (C) quietly (D) the quietest you might be late. (B) if (C) so (D) or Very (B) as bees. For example, many plants would die. (C) without (D) through (D) Have rest. (D) so (D) dangerously (D) 8. The class starts at eight thirty. Please remember to get up before eight, (A) and CB). Nature would change greatly (A) with (C) 10. A: (A) Do A I wear black pants to work? B: No, you don't have to. (B) Can (C) Must Clan is weak and tired, so could you stop talking to him? Now, he doesn't need friends (A) but (B) and (C) ador It's not safe to drive too fast, but Cathy often drives ad. slowly. It can also cause accidents. 慢 more 得危險

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社會 國中


·要求外爭主權。 是因為何事? 外國人扶植成 帝」,什麼事 州國位於何處? 東 著一麻袋的 的鈔票卻只 為何者? 者 (6-2) 2. 資料一: 2020年8月24日《經濟日報》 電影《八佰》上映後反響熱烈,這部電影的背景是八年 抗戰中戰火激烈的戰役,中日兩軍在上海血戰三個月, 最後國民政府仍不支敗退。《八佰》主角謝晉元當年死 守的四行倉庫現已改建為紀念館。受熱映影響,近日迎 來參觀人潮,紀念館平均客流量已達到每日 2,500人次 的上限,且近三日的參觀已全部額滿。 資料二: 英軍詢問倉庫有多少駐軍時,謝晉元回答有800人,並 慷慨的說:「我800兄弟寧願戰死倉庫,也絕不放棄任 何殺敵的機會。」 謝晉元和400將士艱苦戰4天4夜,直到接到了撤退 命令,他們才突破重圍,混入英法公共租界,但「八百 壯士」死守上海的事跡卻傳開了,事後更被授予抗戰最 高榮譽「青天白日勳章」。謝晉元的謊言似乎欺騙了全 世界,因為他根本就沒有800人! 請問: 巾 少 (1)資料一中,四行倉庫與哪場戰役關係較為密切? (A)淞滬會戰 (B)九一八事變 (C)珍珠港事變 (D)七七事變 (2)閱讀資料一和資料二後,以下哪段敘述較符合史實? (A)謝晉元成功擊退了日軍的進攻 (B)電影《八佰》名稱與人數無關 (C)有八百人,但只找到四百壯士的屍首 (D)四行倉庫為謝晉元和其部屬奮勇抗日之處 三、素養題:每題4分,共8分 1~2 各地 據 C 1.就下段文字敘述,下列選項何者正確?

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