

of frutt Orange said, In the fruit bowl we in bowl were different kinc 5 pr fruit ere, lm going to be orange juice.”“Yummy said another fru Apple,”What do you want to be? | ITdon'tknow,”sai iow, said Apple ithestill | everywhere. He tried to fimd the ansWwer bu A month later, Apple traveled licious, so im ede didnt know what to do,so he went backtothe frult bowl xcept hi New fruits came and went, but Apple stayed- He w ause all his friends were ack to the bowl for thel as too old to taSt loing great things e ast time there Were lots of oranges | ie ran away. He was sad be wever, with no place to go, he went b To his surprise, When he was on the table, all his friends were Apple. Orange saidt There enough and told me to go away s get to feed sick people They said sick hould we do now? asked What are you doing here?”asked ng to be juice. They said they had Grape said,“Only grapes without seed ple would choke,on.me,、 No,WaoJPIADDIEISWIEE Weyre all too old and don't taste nice anymorey said Orange sadly- Ihave an idea,”said Grape jrape led them across town to some llotments. They jumped up and down in front man. The man picked them up nicely and put them on a compost heap.- They saw ie other old fruits and vegetables here. They al sat around, told thei stories, and ther. they made the farm become better- )yed alovely time. T What is the main idea ofthe story? A) Everyone will find their own place. (B) People can help others fthey try hard (C) Taking atrip with old fi iends can be fum- an old and common (D) Young and new are better 也 in the reading? Who may work in allotn (A) Cooks- (B) Clerks. (C) Farmers (D) Shopkeepers. W from this reading? (A) Every fruit except Apple Was happy im和 (B) Apple leftthe bowl and took atrip tg (C) In the story, Grape does not have S (D)Apple didnt know what to do fio 32. What do we kmo


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

30題A選項應該是說每個人或物都會找到適合他們自己 的地方 就像文章裡面說的 蘋果 葡萄 香蕉他們最後適合 過得好的地方是在堆肥區


