

Eeonomies 1Quiz2 LInaprivate market we can sum the demands oftwo people to get marketdemand foraproduct ee 3 人 入 + em Pre re amarket price of$2, whatisthe quantity demanded (00. From the diagrams above, inihe market? (0. Suppose Alan and Betty have the following inverse demand curves and face the same marginal costcurve. 居=100-Qx pp 150-0.5Qs McC=0.5Q As in last question, we can sum the demands. So what is the ageregate demand curve? (ii0. With aprivate good, we can asume thateveryone pays the same priee Therefore, imacompetitive market whatisthe quantity and price atthe equilibrium? Whatisthe quantity Alan consumes? Whatisthe quantity Betty comsumes? 2 Explain whatis meantbyagood being "excludable” Explain whatis meantbya good being “rival in consumption” fsasliee ofpizzaexcludable? lsitrival im consumption? 3. Some economists argue that private fims will not undertake the efficientamount ofbasie scientific research. (0. Explain why this might be so. In youranswer classify basie research in one 9f the eategories showninFigure 1 (0. What sortofpolicy has the United States adopted in response to this problem? (ii.1tisoften argued thatthis policy inereases thetechnologicaleapability 9f American producers relative to thatofforeign fims. ls this argumenteonsistent
EeomomieslLQuiz2 With your classifieation ofbasie researeh in part 02 agnes人 HGuRE 1 汪計 3 ee co 曲際汪 比寢遇 1 3 au ee 莒AA see 貴司 bo es 凍 Pa 加交ee 同 es oter peopws me生 單一一和讓時一 pe Pre 4 Suppose you are atypical person in the U.S. eeonomy. You pay 4 pereentofyour ineome inastate income tax and 15.3 pereent ofyourlaboreamings in federal payroll taxes (employerand employee shares combined). You also pay federal ineome faxesasin Table 2. How much tax ofeach type do you pay ifyoueam $30,000ayear? Taking alltaxes into account what are your average and marginal tax rates? Whathappens to yourtax billand to youraverage and marginal fax rates 江your income rises to $60,000? cs he Feeeral laceme Tax Ratee 2014 From $0to $9.075 ee margnal ta rates 4 From $9,076to$36.900 Fm $36.901$89.350 From $89,351to$186.350 From $186,3514o$405,100 From $405,101 to $406.750 Fem$06,751andabow
Feonomies HL Quiz 2 Based on the above information,answer the following questions in detail. 人0 Amalyze these taxes using the prineiple ofhorizontalequity 1 Classify each tax as progressive, proportional orregressive. 交 Whichtax would you choose to finance cducation? Explain.


