

ep quiet、Stop maKing (B) make too much coffee is bad for your health. Drink (B) Drinking (0CDrinks (D) Drank -Tthe typhoon this Sunday, We Won'thave a DaTDGUI _Wwcome (B) coming (Cl comes (D came GOn Valentine'"s Day, many boys spend lots of money beatiful flowers to thelr glrlfrlendsS. (B) buying (C bought (D) to buying the speech competition (競賽) ,the parents are an the children. le most nerVOous (B) nervous (D) most nervous
nutes before the airplane at the ai poliee offieers around the building, (Bis going to Janmd i (D landed Mom doesnytlike Jennifer's boyfriend,。_? (does she (B) doesm't she does her (D doesn'ther )11L Kevin basketball with his friends every weekend- Wplay (B) was played (C)plays (D played 已 WhenIWwas Sleeping last night,Ifelt something my hand- (A) touches (B) touched (0 to touch (D) touching 四 3 Sandy shows her new bicycle to me __she bought 1ast Week- (A) what (B) who (0 which (D) whom Wopen 向 opening “_6@G mot opening (D) doesm't open 4 Paml: Ifeelalittle cold. Would you mind the WindoWw? and Jack like to play basketball, and (B) all ofthem (D both ofthem 4 lives 說
K 您 )18. BecausSe the exam 1S coming, Sandy has studied English (W betore two o'clock (B) at three o'clock G during the weekend (D) for three hours ( 心 )19 Eric: Who is the man in black pants Tim: He'Ss our new English teacher, (B) doesnt he (D) isnmt that 凡 (A) arenm't you (C isnmthe ! 則 )20 May: IthinkIam going to buy the red coat. Ttlooks Oe pertfect on me- John: Ifyou ,you Will spend alot. (A) buy (B) are going (Care (D do ( 和 )21 Cody had his homework before hs teacher came into the class. (AS finishes (8)tofinish (0 finish (D finishing ( )22. Computers have been an important part of ourlite the 20th century. (AS) after (B) in (0 during (D since )23. Betty and her friends lots of time for their summer vacation. (A) take ; to plan (B) spend ; ptanning co5t,; plJanning (D) spend ; to blan


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