

Me 9 ai ( 108 和May ivyes (AA) who 10Q, )T \B 站 晤 (估) WasS borh the Year ofthe ,which is the first animal sign ofthe Chinese zodiac. ( 同 區ukat BoGonyOx (0C)at; Doge (D) for Pig an aour ( 1128 介 abath when someone turned off the light. “ITwas scared and shouted for help. [101.基測 說AVaS takinp CCB)took (0C)am taking (D)had taken ore you two leave. (A)》 生 (介) the finlsh line in sight, winning was the only thing on her mind. (A) When (B) have been closing Because of (C)With (D)Thanks to )finish _(B)am 1 (2 the living room the bedrooms They all look very clean. (AA)Either: oneed cleaning (B)Notonly; but also; need to be cleaned (C)Neither; nor; need cleaning ( CA Exeept for: on ( D ) Both: and; need to clean 1 (已 )Joe me Several ttmes, and Tm always waltlng for a chance to ( A )cheats:; get os Wi (for: with married (B)has cheated; get even (C) would cheat: win first place (D)cheated: make it 110 人必 )When Dad home, Mom in the Study. (A) was getting; read (B)got: was )u cannot play both of reading (CC)had got; had read (D)gets; would read poth: and 則 7/0He told the doctor he acough for days.。 (A)hashad (B) would have (C )was )knew (B)have having (D)had had 118. (人 Annie knows fast food is not good for her health, she still eats it. [102.基測」 (A) 6.會考 ] Hit 1 “Although (GB eeanuse (C)If (D) When 119 (202)Arent you worried you'll pay for what you so far? (A)are doing (B 2)havebeen doing (C)had done (D) would do 人 0 》 ) the vet was checking the dog, her smartphone rang.。 (A)If (B)After 《C)Betfore ( D)When 全 AA daughter the house before it began to rain heavily.”How lucky She was! (人 和和 人 CA) 3計 Jeff 中ga BJtner' OT (By) ( (/)Our ClaSS wil山 W1InncTS. 有 Pete_ will be our class leader this time. eryone ln our class hopeS to vote for Not only:;: but also (CC)Both:and (D)Neither: nor “asSwlmmling racee for us, and the_ first Six the river will be fbhe CA)be held; crossing (B)hold: to cross (C)be held: to cross (D)hold;: crosslng on the left leg by ablig dog. (A)has bit (B)would be bitten (CD)Tom told the nurse that he (C )was beling bit (D )had been bitten ( C ) was entering (D )has been entering o任the bed、 (A ) was talkir entered (B)would enter pope When her So
104S 放)1 thoueaht my husband me alie, but it turmed out that he hadn't. That was very honestwf his face. N ) Inadtold (B)would tel G @ 生aSs been teling (和 ) (told 105S WU thestory many ttmes.。Sue; That's right.。“We have heard the story many 1 (By) noo nas told; telling(B )has told: told 己)has been told; tellling (D) has been told: told 1 1下 1人7 佳 敵 本 1106. (劑 心aming their twin ( 雙胞胎 ) babies them for weeks, but now they know to do. (A)have troubled: how (Bare 外GunOW (GOGO IS troubllng; what (D)has troubled; What 10暫 (已)fs IneSong atcGbristmas? (CA)isoften SUne (他 15 OfIenieuute GGC) WiehilS singlng (D)people often sine it es) am ( 1(, 生 Gi 一一 Pete will be our class leader this time. 弓veryone ln our clasSs hopes to vote for 入da. (人A)Either;:or (B)Not QJlSUDUtalSQO (GOO) BRoth: and GO Neilbetlnop leoSss CA who 1098 (/)Our ClaSsS wi asSwlmmlng race for us, and the first SiX the river Will be the Winners。 (AA)be held; crossing (B)hold; to cross (C)beheld; to cross (D )hold; crossing were marrlied 1JO 創說 )om told the nurse that he on te left leg by abig dog. (AA)hasbit (B)would be bitten (G)Wwas being bit (D)had been bitten feels like (PP ]]還Mi 和) Was born the Year of the , Which is the first animal sign ofthe Chinese zodiac. ( 品和點mt (JOnaGOx (GG 3) at Doge (D) for; Pie er (12 ( 7 abath when someone turned offthe light. Iwas scared and shouted for help. L 101.基測 中時 Aasltakino bltook GG ) am taking (0D)had taken (AA) |] 答A “the fmish line in sight, winning was the only thing on her mind. (A) When 《B2


