

計 二、文法選繹。(每題2分,共20分) $ moret (蕊) J The song was quite popular, but few people knew it was byalittle girl kange CA wrote (B) was written $ Wotne (CC written 0D had written 4 乜cho ( ) 2 Ourdad loves us as much as our Inom , 9 Zeus does loves (Gis 0D be Her ( 人 Sa _Neithermy sisternorI1 (togohiking th1s weekendq. 3 和 CA want (B) wants 說 (C) don't want WiD) doesn't want ( (2 4 The people are shouting that the artist must 一 “ (A) set free (B) have set free % 宙 (C) be set free (D) be setting free 和 ) 5 Iwas told themissing (失蹤的) girl by the police. (A) was finding (B) been found (C) be found (D) had been found 品 愉) 6 We will name our daughter Mia Molly. 《 We will;choose between these two names. 十: (A) both;,and 0) (Beitheryor 、 (G neither; nor (D) not only; but also (2 7 Jhaveno idea what the baby wants. Itseems he Wants neitherto sleepnor_ Tilk. | ! 還ee ( 0 & Heidihada Ma fine ajobimtbebig city ! 色 fmd- Joopic? 個beingfoune@,。 (Ofmding 0 (D tobe found (D 0) Noforlymy aunt bmt als0:my unele “athat company. 多Work 7 (Bhave Worked i 0OD) Works hey Si 及 to 蛻全 yo Out @f trouble____youasSk
且和 ng LT 必 AA Whattime will Jack and Chris be here? 畫 詣 They haveto work ]ate today. (A) Count them in, (B) Both ofthem will come, (O Either Jaek orChris wil cojme. (DyNeither jack norChris Willeome. 3 A: Kelly hasntbeen herselflately. 9: Maybe She's under great Stress; the singing contest is next week 色Are: you Teady to lend an ear? _(B) Will it affecther performance? sfhere anything bugglng her? yyShould she be responsible for it?


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

文法7.neither...nor... 動詞時態需一致,故選D
